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Тема 13. Больница hospital

Задание 1. Запомните произношение следующих слов. Повторяйте их за диктором:

  1. maternity

  2. surgical

  3. certain

  4. burn

  5. therapeutic

  6. anaesthesia

  7. heart

  8. blood

  9. pressure

  10. procedure

Задание 2. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания. Повторяйте их за диктором:

  1. the Public Health System система здравоохранения

  2. medical institution медицинское учреждение

  3. curative лечебный

  4. emergency hospital - больница скорой помощи

  5. maternity home родильный дом

  6. urgent medical treatment скорая (неотложная) помощь

  7. resuscitation specialists реаниматологи

  8. ENT-specialist (ear, nose, throat) отоларинголог

  9. surgical department хирургическое отделение

  10. burns’ department ожоговое отделение

  11. clinical chair клиническая кафедра

  12. on hospital ground на базе больницы

  13. under the guidance of под руководством

  14. to be admitted to the hospital поступать в больницу

  15. associate professor доцент

  16. reception ward приемное отделение

  17. preliminary предварительный

  18. morning round утренний обход

  19. ward палата

  20. doctor in charge палатный врач

  21. medical treatment room физиотерапевтический кабинет

  22. to fill in a case history заполнять карточку больного

  23. to carry out выполнять

  24. assignment назначение

  25. to put bandages делать повязки

  26. a surgery block хирургический блок

  27. to perform the operation сделать операцию

  28. shadowless lamp бестеневая лампа

  29. blood transfusion переливание крови

  30. a marked improvement значительное улучшение

  31. to discharge the patient from the hospital выписать пациента из


Задание 3. Прослушайте текст и постарайтесь понять его содержание:


The medical service in our country is based on the principle of qualified medical aid. The public health system includes a variety of medical institutions. There are polyclinics, hospitals and other curative and preventive institutions.

Hospital is a medical institution where in-patients are treated. There are general hospitals and specialized ones such as infection hospitals, children’s hospitals, mental, oncological, emergency and other hospitals and clinics. Babies are born in maternity homes. Urgent medical aid is provided by the physicians and resuscitation specialists of the first-aid ambulance centres.

Each general hospital has several departments. There are surgical, therapeutic, cardiac, neurology, burns and other departments. Medical staff of the hospital consists of a head doctor, therapeautists, surgeons, neurologists, ENT-specialists, cardiologists, gynecologists, psychiatrics, oncologists and other specialists. Nursing staff consists of doctors’ assistants and nurses.

Medical Academy has some clinical chairs on the hospital grounds. The medical students study here under the guidance of professors, associate professors and assistants.

When the patient is admitted to the hospital he is taken to the reception ward. After a preliminary examination the patient is directed to a certain department. There are several wards, doctors’ and nurses’ rooms, a medical treatment room, a dining-room, a sterilizing- and a bath-rooms, toilets in each department.

Every day the doctors make the morning rounds. The doctor in charge examines the patient, listens to the heart and lungs, takes blood pressure, palpates the abdomen etc. Then the doctor fills in a case-history and gives instructions to the nurse as to the treatment of the patients.

Nurses carry out doctors’ assignments: they make injections, take the patients' temperature, feel the pulse, put bandages, apply compress etc. They also sterilize instruments and prepare everything for the operations. Operations are performed in the surgery block. It's equipped with an operating table, a shadowless lamp, an apparatus for anesthesia, blood transfusion.

Every hospital has its laboratory for making analyses. Laboratory assistants make blood, urine and other analyses.

When the doctors see a marked improvement in patients’ condition they can discharge them from the hospital.