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Задание 1. Выберите правильный ответ в правой колонке:

1. What do we call a meal-time? 1. One of the several parts of a meal.

2. What do we call a sandwich? 2. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper

3. What do we call a course? 3. Two pieces of buttered bread with

something between them.

4. What do we call meals? 4. Usual time for taking a meal.

5. What do you say if you want to have 5. I am hungry as a hunter.

another cup of tea?

6. What do you say when you are very 6. Pass me the salt, please.


7. What do you say if there is not enough 7. May I ask you for another cup of

salt in the soup? tea?

Задание 2. Закончите следующие предложения:

  1. Students may have dinner at … .

  2. Dinner consists of … .

  3. For dessert we may have … .

  4. I'm hungry as … .

  5. The salt is too far from me, … .

  6. May I ask you for…?

Задание 3. Начните следующие вопросы с вопросительных слов why”, “where”, “when”, “who”, “what”, так чтобы они соответствовали предложенному ответу:

1. … do you have dinner? – I have dinner in the canteen. 2. … do you usually have dinner? – I usually have dinner at two o'clock. 3. … do you usually have for dinner? – I usually have chipped potatoes and a cup of coffee. 4. … do you do after dinner? – I go to the reading hall. 5. … do you have dinner in the canteen? – I have no time to go home. 6. … can you have dinner at home? – I can have dinner at home on Sundays.7. … is coming to the canteen? – I am.

Задание 4. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

  1. When do you have breakfast?

  2. What do you have for breakfast?

  3. When do you have dinner?

  4. Where do you have dinner?

  5. What do you usually have for dinner?

  6. What kind of soup do you prefer?

  7. What do you usually have for the main course?

  8. What do you like to have for dessert?

  9. What kind of vegetables do you like?

  10. Do the English keep to their meal times?

  11. How many meals a day do the English usually have?

  12. What are these meals?

  13. What is the usual English breakfast?

  14. At what time do the English have lunch?

  15. What do they usually have for lunch?

  16. Where do they have their lunch?

  17. At what time do the English have dinner?

  18. What do they usually have for dinner?

Текст для аудирования

Задание 1. Прослушайте следующие слова, запомните их:

  1. get to know узнавать, знакомиться

  2. restaurant ресторан

  3. occasion случай, событие

  4. wedding свадьба

  5. anniversary годовщина; юбилей; празднование

  6. customer клиент

  7. relaxed atmosphere непринужденная обстановка

  8. eating out еда вне дома

  9. feeling of London ощущение Лондона

  10. the Ritz «Риц» (название ресторана)

  11. to be in fashion быть в моде

Задание 2. Прослушайте текст. Постарайтесь понять его содержание:

British restaurants

When a man and a woman want to get to know each other better, they often go out to a restaurant together. After all, it's easier to talk in a quiet atmosphere with soft music, wine and good food. Most British families go to restaurants only on special occasions, like birthdays or wedding anniversaries. The restaurants' best customers are business people, who meet in them to talk business in a relaxed atmosphere away from the telephone. They can eat what they like because the company pays the bill.

For visitors to London, eating out can be fun. But if you want that special feeling of London, go to the Ritz in Piccadilly for tea any afternoon at about half past four. And you'll see that the prices are very high. Then you can try England's favourite food – fish and chips. Take it away and eat where you like — in the park, on the bus or while you walk down the street.

British restaurants have not always been famous for their good food. Too often, they offered only fried food and chips with everything. But now healthy food is in fashion.

Задание 3. Ответьте на вопросы:

  1. Where do the British men and women go when they want to get to know each other better?

  2. When do British families go to a restaurant?

  3. Why do businessmen prefer to go to restaurants?

  4. Do the businessmen pay the bill?

  5. Are the British restaurants famous for their food?

  6. What do they often offer a customer?

  7. What can you tell about the Ritz?

  8. What is the Englishmen's favourite food and where can you eat it?

  9. Is healthy food in fashion now?

Задание 4. Воспроизведите текст на английском языке.

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