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substructure -подземная часть сооружения superstructure -надстройка, часть здания

rubbish chute -мусоропровод выше фундамента

footing –основание basement -фундамент, подвал, цокольный этаж

foundation- фундамент, основание level -уровень

floor -пол, этаж, перекрытие roof-крыша, кровля

beam -балка, перекладина column –колонна

truss -ферма, стропильная ферма excavation -выемка грунта, рытье котлована to dig -копать, рыть framework- каркас to enclose -окружать, огораживать to erect -строить, воздвигать, возводить to sheathe -покрывать, защищать to protect -защищать, предохранять coat of paint-слой краски structure -сооружение, строение, здание

soil -почва, грунт concrete -бетон

pile-свая brick -кирпич

sinking -оседание (здания), осадка support -опора; поддерживать, подпирать, нести

to prevent -предотвращать, предохранять convenience –удобство

weight -вес, груз; нагрузка to divide -делить

partition -перегородка, внутренняя стена reinforced concrete- железобетон

artificial- искусственный fire-resistant -огнеупорный

opening -отверстие, проем accessдоступ, подход, проход

storey - этаж, ярус finish -отделка; заканчивать, отделывать

stairs –лестница succession -ряд, последовательность

step –cтупенька; шагать, ступать to tie -связывать

strength прочность firmness -устойчивость

to sustain - поддерживать, выдерживать load - груз. нагрузка

heat transmission –теплопередача appearance внешний вид

heating –отопление

frame -каркас; сооружать; конструировать

to resist -сопротивляться; противодействовать

rest -опора; опираться на что-л., покоиться на чем-л.


A building consists of two main parts: the substructure and the superstructure. The substructure is the part of a building below ground level. It includes the footing, the basement and the foundation walls. The superstructure is the part of a building above ground level. It includes the walls, floors, roofs, beams, columns and trusses.

To build a house first the excavation must be dug for the basement, then the foundation walls are constructed. After that the framework is erected, sheathed with various finishing materials and protected by several coats of paint.

The foundation is the lowest part of the structure upon which the superstructure rests. Foundations are usually made of monolithic concrete, concrete blocks, piles or bricks. They keep the walls and floors from contact with the soil, support the superstructure and prevent the building from sinking.

Walls enclose internal spaces and support the weight of the floors and roof. Non-structural subdividing walls are called partitions. Walls also protect the interior from exposure to the weather. They are made of wood, brick, stone, concrete, concrete blocks, reinforced concrete and/or other natural or artificial building materials.

A window is an opening in the wall of a structure which lets in the light and air. Doors are constructed in walls to allow access. Floors divide a building into storeys. They may be of timber or constructed from fire-resistant materials. At present floors finished in wood or linoleum are very popular.

Stairs are a succession of steps connecting two spaces located at different levels. They may be of wood, stone, reinforced concrete or metal.

A roof is the topmost part of a building. Roofs cover the building and protect it from exposure to the weather. They should tie in the walls and give strength and firmness to the whole structure. Roofs must be well framed, strong enough to resist winds, sustain snow loads and serve as insulation to prevent heat transmission.

Today every building should be beautiful in appearance, well proportioned and provided with all-modern conveniences such as running water, gas, central heating, ventilation, air conditioning, rubbish chute and telephone points.

Exercise I

Answer the following questions:

1. What parts of a building do you know?

2. What is the substructure (the superstructure)?

3. What parts does the substructure (the superstructure) include?

4. What is the first step in building a house?

5. What is the function of foundations (walls, floors, roofs)?

6. What materials are foundations (walls, floors, roofs) made of?

7. What are stairs?

8. What is a door (a window)?

9. What should every building be provided with?

Exercise II

Find the equivalents:

finishing materials водопровод

air conditioning мусоропровод

below ground level центральное отопление

above ground level полы, отделанные деревом

to dig the excavation воздействие погоды

floors finished in wood кондиционирование воздуха

exposure to the weather огнеупорные материалы

to give strength and firmness to the structure быть тщательно сконструированным

to be well framed производить выемку грунта

heat transmission теплопередача

rubbish chute ниже уровня земли

running water выше уровня земли

central heating придавать прочность и устойчивость сооружению

fire-resisting materials отделочные материалы


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