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Henry Ford and Mass Production

Vocabulary to be remembered.

Court – суд

Initial – начальный

Efficiency – эффективность

Sturdy – крепкий

Affordable – возможный

Improve – улучшать (ся)

A two-cylinder motor – двигатель с двумя цилиндрами

Windshield – лобовое стекло

Minor – незначительный

lb –( сокр. от pound) фунт

Make up the dialogue using the words from the vocabulary.

Several small automobile manufacturers were making cars in the early 1900s, but American Henry Ford helped popularize the idea that anyone could own a car. Ford successfully challenged the Selden patent in court, opening the door for increased automobile manufacturing. Ford achieved initial success by making cars in large quantities to reduce costs and by making them simple enough so many consumers could easily operate them. Ford standardized parts and reorganized factory production to maximize efficiency. Ford made the sturdy, black Model T using mass production, the most economical way to make the maximum number of similar copies of the car. He understood that efficient mass production would lower car prices, making cars affordable for the average person, thus generating a huge market. From 1910 to 1924, Ford cars decreased steadily in price as they improved in quality. The Ford Model F in 1904 weighed 630 kg (1,400 lb), had a two-cylinder motor, and sold for $1,200. By 1924 the Ford Model T touring car was heavier at 680 kg

(1,500 lb), had a more powerful four-cylinder motor, and included a top and windshield—yet it sold for only $290. Ford made only minor changes to the Model T for nearly two decades, and more than half of the cars sold in the United States were Model Ts during many of those years.

Retell the text.

Unit II

Power System

Vocabulary to be remembered

diesel fuel-дизельное топливо

solar energy-солнечная энергия

ignition key-ключ зажигания


starter motor-стартер двигателя

flywheel-маховое колесо

crankshaft -коленчатый вал


cast iron – чугун

rod – тяга, шток, рычаг, (connecting rod – шатун)

spark plug-свеча зажигания

combust-воспламеняться, гореть

hot expanding gases - горячие расширяющиеся газы


via- через


camshaft –распределительный вал,

torque – вращающий момент

gear wheel - зубчатое колесо, ЗК; шестерня

Use these words and word combinations in the sentences of your own making up a dialogue.

Read the text and retell the information given.

Gasoline internal-combustion engines power most automobiles, but some engines use diesel fuel, electricity, natural gas, solar energy, or fuels derived from methanol (wood alcohol) and ethanol (grain alcohol). Most gasoline

engines work in the following way: Turning the ignition key operates a switch that sends electricity from a battery to a starter motor. The starter motor turns a disk known as a flywheel, which in turn causes the engine’s crankshaft to revolve. The rotating crankshaft causes pistons, which are solid cylinders that fit snugly inside the engine’s hollow cylinders, to move up and down. Fuel-injection systems or, in older cars, a carburetor deliver fuel vapor from the gas tank to the engine cylinders. The pistons compress the vapor inside the cylinders. An electric current flows through a spark plug to ignite the vapor. The fuel mixture explodes, or combusts, creating hot expanding gases that push the pistons down the cylinders and cause the crankshaft to rotate. The crankshaft is now rotating via the up-and-down motion of the pistons, permitting the starter motor to disengage from the flywheel.

Try to translate the following words and word combinations

  • engine block

  • cylinder head

  • valves

  • bolt

  • aluminum alloy

  • combustion chamber

  • connecting rod

  • bearings

  • of revolutions per minute

  • lobe

(камера сгорания, блок цилиндра, кулачок, крышка цилиндра, оборотов в минуту, клапаны, крепиться, подшипники, соединительная тяга, алюминиевый сплав.)