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Міністерство освіти і науки, молоді та спорту України

Сумський державний університет

3218 Збірник вправ та завдань

для самостійної роботи

з дисципліни “Англійська мова”

для студентів спеціальності 7.110101 “Лікувальна справа”

денної форми навчання


Сумський державний університет


Збірник вправ та завдань для самостійної роботи з дисципліни “Англійська мова” / укладачі: І. М. Терлецька, Н. Г. Горобченко. – Суми : Сумський державний університет, 2012. – 63 с.

Кафедра іноземних мов

Contents the physiology of respiration Home Assignments 1

Task 1 Read the following words:

a) few, news, tissue, newspaper, hue, dew, stew, flew, grew, Tuesday, drew, true, clue, due;

b) June, revolution, solution, conclusion, truly, truth, delusion, delude, juice.

Task 2 Read and translate the following words:

a) Ukrainian, Indian, Siberian;

b) musician, politician, academician;

c) discontinue, disorganize, discover, discovery, disconnect, disconnection;

d) absorption, become, complete, conclusion, exchange, perform, explain, prevent, decrease, depend, amount.

Task 3 Memorize the following terms:

psychology, process, absorption, diffusion, phenomenon, phenomena.

Task 4 Learn the following words and word combinations:

observe – спостерігати; вивчати, слідкувати, стежити

investigate– досліджувати

isolate – відділяти

combine– об’єднувати

able – здатний

conclusion – висновок

draw a conclusion – робити висновки

accomplish– виконувати, закінчувати

exchange– обмін; обмінюватися

due – обумовлений

due to – завдяки

solution – розчин

salt – сіль

prove– доводити

transfer – передавати

enable – надавати можливість

Task 5 Read and translate the following words and word combinations:

1 Prove: to prove facts, to prove to smb that, he proved that he was right, he was able to prove that.

2 Conclusion: a right conclusion, in conclusion, to come to the conclusion that …, to draw a conclusion.

3 Accomplish: accomplishment, to accomplish the observation, the accomplishment of the respiratory process.

4 Due to: due to his illness, due to a high temperature, in due time, his bad condition was due to a high blood pressure.

5 Investigate: investigation, to accomplish the investigation, the investigation of the blood cells.

Task 6 Translate the following sentences, define the tense forms of the predicates:

1 The patient had restored his health by the end of September.

2 He had slept well before the surgeon came.

3 The male patient had had the grippe before he was admitted to the clinic.

4 The doctor had observed an unusual case of a mitral valve disease before he reported on it at the conference.

Task 7 Read the sentences paying attention to the translation of the object clauses. Compare the tense forms of the predicate in the main clause and subordinate clause:

he lived in Kyiv.мешкаєу Києві.

He said he had lived in Kyiv. Він казав, щомешкаву Києві.

(that) he would live in Kyiv.мешкатимеу Києві.

Task 8 Choose the sentences in which the actions in the main and subordinate clauses take place simultaneously. Translate these sentences:

1 The scientists determined that the rate of heartbeat increased because of different emotions.

2 The doctor said that he had examined the patient a day before.

3 The surgeon considered that the operation would be successful.

4 It was estimated that blood was a fluid tissue.

Task 9 Form the nouns from the verbs using the suffixes a) -ion

(-ation), b) -ment and translate the nouns in writing:

a) investigate, observe, combine, complete, isolate, found, conclude

b) accomplish, achieve, measure, establish, state, appoint

Task 10 Learn the following word combinations:

to be due to, to come to the conclusion, to prove to, in conclusion, due to, to report on smth, on the basis of smth, to work on the problem.

Task 11 Read the text. Find the international words and translate the sentences with them. Find the sentences in the Past Perfect Active and translate them. Say what you have learned from the fourth and fifth paragraphs.

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