- •Федеральное агентство по образованию
- •Contents
- •Introduction
- •Unit 1. Formalities Greetings
- •III. Translate the dialogues into English :
- •IV. Read the dialogues and reproduce them.
- •V. Test.
- •1. Fill in the gaps in the sentences and translate them:
- •2.Find Russian equivalents to the following English sentences:
- •I. Topical vocabulary.
- •1. Forms of Address:
- •2. General:
- •3. Useful Phrases:
- •1. Comprehension questions:
- •2. How would you address the following people?
- •3. Insert a suitable form of address:
- •5. Fill in prepositions or adverbs where necessary:
- •IV. Dialogues
- •1. Read the dialogues and dramatize them in class:
- •2. Make up a dialogue using the following variations:
- •3. Expand the situation introduced by the opening sentences:
- •4. Translate the dialogues into English:
- •5. Introduce the following people to each other.
- •V. Test
- •1. Make up sentences:
- •2. Find Russian equivalents to the following phrases:
- •VI. Compose your own dialogues. Parting with people
- •III. Translate into English.
- •IV. Read the dialogues and reproduce them.
- •V. Test.
- •1. Make up sentences:
- •2.Find English equivalents to the following Russian sentences:
- •II. Dialogues.
- •1. Read, translate and learn them:
- •2. Practice reading the following sentences:
- •3. Working in pairs. Dramatize the dialogues:
- •III. Translate into English:
- •IV. Act the following dialogues in English:
- •V. Test.
- •1. Make up sentences:
- •2. Fill in gaps:
- •VI. Compose your own dialogues. Unit 2. Around the world Customs
- •I. Learn the words:
- •1. Find Russian equivalents to the following:
- •2. Match the words and phrases in column a with those in column b.
- •3. Make your own sentences using the following words:
- •Text « Airport Customs »
- •1. Answer the questions:
- •2. Divide the text into logical parts, entitle them.
- •3. Translate these words and phrases into Russian, use them in the story of your own, describing how you cleared the Customs.
- •Imagine that you’re going abroad. Fill out the declaration.
- •III. Dialogues.
- •1.Find the logical order of the following parts of the dialogues.
- •2. Translate the dialogues into English.
- •1. На таможне
- •3. Reconstruct the following situations into dialogues.
- •1. Read and learn the words:
- •1. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and phrases and use them in sentences of your own.
- •2.Match the words and phrases in column a with in column b
- •3. Give the synonyms for:
- •II. Read and translate the text.
- •1. Comprehension questions:
- •2. Find in the text equivalents to the following words and phrases:
- •3. Fill in the blanks with prepositions.
- •4. Math the words which have something in common:
- •5. Give a word or a phrase for the following definition.
- •6. Translate the words in brackets. Render the story in English.
- •8. Translate the Russian parts of the sentences.
- •9. Translate the dialogues from Russia into English:
- •10. Make up stories for the following situations.
- •Travelling by train
- •I. Learn the words:
- •1. Find Russian equivalents to the following:
- •2. Find the synonyms for:
- •3. Match the words and phrases in column a with those in column b.
- •II. Read and translate the text.
- •1. Comprehension questions:
- •2. Find in the text equivalents to the following words and phrases.
- •3. Translate the words and phrases given n brackets.
- •4. Fill in the prepositions or adverbs where necessary.
- •5. Fill in the right word from the word column. A Railway Station
- •6. Read the dialogues and translate them.
- •7. Act as an interpreter. Translate the sentences from Russian into English and from English into Russian.
- •8. Translate the dialogue from Russia into English.
- •9. Describe a journey by train. Use the words and phrases given below.
- •I. Learn the words:
- •1. Match the words and phrases in column a with those in column b.
- •2. Make your own sentences using the following words:
- •II. Read and translate the text “The Grand Hotel «Europe»”.
- •1. Comprehension questions:
- •4. Match the words having something in common:
- •III. Dialogues.
- •1. Read the dialogues and:
- •2. Fill in the reservation form. Hotel reservation form
- •3. Read the dialogues and translate them.
- •4. Act as an interpreter: translate the sentences from Russian into English and from English into Russian.
- •5. Translate into English:
- •IV. Make up your own topic for Oral Compositions.
- •I. Learn the words and phrases:
- •Text "Telephone Conversations"
- •III. Dialogues.
- •1. Read all dialogues and translate them.
- •2. Supply the missing remarks.
- •3. Translate into English.
- •IV. Make up your own dialogues.
- •I. Read and learn the words:
- •Advertising.
- •1. Find words of the same roots as:
- •2. Phrases, using the vocabulary of the text.
- •4. Here are examples of some ad mottos. Find the products they advertise.
- •III. Read these text and say how street markets in the usa differ from those in Britain. The Art of Advertising.
- •IV. Pair work.
- •V. Group discussion: discuss it in a group and list merits and demerits of advertising in the world and in this country.
- •I. Read and learn the new words.
- •II. Texts
- •Choosing an Occupation
- •2. Read and translate text a and text b.
- •Employment Agencies
- •4. Match the idioms in column a with the definitions in column b.
- •5. Replace the italicized parts of the sentences by words and word combinations from the vocabulary.
- •6. Choose the right word.
- •7. Fill in prepositions where necessary.
- •8. Which statement is a good example of the meaning of the italicized word?
- •9. What should you do to find a job? Find the logical sequence of the steps you should take.
- •III. Read and translate the text .
- •1. Give a word or a phrase for the following definition.
- •2. Translate the words given in brackets.
- •V. You are looking for a job. Analyze your interests and abilities. Answer the following questions.
- •VI. Read and translate the text. Text d Job Hunting resume
- •1. Find in the text Russian equivalents to the following.
- •2. Fill out the blanks with prepositions or adverbs where necessary.
- •3. Whether you are currently looking for a job or will be looking sometime in the future, this form will help you organize personal and professional experience.
- •4. Looking over your work experience and the skills you have acquired, list your accomplishments at each job, regardless of how small or insignificant they may seem to you.
- •VII. Now you are ready to write your own resume. Study our example of a resume and try to write one for yourself.
- •December 2,1996 us consulate General
- •IX. Read the dialogues in pairs and learn them.
- •I. Read and learn the new words and expressions.
- •II. Read and translate the following information on writing a business letter.
- •III. Read and translate the example of the business letter. Find all the parts of a business letter and name them.
- •IV. Write down new words from the text and learn them.
- •V. Read and translate the text. Memorize the main types of a business letter.
- •VI.Write your own business letter using words from tasks 2,6.
- •VII. Write a personal letter using the information below.
- •VIII. Compare the structure of business and personal letters.
- •IX. Do you know that:
- •II. Read and translate the following information on fax messages.
- •III.Read and translate the text. Memorize the form of a fax message.
- •5. Addressee’s name and position:
- •12. Signature
- •VI. Answer the questions.
- •Dates, Salutations and Complimentary Closes
- •Vocabulary
- •I. Read and translate the following information.
- •Beginning and ending of a fax message.
- •II. Memorize these phrases.
- •III. Translate these opening and closing phrases.
- •IV. Answer the questions.
- •Vocabulary
- •I. Read and translate this introduction and the fax message.
- •II. Questions and assignments.
- •III. Memorize these phrases:
- •Vocabulary
- •I. Read and translate this introduction and the fax message:
- •II. Answer the questions.
- •III. Memorize these phrases.
- •IV. Write a counter-proposal by using known words and the above phrases. Replies to Counter-Proposals
- •Vocabulary
- •I. Read and translate this fax message:
- •II. Answer the questions.
- •III. Memorize these phrases:
- •IV. Write a reply to a counter-proposal on any subject by using the above phrases.
- •V. Read and translate this fax message:
- •Vocabulary
- •VI. Answer the questions on the fax message:
- •Inquiries
- •Vocabulary
- •I. Read and translate this introduction and a fax message.
- •II. Answer the questions:
- •III. Memorize these phrases:
- •Inquiries Запросы
- •IV. Write an inquiry fax message by using known words and the above phrases.
- •Vocabulary
- •1. Read and translate this fax message:
- •II. Answer the questions:
- •III. Memorize these phrases:
- •Business Ethics
- •Vocabulary
- •1. Fairness and Honesty
- •6. Business ethics
- •7. Ethics
- •8. Ethics and Etiquette
- •I. Translate into Russian.
- •II. Find the English equivalents.
- •III. Fill in the blanks.
- •IV. Translate into English.
- •V. Questions and assignments.
- •VII. Speak on ethical behaviour of an ideal manager,and the rules of etiquette he/she should stick to(придерживаться).
- •I. Read and learn the new words:
- •II. Read and translate the text.
- •1. Think and answer:
- •2. Choose the most appropriate interpretation:
- •3. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word from the box:
- •III. Discussion.
- •1. Argue for or against the following debating theme:
- •2. Make up a dialogue on the following situation.
- •Women in management
- •I. Read and learn the new words.
- •Tangible - осязаемый
- •II. Read and translate the text.
- •1. Agree or disagree with the following.
- •2. Answer the questions.
- •3. Write a brief summary of the text.
- •III. Read the text «She's the Boss».
- •The Glass Ceiling Syndrome
- •The Roddick Phenomenon
- •More Sensitive
- •Better Communicators
- •The New Achievers
- •1. Which of the following points support the ideas expressed in the text?
- •2. Match each of the words in the left column with a word from the right column to make nine word partnerships from the text.
- •IV. In each of the following situations decide if you would give the applicant the job or not. Be prepared to justify your decision in each case.
- •V. Read and translate the article.
- •Sexual Harassment
- •Vocabulary
- •Unit 6. Appendices
- •Incoterms
- •I. Read and lean new words:
- •II. Read and translate the text "Incoterms".
- •1. Answer the questions:
- •Packing
- •Marking
- •1. Answer the questions:
- •2. Make up summary of the text. Glossary a
- •Е earnings per share Measure of a firm's profitability for each share of outstanding stock, calculated by dividing net income by shares of stock outstanding .
- •Literature
Кафедра иностранных языков |
Business English
Деловой английский
Учебное пособие для студентов всех специальностей
Чита 2005 |
Федеральное агентство по образованию
Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования
Читинский Государственный университет
Институт социально-политических систем
М.П. Титова, Ю.А. Матвеева, Е.В. Крылова
Business English
Учебное пособие
для студентов всех специальностей
Чита 2005
УДК 802.0 (075)
ББК 81.2 Англ.я 7
ББК Ш 13 (Англ) я 7
Т 454
Титова М.П. Business English. Деловой английский: Учеб. пособие / М.П.Титова, Ю.А.Матвеева, Е.В.Крылова. – Чита: ЧитГУ, 2005.- 244с.
Данное пособие составлено на основе аутентичных материалов английской и американской периодической печати, предполагает использование изученного материала в устных высказываниях и в письменной форме: умение вести деловую корреспонденцию, заполнение таможенных деклараций, анкет, бланков-заказов, написание резюме. Настоящее пособие предназначено для студентов III-Vкурсов всех специальностей неязыковых вузов, изучающих деловой английский язык.
Рекомендовано и издано учебно-методическим советом ЧитГУ.
Зав. кафедрой иностранных языков ЧитГУ, к.ф.н., доцент Козыкин В.А.
Зав. кафедрой иностранных языков ЧГМА, к.ф.н., доцент Димова С.Н.
Зав. кафедрой иностранных языков ЧИ БГУЭП,
к.ф.н., доцент Сержантова И.Б.
Ответственный за выпуск: зав.каф.ин.яз., к.ф.н. Козыкин В.А.
© Читинский государственный университет, 2005
Introduction 4
Unit 1. Formalities
1). Greetings 5
2). Getting acquainted 10
3). Parting with people 24
4). Asking the way 29
Unit 2. Around the world
1). Customs 39
2). Travelling by air 49
3). Travelling by train 58
4). Hotel 68
Unit 3. At the office
1). Telephone conversations 81
2). Advertising 88
3). Getting a Job 93
Unit 4. Information Exchange
1). Business letters 119
2). Fax Messages 130
3). Dates, Salutations and Complimentary Closes 136
4). Sales Messages 143
5). Counter-Proposals 148
Replies to Counter-Proposals 152
6). Inquiries 158
Replies to Inquiries 163
Unit 5. Topics for reading and discussions
1). Business Ethics 168
2). Business Bribes 178
3). Women in Management 185
4). Sexual Harassment on the Job 202
Unit 6. Appendices
1). Incoterms 204
2). Packing and marking 209
3). Glossary 212
Literature 244
Учебное пособие “ Business English” предназначено для студентов неязыковых вузов всех специальностей, изучающих деловой английский язык. Пособие составлено на основе аутентичных материалов английской и американской периодической печати, характеризуется постепенным возрастанием уровня сложности языкового материала и может быть использовано как для аудиторной работы, так и для самостоятельных занятий английским языком всех, кто интересуется менеджментом, экономикой, а также по роду деятельности связан с иностранными партнёрами.
Целью учебного пособия является совершенствование навыков чтения и перевода текстов, содержащих основные термины по различным темам делового английского языка. Предполагается использование изученного материала в устных монологических и диалогических высказываниях и в письменной форме: умение вести деловую корреспонденцию, заполнение таможенных деклараций, различных анкет, оформление гостиничного бланка - заказа, написание резюме.
Структурно пособие состоит из 6 разделов: “Formalities”, “Around the world”, “At the office”, “Information Exchange”, “Topics for reading and discussions”, “Appendices” и построено по тематическому планированию.
В сборник включены образцы телефонных разговоров, контактов на таможне, в аэропорту, на вокзале, в гостинице, большое количество речевых образцов по построению деловых писем, факсимильных сообщений, оформлению запросов и претензий. Предлагается большой перечень терминов по маркетингу, по заключению и выполнению контрактов, сделок и другим формам делового сотрудничества.