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Word formation

ful*/ant - less

1) a noun + - ful = an adjective

Wonder — wonderful

Care - careful

2) a noun + - ful = anoun

a hand - handful

a spoon - spoonful

  1. Find in chapters 1-6 all the adjectives with —ful or -less if there are any; translate them into Russian. Say what word they are formed from.

  2. Form -ful or/and -less adjectives from the following nouns. Guess their meaning: beauty, mercy, power, help, doubt, fruit, peace, use, home, hope, shame

*mind the spelling

III. Activities

  1. While Reading activities (p. 47, chapters 5, 6)

  2. say if the statements are true or false:

  1. Raoul received a letter from the ghost.

  2. Christine was a great singer from Norway that's why she didn't want to be Raoul’s wife.

  3. Christine asked Raoul to meet her in the Opera House.

  4. The ghost sang like a toad.

  5. Christine became famous because of La Carlotta’s help.

  6. Madame Giry brought some flowers and put them by the door of Box 5.

  7. That was a marvelous night for the Paris Opera House.

  1. Give a brief account of the events (chapters 5,6)

  2. Reproduce the conversation between Christine and Raoul (chapter 5)

Would you go away and leave Raoul if you were Christine?

Would you marry a poor singer if you were Raoul?

e) Answer the following questions:

  1. What did La Carlotta think about the letter? What was her decision? Do you think she believed in ghost?

  2. Were the directors afraid of the ghost? Prove it.

  3. What was the matter with Carlotta's voice?

  4. What was the ghost's behaviour?

f) Describe the accident. What would you do if you were a director? When answering use the following parenthesis to express your opinion:

I think (believe, suppose)

As for me..

To me

Moreover (what is more...)


In fact; actually

You see

In my opinion

By the way

As far as/ understand

g) Express your attitude towards the ghost using the following:

To feel sympathy (antipathy) for

To sympathize with

To have/take pity on

To envy

To be on smb's side

To justify smb

The Phantom of the Opera

(Chapters VII. VIII)

I. Language Focus: Active Vocabulary

To arrive in/at

To put one's arms around smb.

To cry//to scream//to shout//to growl//to whisper

Hand in hand (with smb)

To watch smb with interest

To miss//to be missing

To be good (kind) to smb

  1. While reading find the active words and vocabulary in the text. Translate the sentences into Russian. Make up a dialogue using the active vocabulary.

  2. Give your variant of translation:

  1. Then one day there was no Christine.

  2. There were hundreds of ropes going down to the stage below - it was a long, long way down.

  3. Her face was white and tired.

  4. Was his beautiful Christine mad?

  5. No, Raoul, listen, there is more.

  6. He has the face of a dead man, but he is not dead!

  7. She is only a little opera singer.

  8. Are you still going to love her in ten, or twenty years' time?

  9. There were two more unhappy faces in the Opera House, too.

  1. They didn't want any more accidents.

  2. O.G. can bring his own flowers!

  3. There are no love secrets in Paris.

  4. Suddenly every light in the Opera House went out.

  5. Everybody ran here and there.

c) Insert some, any, no, every or their derivatives.

1. days Christine was quiet and unhappy, days she laughed and sang.

  1. Raoul looked and asked but knew.

  2. I'm going to tell you .

  3. They went carefully along a dark passage to stairs, then suddenly stopped.

  4. What about flowers in Box 5?

  5. These are love secrets in Paris.

7. could find her.

d) While reading p. 30 write out all the prepositions of location and direction used in the text and explain their meaning.

Word Formation (un-)

a) un- + adj, adv: happy - unhappy

happily - unhappily

Give your examples using the pattern. Translate the words (kind, lucky, married, popular, important, expected, known, limited, pleasant, official). Find a situation from the book to illustrate the pattern.

b) un- + verb: to dress - to undress

(to lock, to pack, to tie)

*c) un- + verb + - able: to read - unreadable

Listen to the following song. Write out all the words formed according to the pattern, explain their meaning.

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