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III. Activities.

a) While-Reading activities (p. 46 chapters 3, 4)

b)What are the main characters of the story? Find the adjectives describing them in the text. Write out the personality adjectives and divide them into three groups: positive, negative. neutral.

c) Tell what you know about Raoul, Philippe, Christine Daae and the Phantom of the Opera. Choose some suitable words to characterize each of them from the list below:

Wise Mysterious Smart

Emotional Sad Helpful

Cruel Depressed Unhappy

Romantic Practical Rich

Smart Serious Wonderful

Talented Lonely Good-looking


Say if the character and the appearance of the personage differ.

  1. Say what character is your favourite. Explain why.

  2. Give a brief account of the events (from the very beginning of the book).

  3. Read about the stylistic device of simile and find some cases of simile in the text.

Simile finds the common between two objects belonging to different semantic spheres.

My heart is a singing.

She smiles like a cat.

There are usually the following words: like; as; as if.

The Phantom of the Opera (chapters V, VI)

I. Read chapters V, VI (pp 15-21)

II. Language Focus: Active Vocabulary

a) at the top of/ at the bottom of

to feel happy (unhappy. tired, cold. hot. etc)

to go white (red, pale)

to whisper

to lose smth (smb)

to laugh at smb (smth)

to crash down

to chandelier

to hurt smb (smth)/ to be hurt by smb


ever; for ever

While reading find the active words and wc in the text. Translate the sentences into Russian.

Make up a micro-situation to illustrate one of them (4-5 sent)

b) Find in the text appropriate English phrases for the following:

  1. Он улыбнулся первый раз за день.

  2. Как мог он сердиться на ангела?

  3. Я была всего лишь бедной певицей из Норвегии.

4. Я хотела быть оперной певицей. Не просто хорошей певицей, а лучшей оперной певицей в Париже.

  1. Весь Париж у твоих ног.

  2. Кристина отвернулась и ничего не сказала.

  3. Я слушал за дверью и слышал мужской голос.

  4. Я так хорошо пела во вторник вечером из-за него. Я знаменита благодаря ему.

  5. La Carlotta завтракала в постели.

  1. Одно письмо было без подписи.

  2. Эта девчонка Дайте об этом пожалеет!

  3. Он схватился за Глову.

  4. Люстра сорвалась с веревок и обрушилась на людей внизу.

14. Одна женщина убита люстрой и много людей получило травмы.

c) Insert some, any, no, every or their derivatives

  1. At half past three he wanted to kill

  2. For a minute or two Christine said

3.I never see him, I only hear his voice, but he is He sees...., hears

  1. I am the best opera singer in Paris. And is going to stop me singing tonight.

  2. She is afraid that... .is going to happen tonight.

  3. Then Monsieur Armand saw....flowers in the floor.

  4. La Carlotta sang and sang, and happened.

  5. Then the two directors heard the voice again, behind them, in front of them,

d) While reading Chapter 6 find all the sentences where the Present Continuous Tense is used. Explain its meaning in each case. Translate into Russian.

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