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III. For questions 16-90 decide which answer best fits each space.

16 You know, she ______________ fond of drawing trees and flowers.

A is being

B is

C has been

17 It’s 12.30 and I __________ in the library since 10.00.

A sit

B have been sitting

C am sitting

18 Hurry up! Everybody _____________ for you.

A waits

B waiting

C is waiting

19 Alex ___________ acquainted with his friend two hours ago.

A had got

B got

C gets

20 I ___________ here for three days.

A am being

B was being

C have been

21 This time tomorrow I ______________ on the beach.

A am lying

B will be lying

C will lie

22 I didn’t hear the phone because I _____________ to the radio.

A listened

B had been listening

C was listening

23 When we got to the cinema the film ______________.

A almost finished

B was almost finished

C had almost finished

24 I think, he ____________ hockey until next year.

A don’t play

B won’t play

C aren’t going to play

25 – What are you doing on Friday evening?

I ______ my parents

A will see

B am seeing

C see

26 I ______________ science fiction, and my mind was full of strong images.

A has read

B had read

Chad been reading

27 Don’t worry. I _____________ in 5 minutes.

A come back

B will come back

C will have come back

28 Look at the time-table! The train ____________ in 2 minutes.

A is leaving

B leaves

C will leave

29 Leave me alone. I _____________ my favourite cartoon.

A watch

B am going to watch

C will watch

30 She _________ the papers for her boss by 5 p.m. tomorrow.

A is preparing

B prepares

C will have prepared

31 Don’t bother him. He _____________ this book since morning

A reads

B is reading

C has been reading

32 Nick ____________ his car last month.

A selled

B sold

C was sold

33 When mother _____________ home, the boys will be asleep.

A will come

B have come

C comes

34 Technology_____________ almost every part of your life today.

A touched

B touch

C touches

35 It ________ yesterday evening.

A hasn’t snow

B didn’t snow

C weren’t snowing

36 _______________ Einstein speak English when he went to live in the USA?

a) must b) could c) should d) can

37 You ____________ come if you don’t want to.

a)could not b)don’t have to c)don’t need d)are not

38 Mary feels she __________ swim every day to avoid health problems.

a)must b) could c)may d)has to

39 I think I ______________ play tennis better after a bit of practice.

a)can’t b) could c)will be able to d)can

40 Tom, _________________ ride your bicycle, please?

a)must I b) should I c)can I d) have I

41 Luckily Mark __________ to get the work done in time.

a)couldn’t b)hadn’t c)was able d)can

42 If Abraham Lincoln___________ so hard, he wouldn’t have become the symbol of America.

a)didn’t work b) wouldn’t have worked c)hadn’t worked d)worked

43 If he____________ cleverer, he’d be a doctor.

a)were b) will be c)is d)would be

44 ____________ you work harder if you were better paid.

a)will b)did c)can d) would

45 What’ll happen when the train _____________?

a)stop b) will stop c)stops d)stopped

46 I’d have made an omelette if there ______________ some eggs.

a) are b) will be c) were d) had been

47 She is ___________ person in the class.

A friendly B friendlier C the friendliest

48 I did the second exam _________ than the first.

A more good B best C better

49 The new machine was ______ as the old one.

A more reliable B as reliable C so reliable

50 Jack isn’t_______ in football as his brother is.

A interested B as interested C more interested

51 The sooner we leave,________ we’ll get there.

A sooner B the sooner C more sooner

52 The new information _______ by R and D department every month.

A is given B are given C was given

53 The fire in the research department______ by an electrical problem.

Aare caused B caused C was caused

54 Yesterday the workers _________ that they would get bigger salary.

A were told B told C was told

55 400 new houses ______ in this area by the end of the next year.

A was built B will be built C are being built

56 Look! That block of flats _________now, because it is not safe.

A pulled down B were pulled down C is being pulled down.

57 She’s working late next Friday, _____she can’t come to the party.

A and B so C but

58 My children don’t like tea _______they like milk.

A although B because C but

59 she's very nice, she doesn't have many friends.

A so B because C although

60 Kate and Mag like cats _______they like dogs.

A because B but C and

61_______ it started to rain, we didn’t stop playing tennis.

A but B because C although

62 It started to rain_________ the match was cancelled.

A because B that is why C but

63 We arrived _____________ the airport ten minutes late.

a) into b) at c) to d) in

64 I’ve got a meeting ______________ Thursday afternoon.

a) at b)in c) on d) to

65 You don't need this word. You should cross it.

a) down b) out c) over d) up

66 Tim wore sunglasses to protect his eyes ____________ the sun.

a) of b) before c) from d) to

67 Benjamin was proud _______________ himself for winning the prize.

a) in b) for c) of d) with

68 We could see the balloon high ________________the town.

a) above b) in c) onto d) up

69 I’m going on a business trip. I’ll be back _____________ a day or two.

a) at b) in c) on d) after

70 Do you promise to come? I depend ___________you to be here.

a) from b) at c) on d) for

71 The job is similar __________my old one.

a) with b )to c) as if d) as

72 Would you rather go home _____________ taxi?

a) in b) on c)by d) at

73 They’ve invited us ___________ their house for dinner

a) in b)at c) for d) to

74 Sydney in Australia is famous _______________ its Opera House.

a) for b) from c) with d) about

75 Cricket is quite different _________________ baseball.

a) than b) from c) with d) to

76 My parents live ________________ 42 London Road.

a) in b) at c) on d) of

77 Will you be _________________ home tomorrow afternoon.

a) in b) ) on c) at d) to

78 The railway closed down years ago, but there’s__________ a railway station here.

A still B already

79 He’ll be at work __________ half past five.

A by B until

80 I had never seen so ______________ bright stars in the sky.

A much B many

81 That poor dog looks _________ it never gets fed.

A as B as if

82 Rita hasn’t booked a holiday_____________.

A already B yet

83 Peter has two brothers, but he doesn't speak to ____________ of them.

a) any b) either

84 Try not to make any noise _______________ the baby is sleeping.

A during B while

85There was ____________ food in the fridge. It was nearly empty.

A a little B a few

87 He ___________ me that his sister had gone to Australia.

A told B said

86 Excuse me, can I ask you ___________ questions?

A a few B few

88 These tomatoes are not _____________ to eat them.

A ripe enough B rather ripe

89 It was ___________ a dull film that I fell asleep in front of the TV.

A so B such

90 We shall deliver the goods on the twenty-seventh, ___________ we promised.

A as B as if