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Irish History

  1. How is Ireland divided into?

  2. What is the capital of Ireland?

  3. What is the main city of Northern Ireland?

  4. What are other big cities in Northern Ireland?

  5. Did the Irish people change their religion after the 16th century?

  6. Why did the Irish people migrate to different places and where?

  7. What happened in 1840th?


  1. What is the population of Dublin?

  2. Where is it situated in?

  3. What is the atmosphere in Dublin?

  4. What architecture has it got?

  5. What is it famous for?

  6. What is the oldest cathedral in Dublin?

  7. When was Trinity College Founded?

  8. Has the cathedral got its own school?

  9. What is the biggest park in Europe? What is there in it?

  10. How many political parties are there in the Parliament?


  1. What kind of industry is there?

  2. What companies are there in Ireland?

Images of Ireland

  1. What is Ireland keen on?

  2. Is it a country where is time to relax and enjoy the life?

New York (The world’s capital of excitement)

Task 4. Answer the questions while watching these episodes:

  1. What is the nickname of New York City?

  2. How many residents live in the city?

  3. What areas is New York divided into?

  4. What is the area of Manhattan?

  5. What national concentrations are shown in the film?

  6. When was the United Nations organization founded?

  7. What is the purpose of its foundation?

  8. What is situated in Wall Street? When was Stock Exchange founded?

  9. What place Greenwich Village is? Who lives there?

  10. What is the Statue of Liberty made of?

  11. Where is Central Park situated?

  12. How long and wide is it?

  13. When was Central Park founded?

  14. What can you see on its territory?

  15. What sport do people prefer going in for in Central Park?

  16. What skyscrapers were built in New York?

  17. What is located in Rockefeller Centre?

  18. What famous museums are there in New York?

  19. What is Times Square famous for?

Test 1 The united kingdom of Great Britain and Northern ireland

1. What is the official name of the country whose language you study?

a. Great Britain b. England

c. the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

2. How many countries does the United Kingdom consist of?

a. four b. three c. two

3. What is the capital of Scotland?

a. Manchester b. Edinburgh c. Cardiff

4. What is the capital of Wales?

a. Edinburgh b. Cardiff c. Liverpool

5. What is the capital of Northern Ireland?

a. Cardiff b. Dublin c. Belfast

6. What is the state system of the United Kingdom?

  1. a constitutional monarchy

  2. a parliamentary republic

  3. a limited monarchy

7. What is the name of the British national flag?

a. the Union Jack b. the Saint Andrew's Cross

c. the Saint David's Cross

8. What chambers does the British Parliament consist of?

a. the Senat and the House of Representatives

b. the House of Lords and the House of Commons

c. the Cabinet of Ministers and the Shadow Cabinet

9. Who presides in the House of Lords?

a. the Lord Chancellor b. the Speaker

c. the Prime-Minister

10. Who presides in the House of Commons?

  1. the Lord Chancellor b. the Speaker

c. the Chancellor of the Exchequer

11. Where does the British Premier live and work?

  1. at 10 Downing Street

  2. in the Houses of Parliament

  3. in Buckingham Palace

12. What is the most important airport in Great Britain?

a. Heathrow Airport b. Gatwick Airport c. Stansted Airport

13. What is the main cathedral of the Anglican Church?

  1. St. Paul's Cathedral b. Canterbury Cathedral

c. Salisbury Cathedral

14. What is the official religion in the United Kingdom?

a. Catholicism b. Orthodoxy c. Protestantism

15. What is the school-leaving age in the United Kingdom?

a. 16 b. 13 c. 18

16. Further education comprises....

  1. comprehensive schools

  2. universities and colleges of higher education

  3. work-related courses and colleges that do not provide higher education

17. What universities have the highest academic reputation in the United Kingdom?

a. Oxford University and Cambridge University

b. London University and Bristol University

c. Red-brick universities

18. What is the first degree awarded by universities?

a. a doctor's degree b. a bachelor's degree

c. a master's degree

19. At a British university or college a tutor is....

  1. a person who examines students and gives them marks

  2. a person who has the highest rank of the teachers in a department and delivers lectures

  3. a member of a staff who teaches small groups of students and gives them help and advice

20. What are the best English resorts?

a. Bristol and Southampton b. Brighton and Bath

c. Leeds and Bradford

21. What is the London residence of Queen Elizabeth II?

a. the Tower of London b. Windsor Castle

c. Buckingham Palace

22. Where is Nelson's Column situated?

a. in Parliament Square b. in Trafalgar Square

c. in Piccadilly Circus

23. Where are British kings crowned?

a. in St. Paul's Cathedral b. in Westminster Abbey

c. in Canterbury Cathedral

24. Who was the architect of St. Paul's Cathedral in London?

  1. Sir Christopher Wren b. Edward Bailey

c. Henry Tate

25. The ravens are a famous sight of....

a. the Tower of London b. London Zoo

c. Covent Garden

26. Scottish surnames begin with....

a. O' b. Mac or Mc c. de

27. What is the Scottish national costume for men?

a. the tuxedo b. the bearskin c. the kilt

28. What lake does the famous Scottish monster live in?

a. Lough Erne b. Loch Lomond c. Loch Ness

29. What is the most famous sport event in Scotland?

a. the Highland Games

b. the Commonwealth Games

c. the Wimbledon Championship

30. What country is called a land of castles and princes?

a. England

b. Northern Ireland

c. Wales