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Деловой английский.doc
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1. Answer the questions:

1. What does the term «multimodal transport» mean?

2. What is regarded as the critical point now?

3. What document is issued in combined transport?

4. What mode of transport do you use for carriage of goods?

5. Where are critical points of responsibility under Incoterms?

2. Make up summary of the text.

Packing and marking

I. Read the text and translate it.

Text "Packing and marking"

Goods for export are to be properly packed. If they are poorly packed and marked the carrier can, refuse to accept them, or will make qualifications about the un satisfactory condition of packing in the bill of lading.

Packing can be external (crate (клеть), bag) and internal (box, packet, flask etc.), in which the goods are sold.

In case of consumer goods packing has a double function. On the one hand, it Is for protection. On the other it serves to advertise a product and attract a customer.

Marking should be in indelible paint with recogniz­able marks.

Here is an extract from a concerning packing con­tract:

Contract No.______


1. The equipment and spare parts are to be shipped in export packing meeting the requirements of each particular type of equipment.

2. The packing is to secure full safety of the goods from any kind of damage and corrosion during transportation by sea, rail way and combined transport. The packing shall be suitable for loading by crane, by autocars, by trucks and manually in so far as the weight and volume of individual pack ages allow.

Before packing, the equipment is to be protected with anticorrosive coating to pro­tect it from any damage and corrosion in transit and to ensure storage during hot summer and cold winter.

3. The Sellers shall be responsible for any damage to or breakage of the goods that may be caused by poor packing or for corrosion which may appear due to improp­er or insufficient coating.

Here is an extract from a contract concerning marking:

Contract No.______


1. The cases in which the equipment is packed are to be marked on three sides: on the top of the case and two non-opposite sides.

2. The marking shall be clearly made with indelible paint in English and Russian as follows:

Contract No. Контракт №

Trans No. Транс №

Package No. Место №

Net/Gross weight in kg Вес нетто/брутто в кг

Case dimensions in cm Размеры места в см

(length, width, height) (длина, ширина, высота)

3. All cases which need special handling must have an additional marking as well as other indications if specific handling of a particular case is required:

«Handle with care» «Осторожно»

«Top» «Верх»

«Do not turn over» «He кантовать»

«Do not use hooks» «He использовать крюки»