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Авиационный английский

Тема 3 Other organizations

19. What other international civil aviation organizations do you know? (- IATA, ICAA, IFATCA, Eurocontrol).

IATA – 1945 – International Air Transport Association- the second in its importance organization after ICAO, uniting world airlines; activities – similar to those of ICAO.

ICAA – International Civil Airports Association - 1962 – the major airports association, aimed at developing airports; permits a constant exchange of experience, information and documentation

among airports and contacts between airport managements.

IFATCA – International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers’ Associations – 1963. Purpose: to enable the national associations to study and solve the problems for the development of ATC art and to create a better understanding among the controllers serving the international aviation.

Eurocontrol – 1963 – was created for better service of European airspace. Some European countries signed an agreement to organize common air traffic control in upper airspace.

1.Авиац. англ. Ч.1 стр.11-13.

2.Авиац. англ. Ч.2 стр.5-7

3.Robert O.Buck. pp. 4-5

4.Graham Duke p.2, p.96.

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