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5. Ash has just finished reading the letter from her friend, Sibel, who is working as an au pair in Manchester, England. Now her mother is asking her about the letter.

Hello Ash,

This is just a quick note to tell you briefly how I am. I'm having a wonderful time here. The family I'm working for are really kind and they've made me feel very welcome. They even let me use the car. Driving on the left seemed strange at first, but British drivers obey the rules more than we do in Turkey, so it's not too bad!

I enjoy the work, but the children wake up really earl y, so I have to, as well! Never mind, I have Saturday afternoon and all day Sunday off. One Sunday, the family took me to York. What a beautiful city! I'll send you some photos when I write again.

Sorry this is so short I'll write a proper letter soon.

Love from


a) Now complete Ash's parts in the dialogue using Sibel's statements from the letter. Note that the form of the reporting verb is present.

Mother: Is she enjoying herself?

Ash: Oh, yes. She says (1) she is having a wonderful time there.

Mother: What about the family? What are they like?

Ash: Well, she says that (2) ______________________________________

Mother: The car? Isn't she afraid of driving over there?

Ash: Apparently not. She says that (3) ____________________________

Mother: Oh, good. Has she mentioned the children? Are they nice?

Ash: She hasn't actually said what they are like. (4) She only says that _____

Mother: What, every day?

Ash: No, she tells me that (5) _____________________________________

Mother: Oh, I suppose she can do a bit of sightseeing then?

Ash: Yes. In fact she says (6) ___________________________________

Mother: Really? That was nice of them. I've heard it's a beautiful city.

Ash: Yes, Sibel thinks so. She's promised that (7) ________________________

Mother: Lovely. What else has she written?

Ash: Nothing really. She just says (8) ___________________________________

Mother: Oh well! I'm glad she's happy.

b) A few weeks later, Ash met a friend, who knows Sibel. Now, she's telling her about Sibel. Complete the passage using the information in Sibel's letter. Note that the reporting verb is in the past.

A few weeks ago, I received a letter from Sibel. She said that (1) __________, although there is one problem. She told me that (2) _________________! It must be a real shock for her. You know she never used to get out of bed until lunchtime! But her worries about the family were unnecessary. She said (3)_______________. So, apparently all those stories about the English being cold aren't true! And the family seem quite generous, too. Sibel said (4) ______________________ . Can you imagine her driving in England? But she told me that (5) ____________________. I suppose she'll have to learn the rules herself now? I think she'll have enough time to do things for herself. She told me that (6) __________________, so it's not all work. She said (7) _________________________. Both Sibel and my mother said (8)________________. And Sibel promised that (9)___________________, so when they arrive, I'll call you so that you can look at them, too. I hope we won't have to wait too long. She also promised that (10)____________________. But you know Sibel. She's a terrible letter-writer!

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