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mental disorder – психическое расстройство

diagnostic criteria- диагностический критерий


I. Answer the following questions.

1. What can you say about diagnostic criteria for mental disorders?

2. What Anxiety Disorders can you name?

3. How can we name overeating?

4. What can we say about Mood Disorders?

5. How can we describe Personality Disorders?

II. Make a classification of Mental Disorders in your exercise-book.

III. . Translate the following sentences into Russian.

1. Every science has a greater need for classification system of components.

2. This book is considered the “bible” for any professional in psychology.

3. There is a great difference between anxiety and fear.

4. Eating disorders include anorexia nervosa (self imposed starvation) and bulimia nervosa (binge eating and dieting).

5. Substance Related Disorders include alcohol dependence, cocaine dependence, nicotine dependence, seductive dependence.

IV. Transcribe the following words.

manipulative……………………… impulsive……………………….

cyclothymic…………………….. obsessive- compulsive………………

anorexia nervosa………………. dysthymic…………………………….

V. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Переедание или слишком малое принятие пищи – очень опасные симптомы.

2. Постоянная тревожность разрушает жизнь человека.

3. Перепады настроения существенно влияют на работу и общение.

4. Подозрительность и агрессивность портят и осложняют жизнь.

5. Классификация психических рассройств была принята в США в 1952.

Text 6 Memory

If you do not use your legs for some time, they become weak; when you start using them again, they slowly become strong again. Everybody knows this, and nobody would think of questioning this fact. Yet there are many people who do not seem to know that the memory works in the same way. When someone says that he has a good memory, he really means that he keeps his memory in practice by exercising it regularly, either consciously or unconsciously. When someone else says that his memory is poor, he really mans that he does not give it enough opportunity to become strong. The position is exactly the same as that of two people, one of whom exercises his arms and legs by playing tennis, while the other sits in a chair or a motor car all day.

If a friend complains that his arms are weak, we know that it is his own fault. But if he tells us that he has a poor memory, many of us think his parents are to blame, or that he is just unlucky, and few of us realize that it is just as much his own fault as if it was his arms and legs that were weak. Not all of us can become extremely strong or extremely clever; but all of us can, if we have ordinary bodies and brains, improve our strength and our memory by the same means-practice.

Have you ever noticed that people who cannot read or write usually have better memories than those who can? Why is this? Of course, because those who cannot read or write have to remember things: they cannot write them down in a little notebook. They have to remember dates, times, and prices, names, songs and stories; so their memory is the whole time being exercised. So if you want a good memory, learn … to practice remembering.

(Hill L.A., Fielden R.D.S. Further Comprehension and Precis Pieces for Overseas Students, p74).


do not seem to know- по-видимому, не знают

his parents are to blame- нужно винить его родителей

just as much his own fault- в той же мере его собственная вина

is … being exercised- тренируется


to blame-винить

brain- мозги

to complain- жаловаться

to exercise- тренироваться, упражняться

to improve-улучшать, усовершенствовать

to notice-замечать


to practice- практиковаться


either consciously or unconsciously- сознательно или бессознательно

one’s own fault- чья-то собственная вина


I. Answer the following questions?

1. Have you ever thought about the quality of your own memory?

2. Why is it necessary to give it enough exercise?

3. What useful means of training one’s memory could you suggest?

4. Is it important to have a good memory?

5. What sort of information do you remember better^ names, numbers, dates, times?

II. Find synonyms .

a) 1. to memorize, to notice, to doubt, to improve; 2. to better, to disbelieve, to learn, to observe;

b) 1. strong, clever, weak, poor, lucky; 2. intelligent, bad, happy, powerful, strengthless.

III. Translate from English into Russian.

1. If memory is to improve, it must be exercised daily.

2. If the students are to get a good education they must read widely on various subjects.

3. If we are to become stronger, we must have a lot of exercise.

4. Memory, like body, must be exercised daily.

5. It was not possible to solve a new problem by the same means.

IV. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Люди, которые жалуются на плохую память, не всегда понимают, что они сами в этом виноваты.

2. Дети должны много учить наизусть, если мы хотим, чтобы у них развивалась память.

3. Некоторые люди сознательно тренируют свою память, запоминая даты, числа и тому подобное.

4. Обучаясь иностранному языку, очень важно иметь хорошую память.

5. Запомнить лекцию, не записывая ее,- прекрасное упражнение для памяти.

V. Discuss in groups.

1. What do you think is the best method of learning?

a) memorizing texts, facts, dates …

b) creative thinking (logical reasoning) without committing things to memory …

c) a combination of both/

2. How do you practice your memory? Do you have to reread the text several times or repeat it silently to remember it?

3. In what field of human activity do you think a good memory is most useful? (in arts, theatre, teaching, science, cinema, book –keeeping).



The fascination of dreams has been felt by all people at every stage of human history. In primitive societies it is sometimes believed that the soul takes leave of the body during sleep and actually visits the scenes of the dream. In general, however, the view that dreams are illusory experiences is universally accepted.

To the psychologist, the dream is a form of natural expression which occurs only when the activity of the brain is depressed by sleep or by the influence of anaesthetics or drugs. It has much in common with the fantasies and day-dreams of waking life and differs from them mainly in being expressed in a dramatic form in which the dreamer himself appears to play a part. When dreaming, moreover, one tends to believe in the “reality” of the dream world, however inconsistent, or illogical it may be. It is only when one awakes that happenings of the dream dissolving into a half-forgotten fantasy.

The sense of time is often said to be greatly altered in dreams. There is some evidence that dream happenings which seem to occupy a very considerable time occur, in fact, within a few seconds.

People differ very much in the frequency of their dreams. Some claim to dream every night, others but very occasionally. Although it is probable that there exist real individual differences in the capability to dream, it must be borne in mind that some people appear to forget their dreams much more rapidly than others and are therefore apt to claim that they seldom dream.

Many superstitions and occult practices have been built round the supposed power of dreams foretell the future. Instances of dreams which have later turned out to be “prophetic” have often been recorded.

Do animals dream? Unfortunately we cannot be sure of the answer. Everyone knows that a sleeping dog often behaves as though he were dreaming, but it is impossible to tell whether it is really dreaming. By analogy with human experience, however, it is reasonable to suppose that at least the higher animals are capable of dreaming.

(Mozaika Angielska. 1965 №5, pp.6-7// Reprint from: The Home /Editors L.E. walt and R. Sinclair).


the fascination of dreams – очарование снов

soul and body- душа и тело

to have much in common -


I. Answer the following questions?

1. How often do you dream?

2. Do you generally dream at the beginning or at the end of your sleep?

3. Do you often forget your dreams?

4. Why do we remember some of our dreams for a long time?

5. Do you like your dreams?

II. Translate the following phrases into Russian


An influential person, frequent occurrences, analogous experiences, primitive superstitions, a sensible argument, a considerable influence, occult powers, the utilization of knowledge.

III. Fill the gapes.

1…. is an idea or practice based on belief in magic or the like, irrational fear of what is unknown or mysterious.

2. …means secret; only for those with more than ordinary knowledge; supernatural, magical.

3. …a) person, who teachers religion and claims that his teaching comes to him directly from God;

b) teacher of a new theory, cause etc. William Morris was one of the …. of the early socialism;

c) person who tells, or claims to tell what will happen in the future.

IV. Translate from English into Russian.

1. People usually have their most vivid dreams during a personal crisis.

2. External influences can change one’s dreams while one is actually dreaming.

3. Freud, the famous psychologist, considered that dreams were messages from the dreamer’s subconscious self.

4. Yung, one of Freud’s students, believed that it was impossible for a psychiatrist to understand a stranger’s dream.

5. A lot of research is being done into dream today.

V. Translate from Russian into English

1. Люди обычно быстро забывают свои сны.

2. Следует помнить, что сновидения - это очень сложное явление человеческой психики.

3. Изучая психику животных, можно предположить, что они способны к сновидениям.

4. Известно, что люди видят разные сны.

5. Раньше считалось, что пророки могут предсказывать будущее.



Occasional solitude is absolutely necessary for a developing mind. To have time to think is rare in the world today and time must be made. To continue living working without moments of solitude is like expecting a machine to work indefinitely without oil.

Solitude is the best society for artists. The creation of any form of beauty depends upon the state of a man's mind, whether the person writes something or paints something. To know one's mind is a thing achieved only by solitude and quiet thinking. And it is this peace that is the force of creation.

But few people like being alone for a long time. The close society of acquaintances and friends, doing useless things to pass the time. These are the necessities of the modern world. People are afraid of having time to think, so they go to the cinema, the television set, or a football match, because they can think of nothing better to do. Creative work is fast disappearing; instead, we'll have a generation of watchers and thought will be left to the poets and scientists.

Some people wouldn't know what to do being alone at times. Finding other people's company preferable to their own, they begin to feel unhappy and grow introspective. Self-analysis can be carried too far by some; others lose the art of conversation, and ability to give and take and so run indefinitely without oil...

But to the rest of us solitude brings new worlds. When we think and feel, unwatched by man, ideas and feelings come to us, and we get new strength instead of becoming

lost in a hurrying world. Ideas and knowledge of oneself that come from peace are the best things in life; these come only from solitude — occasional solitude, of course [Lapidus B. A., Neusihina M. M., Sheidina I. L. More English through Practice. E 300 - 301].


Some people wouldn't know...— Некоторые люди не знают...

I. Answer the following questions.

1. Have you ever thought that you do not have enough solitude?

2. Do you think that moments of solitude may be necessary only for creative workers?

3. What kind of society would you like to be in when you feel happy (unhappy or discontented)?

4. Are there times when it is very difficult for you to stay alone?

5. What does the art of living among other people consist in?

II. Make the nouns (e. g. active — activity) and translate them.

passive, general, particular, familiar, special, relative, cre­ative, sensitive, regular.

III. Describe a person’s character using these adjectives.

warm, friendly, enthusiastic, outgoing, easy to please; quick to show appreciation, a fascinating talker, an even better listener, you feel comfortable with yourself and therefore with everyone else you have a passionate interest in experiencing, in living, in relating to people.

IV. Take part in tests.

By means of these questionnaires [kwestja'nesz] find out more about yourself and your acquaintances.

A. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

1. You are invited to a party. What is your reaction?

a) Good! I hope I meet some new people.

b) I don't want to go. Nobody spoke to me at the last party I went to.

c) I love parties. I like being the centre of attention.

2. You are at the party. Everyone is telling jokes.

a) You have dozens of jokes to tell.

b) You manage to remember a couple of jokes.

c) You can't think of a single joke to tell.

3. You realize that you have nothing planned for Saturday night.

a) You are frantic. You ring up some friends and arrange an outing to the cinema.

b) You think, "It's time I had an evening in".

c) You think, "It's a good chance to read more of my new library book".

4. Do you take risks?

a) Sometimes.

b) Never.

c) Often.

5. You are asked to help organize a class excursion:

a) You accept willingly. You are sure that you can organ­ize things well.

b) You hesitate for a moment and then accept.

c) You are terrified. You refuse.

6. How do you spend most of your leisure time?

a) By yourself. *

b) With one or two friends.

c) With a group.

7. Do you ever think about the meaning of life?

a) Sometimes.

b) Often.

c) Never. I'm too busy living.

8. Do you find it easy to make decisions?

a) It depends.

b) It is always easy to decide.

c) I can never make up my mind.

9. You have a new boy-friend I girl-friend. Your friends tease you about him/her and make jokes.

a) You don't mind at all.

b) You smile. You don't mind being teased.

c) You are embarrassed. You don't like people making fun of you.

10. Somebody in your class is saying horrible things about you. a) You get worried about it.

b) You don't care what they say.

c) You begin saying horrible things about them.

1. а) —3 b) —1 с) —5

2.а) —5 b) —3 с) —1

3. а) —5 b) —3 с) —1

4. а) —3 b) —1 с) —5

5. а) — 5 b) — 3 с) —1

6.а) —1 b) —3 с) —5

7. а) — 3 b) —1 с) —5

8. а) — 3 b) — 5 с) —1

9. а) —5 b) —3 с) —1

10. а) —1 b) —5 с) —3

3560points: You are a true extrovert. You enjoy being in a group. You have lots of self-confidence. You are an active practical person, and you are outward-looking. You enjoy making decisions and taking risks. But be careful, don't be too much sure of yourself. Remember that you can hurt sen­sitive people by your lack of understanding.

26 34points: Like many people, the outside world is as important to you as your own inner world. You are sometimes in between the extrovert and the introvert, and you can have the good qualities of both. But be careful that you haven't all the bad qualities!

10 25points: You are a true introvert. Your inner world of dreams and ideals is more important than the external world. You are not realistic and practical. You do not like show­ing your feelings to other people, in case they hurt you. Use your sensitivity to appreciate beautiful things and un­derstand other people's feelings [текст составлен по: Mozaika. 1973. N 2. E 10].

В.Are you a sociable person?

Questions and answers.

When your friends get together you can play this game. Everybody will like it.

Task 1

Everybody must answer these questions. The answers should be either "yes" or "no".

1. Has any of your friends ever deceived you?

2. Do you think you know people well?

3. Do you prefer to travel alone?

4. Do you like to meet other people often?

5. Do you know all the people who live in your house?

Task 2

What statements, in your opinion, are correct:

1. Friends cannot be substituted by either music, or arts, or films, or poetry, or sports and games.

2. Even your friend will leave you in trouble.

3. First think of your friend and then of yourself.

4. You should not demand of your friends too much.

5. The more friends you have, the better.


Of these seven good features select two which you would like to see in your friend. You'd like your friend to be:

1. sincere 5. intelligent

2. devoted 6. modest

3. resourceful 7. interesting

4. beautiful (handsome)

Now that you've fulfilled all the tasks, check the result:

Task3 sincere — 30 devoted — 40 resourceful —10 beautiful (handsome) — 6 intelligent — 8 modest— 15 interesting — 5

If your score is less than 140 points you are not sociable. It is not because you yourself can't make a good friend. It's rather because you do not believe that there is real friendship. Learn to trust people.

A score of 141 to 180 points shows that you know people well and make friends easily. You have good friends you can rely on, and you yourself never let your friends down.

A score of over 181 points gives you a full right to say, "Well, friends? I have quite a lot. I hardly know how many I have". "But are they your real friends? Of course you make friends quite easily, but you can as easily hurt their feelings and lose them" [текст взят из кн.: Read and Speak. M., 1976. E 157 - 158, 182].

Task 1



Task 2


































1. Read the following text without dictionary and be ready to define the subject- matter (предмет исследования) of psychology.

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