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what they like or don't like in order to know where your company's product could be better.

Third, once you understand your customer's needs, you have to enjoy thinking through how this product can make work more in­ teresting.

These first three points are related. Success comes from under­ standing and caring deeply about your products, your technology and your customers' needs.

Fourth, you as an individual employee should develop your own skills and those of the people you work with. If maximizing your next bonus^ or salary increase is all that motivates you, you are likely to lose an opportunity to benefit from teamwork^ that creates success in the long term.

Fifth, you need to have specialized knowledge or skills while maintaining a broad perspective. Big companies, in particular, need employees who can leam specialties^ quickly, so a willingness to learn is critical.

Sixth, you have to be flexible enough to take advantage of op­ portunities that can give you perspective. At Microsoft Co., they try to offer a person lots of different jobs in the course of a career. Anyone interested in joining management is encouraged (поощ­ рять) to work in different customer units, even if it means moving within the organization or relocating to a different part of the world. Microsoft Co. has many employees working for their US subsidiaries in other countries. This helps them better understand world markets.

Seventh, a good employee will want to leam the economics of the business. Why does the company do what it does? What are its business models? How does it make money? And a company, in turn, should educate its employees in the fundamental financial re­ alities of its industry.

Eighth, you must focus on competitors, i.e., you must think about what is going on in the marketplace. What are your com­ pany's competitors doing that is smart^? What can we leam from them? How can we avoid their mistakes?

Ninth, you've got to use your head. Analyze problems to under­ stand the implications (скрытый смысл, последствия) of poten­ tial tradeoffs^ of all kinds, including the tradeoff between acting sooner with less information and later with more. Use your head in practical ways. Prioritize your time effectively.


cash [kaej] п наличные деньги
заказчик, клиент
customer ['kASteme] п покупатель,
curiosity [,kju9ri'ositi] л любопыт­
card [ka:d] n карточка; identity
удостоверение личности; credit
кредитная карточка; smart мно­ ство, любознательность гофункциональная платежная currency Гклгэпз!] п валюта
карточка, чиповая карточка
тивный, групповой
contract ['kontraekt] v заключать договор, сделку, соглашение corporate ['ко:pent] а корпора­
buyer ['baie] n покупатель

Finally, don't fail to see the obvious essentials, such as being honest, ethical^ and hard working. These attributes are critical and go without saying.

Notes to the Text

1.strong desire to learn / know about smth.

2.addition to usual payment

3.combined effort

4.special activities, operations, products, etc.

5.skillful, clever (=quick in learning and understanding things)

6.compromise, compromising decision, choice

7.of moral principles




challenge ['^aelinc^] п сложная за­

annum ~ per annum [per'aenem] в

дача; проблема; v ставить задачу,


сталкиваться с трудностями

asset ['aeset] n имущество; активы challenging а сложный, многообе­


щающий, перспективный

charge [^а:С^] v назначать, запра­



шивать цену; взимать плату

cheque [^ек] п чек


balance ['baelens] n account ~ ба­


coin [кэш] п монета


ланс счета

coinage ['koinic^] п монетная сис­

belief [bi'li:f] n вера; мнение, убе­

тема; чеканка монет




['komes] п

bid [bid] n предложение цены (на

(оптовая); коммерция

п конку­




bidding ['bidir\] n предложение

рент; участник рынка



compile [kem'paii] v составлять

bill [bil] n счет, расходы

(бюджет); собирать материалы,




bonus ['beunes] n премия, возна­



consumer [ken'sju.me] п потреби­









holder ['haulde] п владелец; credit

demand [di'ma:nd] n спрос

card владелец кредитной кар­


distribution [,distri'bju:j8n] n сбыт,



diverse [daiVeis] a различный, разнообразный

division [diVi39n] n подразделение

earn [э:п] v зарабатывать

emergency [I'meicfcensi] n чрезвы­ чайные обстоятельства

employee [,emploi'i] n служащий; рабочий; работающий по найму

empower [im'paue] v давать право, возможность

encourage [т'клпс^] v поощрять enterprising ['ent9praizir\] а пред­ приимчивый

ethical ['eGikel] а нравственный, этичный

expenditure [iks'pendi^e] п расхо­ ды, затраты

expense [iks'pens] п расходы, из­ держки; at the - of за счет extraordinary [iks'tro:dnri] а не­ обычный, чрезвычайный

income ['шклт] п доход insurance [in'Juerens] п страхова­ ние

interest ['intrist] п процент intranet [in'traenet] п внутренняя связь

inventory ['inventri] п инвентари­ зация; наличные товары (запасы) investment [investment] п капита­ ловложение, инвестиция, вклад invest V вкладывать, делать инве­ стиции

issue ['iju:]['isju] v выпускать в обращение

key [kj:] v нажимать кнопку; -in набирать

limit [limit] п credit предель­ ный размер кредита

loan [laun] п заем, ссуда

logistics [Ieu'd5istiks] п логистика

fee [fi:] п вознаграждение, гоно­




рар; взнос, сбор



maintain [mein'tein] v сохранять,












manage ['maenicfe] v управлять, ру­

funds [fAndz] п средства, фонды







деньгами, управлять финансами





market ['mo:kit] п рынок, сбыт,

gain [gem] v получать, приобре­






п торговля;

тать, добиться



предметы торговли; сбыт, прода­











memo ['miimeu] п меморандум;




служебная записка, памятная за­

иметь дело с











return [ri49:n] п возврат оборота,

network ['netwe:k] n сеть


прибыль; tax


налоговая декла­

number ['плгпЬэ] n personal iden­





















salary ['sael9ri] п зарплата (служа­
















order ['o:d9] n заказ; распоряже-

sales [seilz] п продажа, реализа­





ция, сбыт;

representative агент



n наклад­

по продаже;


target намеченная

ные расходы



цифра; цель; количество продаж



salesman п коммивояжер









save [seiv] v экономить, сберегать

pace [peis] n скорость, темп


saving п экономия




savings п сбережения


package ['paekicfe] n пакет;

seller ['sel9] п продавец


services пакет услуг



share [Js9] п доля, часть; участие;

payment Tpeiment] n оплата, пла­

акция; market

долевое участие

тежи, выплата



на рынке в процентах



[,рэ:5э'пе1] n персонал,

specialty ['spej9lti] п особенность,








price [prais] n цена; retail





ничная цена; wholesale


staff [stoif] п состав {служащих);





штат, персонал



productivity [,prodAk'tiviti] n про­

state [steit] v заявлять, сообщать









[pre'fijent] a опытный,












streamline ['striimlain] v ускорять,

profit ['profit] n прибыль, доход



п филиал;

promotion [pre'meujen] Ai содейст­ subsidiary


вие в продаже; продвижение, по­


подконтрольная ком­

вышение в должности










prosper ['prospe] V преуспевать

supply [S9'plai] п снабжение, по­

purchase ['p9:^9s] п покупка; v




demand спрос и














supplier [S9'plai9] п поставщик

raise [reiz] v поднимать; п повы­

teller [Че1э]

п кассир,






relief [ri1i:f] п помощь; пособие;

^ machine банкомат



скидки (с налога)



tense [tens] а напряженный

respond [ris'pond] v отвечать, реа­

thrive [Graiv] (throve, thriven) v





процветать, преуспевать

retrieve [ri4ri:v] v отыскать




n все количе­

формацию)\ вернуть, восстановить ство, вся сумма целиком


tradeoff ['treidefl n сравнительная



оценка; принятие компромисс­

wages ['weic^ez] п


ных решений


плата (рабочих)


transaction [traen'zaekjen] п дело,


warehouse ['w&ahaus] п склад; v

сделка, операция (торговая, бан­

помещать на склад,

хранить на





turnover ['te.n^euve] п оборот, то­


warehousing п складское хозяйст­



во, складирование




withdraw [wiU'dro:] v изымать из


банкомата; забирать

деньги из

unit rju:nit] п единица;




account расчетная денежная еди­ ница

yield [ji:ld] п процентный доход

value [Vaelju:] п стоимость, цена vital [Vaitl] а жизненно важный, крайне необходимый




Text 1

Что Вы понимаете под словом «закон»? Прочитайте и переведите текст.

What Is Law?

The word «law» refers to limits upon various forms of behav­ iour. In all societies, relations between people are regulated by pre­ scriptive laws, laws which prescribe how people ought to behave. For example, the speed limits are laws that prescribe how fast driv­ ers should drive. Some of such laws are customs, that is, informal rules of social and moral behaviour. And some of them are precise laws made by individual nations, governments and enforced against all citizens within their power.

The puфose of government-made laws is social control (with­ out laws there would be anarchy in society) and the implementa­ tion ofjustice. Sometimes laws are simply an attempt to implement common sense. It is obvious to most people that dangerous driving should be punished. But in order to be enforced, common sense needs to be defined in law.

The laws made by the government of one country are often very different from the laws of another country. But the law today is, to a large extent, a complex of different and relatively inde­ pendent national systems. Despite major revisions over the centu­ ries, the legal system of England and Wales is one of the oldest still operating in the modern world. English law has directly influ­ enced the law of former British colonies such as Australia, India, Canada and the nation where law plays a bigger part in everyday life than anywhere else, the United States. In addition, although the legal systems of Western Europe and Japan come from rather different traditions, there are enough similarities in principle and institution.

Each country in the world, even each state of the United States, has its own system of law. But it should be said that there are two main traditions of law in the world. One is based on English Com­ mon Law, and has been adopted by many Commonwealth coun­ tries and most of the United States. The other tradition, sometimes known as Continental, or Roman law, has developed in most of


continental Europe, Latin America and Africa which have been strongly influenced by Europe. Continental law has also influenced Japan's legal system. In these countries Continental systems have resulted from attempts by governments to produce a set of precise, detailed codes to govern every legal aspect of a citizen's life.

Text 2

Какие слова и термины из области правопорядка и преступлений Вы знаете? Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Law, Order, Crime

When somebody brealLS the law and does something against the law the police must investigate who is responsible for a crime. If they find the person who committed the crime, they arrest him or her. At the police station the person is questioned and charged with the crime. He must then be sent to court for trial.

The person charged with the crime is now called the defendant or accused. In court, he must try to prove that he is innocent. The jury listens to all the evidence for and against the defendant and then makes their decision.

If the jury decides that the defendant is guilty, the judge will give the sentence. For example, if a person is convicted of murder, the sentence will be many years in prison. The person then becomes a prisoner and the place he lives in is called a cell. For minor of­ fences (that is, crime that is not serious, e.g. illegal parking), the punishment is usually a fine. To fight crime the courts now give tougher punishments for crimes committed than in the past (e.g. bigger fines or longer prison sentences). There is capital punish­ ment (death by electric chair or hanging) for some crimes. If a per­ son convicted of a crime is put on probation, instead of punishment, he must behave well for a period of 1-3 years. If he is convicted of another crime while on probation, he will also be pun­ ished for the original crime. Suspended sentence^ is a prison sen­ tence of less than two years which does not take effect unless the convicted person commits another crime during the period speci­ fied by the court. Corporal punishment consists of causing a person to physical pain, e.g. by whipping. A community service order^ is a court order to a person convicted of a crime to do a certain number of hours of work without pay in the local community instead of an­ other form of punishment.

Common offences like theft, robbery, burglary, shoplifting; more serious offences such as murder, manslaughter and rape, crimes against public morals, pollution and traffic offences are aris-


ing every day in the courts. Thief, robber, burglar, shoplifter, mur­ derer, rapist are criminals.

People who defend criminals and present evidence are called barristers (lawyers) or attorneys (in Am Eng).

Notes to the Text

1.Suspended sentence — отсрочка исполнения приговора или наказания

2.community service order — направление на общественные работы

Упражнение 1. Поставьте следующие события в правильной последова­ тельности.

1.You are convicted of an offence.

2.You are sentenced to punishment for an offence.

3.You are tried for an offence.

4.You are suspected of an offence.

5.You plead guilty or not guilty to an offence at the trial.

6.You are arrested for an offence.

7.You are accused of an offence (You are charged with an of­ fence).

Упражнение 2. Заполните пропуски.

1. The ... must decide if the accused is innocent or... 2. The po­ lice were sure the man was a ... , but it would be difficult to ... it in court. 3. Two months later the defendant was sent to court for ...

4, If the accused is convicted of rape, the ... may be at least ten years in ... 5.... defend people and present... 6. If you park your car illegally, you will have to pay a ... 7. In Britain it is ... the law to drive a motor vehicle without insurance. 8. Fortunately, it was only a minor ... and we were not taken to the police station. 9. The ...

sentences people. 10. I have never ... the law and ... a crime. 11. Police are allowed to stop anyone in the street and ... them.

Упражнение 3. Подберите к словам и словосочетаниям в колонке А соответствующие по значению из колонки В.




1. wrong

а. punishment


ask questions

b. provide facts

3. commit a crime

с kill someone by intention



d. question



e. investigate


6. sentence

f. kill someone by accident

7. theft

g. break into a shop / house

8. rob

h. take to the police station

9. burgle

i. steal from a shop when open

10. steal

j . steal from people or places

11. shoplift

k. break the law

12. murder

1. illegal, against the law

13. manslaughter

m. information about the crime

14. capital punishment

n. stealing

15. try to find out what hap­



p. death sentence

16. prove


Упражнение 4. Заполните пропусю!.

1. We think the driver of a BMW will be charged with ... be­ cause he did not mean to kill the boy. 2. Did he kill his partner? Yes, he has been charged with ... 3. He took the money from women's bags. He has been charged with ... 4. She stole things from a supermarket, so she will be charged with... 5. Two boys have been charged with ... because they broke into a shop in the middle of the night and took money.

Упражнение 5. Замените выделенные слова и словосочетания близкими по значению словами или словосочетаниями.

1. If someone commits а crime, the police must try tofindout what happened. 2. When the police find the persons responsible for the crime they take them to the police station and ask them a lot of questions. 3. To reach their decision, the jury must listen carefully to the information about the crime for and against the accused. 4. It was only a minor offence and a driver had to pay money. 5. If you do something wrong, then you commit a crime. 6. Death sentence is a comparatively rare event now. 7. What can government do to stop crime?

Упражвенне 6. Составьте словосочетания глаголов из колонки А и суще­ ствительных из колонки В.



1. make

a. the sentence

2. commit

b. of the crime

3. break

с against the law

4. give

d. the law

5. listen to

e. decisions


6. be charged


f. the evidence



7. be convicted

g. with the crime



8. do smth.


h. a crime



Упражнение 7. Заполните пропуски антонимами.



guilty ...


lawful .





usual, common


minor ...





Упражнение 8. Заполните таблицу на словообразование.




















Упражнение 9. A. Назовите 20-25 ключевых слов и словосочетаний на тему *Law and order, crime».

В.Speak about:

1.Individual actions necessary to prevent a crime from happen­ ing (to stop a crime).

2.Capital punishment for some crimes.

3. Do you think people should be allowed to use a gun or knife in self-defence?


Какие виды права вы знаете? Прочитайте и переведите текст.

The law is the whole body of laws considered collectively. There are many ways in which the law can be classified. It can be divided into common law, civil law, criminal law, constitutional law, sub­ stantive and procedural laws, etc.

By the words «common law» we mean law which is common to the whole country — national law in contrast to local law. Com­ mon law (in England) is unwritten law based on judicial decisions made by judges in previous cases (case law) in contrast to the law made by Pariiament or other law-making body (statute law). It dis­ tinguishes the common law legal systems based on precedents from the civil law jurisdictions based on civil codes. Law of equity is the application of principles of justice outside common law or statute


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