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25. Translate the sentences from English into Russian

1. Many men preceded Newton in the field of mechanics, perhaps the most outstanding being Galileo. 2. Red phosphorus being a more stable form, its reactions are much less violent. 3. The fuel exhausted, the engine stopped. 4. Probably the first metals used by man were gold, silver, and copper, these metals being found in nature in the native or metallic state. 5. Electrons moving through a wire, electrical energy is generated. 6. Mars has two satellites, Deimos ("Horror") and Phobos ("Fear"), both discovered during the favourable opposition of 1877. 7. A magnet being broken in two, each piece becomes a magnet with its own pair of poles. 8. Many technical and scientific problems having been solved, the first space flight could be realized. 9. An electron leaving the surface, the metal becomes positively charged. 10. The plant supplied with good raw materials, the quality of products has been much improved.

26. Replace the clauses with the Absolute Participial Construction

Model: As the book was translated into Russian, it could be read by everybody.

The book being translated into Russian, it could be read by everybody.

1. As the rain had ruined my hat, I had to buy a new one. 2. After this was done, they set off with light hearts. 3. As few people were buying his pencils, he could hardly earn a living. 4. As there was a severe storm at sea, the steamer couldn't leave the port. 5. As it was Sunday, the library was closed. 6. As the weather was fine, they went for a walk. 7. As the Professor was ill, the lecture was put off.

2.7. Revision

27. Supply where necessary the particle "to" before the Infinitives

1. He was making every effort to induce his father ... change his mind. 2. But I got him ... talk. 3. Nevertheless, on those mornings he could not bring himself ... read the political correspondents' gossip-columns. 4.1 knew that he would never encourage his daughter ... marry a fortune. 5. As he answered her question, I noticed her ... look surprised. 6. I could feel the blood ... leave my face in a rush. 7. Understand once and for all, I won't have you ... say this sort of thing. 8. The doctor had expressly forbidden him ... talk. 9. He did not hear the car ... arrive. 10. He had never known his uncle ... express any sort of feeling. 11.1 wasn't prepared to let him ... go out alone. 12. He was not only giving them the chance, he was pressing them ... do so. 13. I shall try to make the thing ... work. 14. They watched Esther... return after a time. 15. He drew out a stiff, plain pocket-book as I had often seen him ... use it in meetings, and began to write down numbers.

28. Supply Infinitives and ing-forms for the following texts


Saturday. It was the day on which he had promised ... his landlady (to pay). He had expected something ... up all through the week (to turn). Yet he had found no work. All he could do now was ... her that he could not pay the bill (to tell). But he hadn't the courage ... the woman (to face). It was the middle of June. The night was warm. He made up his mind ... out (to stay). ... down the Embankment, he kept ... to himself that he had always tried ... what he thought best, but everything had gone wrong (to walk, to say, to do). He was ashamed of ... so many lies to his friends (to tell). It had been absurd ... his pride ... him from ... for assistance (to let, to prevent, to ask). Now his lies made it impossible for him ... to anyone for help (to turn). But it was no good ... about it (to think).


When my sister Anne was six years old, I saved her from ... (to kidnap). At the end of the war there were rumours about strange men who lured little children into quiet places with promises of toys and sweets, persuaded them into ... about their parents and if the parents turned out ... of no further interest to them, they usually left the children ... their way home in tears (to talk, to be, to find). So my parents spent a great deal of time ... Anne about ... to strange men (to warn, to talk). One day, Anne went out ... in the street after tea and could not be found an hour later (to play). We looked through ... streets, but no one had seen her (to surround). My father went off in the car ... forher, and I decided ... in the park (to look, to search). Some boys there told me that they had seen a small girl in a blue dress ... a cricket match, and someone else said that she had been seen ... off with a man who was pushing a bicycle (to watch, to walk). The chances were against this child ... my sister, but I walked off in the direction in which they had been seen ... (to be, to walk). This brought me to a back alley. I called Anne's name, and was surprised ... her voice ... back (to hear, to call).

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