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In the end – в конце концов, в конечном счёте

at the end of – в конце чего-либо, по истечении

get hold of sth – добывать, завладевать чем-либо, хватать

to be out of order – неисправный, испорченный

to be secondary to – второстепенный, неглавный

Ex.87 Match the words from the list of the Active Vocabulary to their meanings on the right

    1. shame

    2. casual

    3. in the end

    4. to dye

    5. to deliver

  1. relaxed and informal

  2. a guilty and embarrassed feeling you have when you or someone else has behaved badly

  3. to change the colour of sth

  4. to take sth, especially goods or letters to a place

  5. at last, finally

Ex. 88 Fill in the gaps

Dyed; casual; in the end; delivery; shame; delivered

1. He tried to sound ( ) but I could tell something was worrying him.

2. She had her dress ( ) green.

3. They accused her of bringing ( ) and disgrace on the family.

4. We offer free ( ) within the US.

5. Would you like to have the latest fashions ( ) to your door?

6. He tried several times to pass the exam, and ( ) he succeeded.

Ex.89 Replace the words in italics using Active vocabulary

1. He speaks about it openly and without guilt.

2. Sunset changed the colour of the sky.

3. The package was taken to our place this morning.

4. The interview took place around the kitchen table and was informal.

Ex.90 Study the following phrases and use them in sentences of your own.

In the end; to be secondary to; the occasion for; the idea of doing sth; to specialize in sth; in the event of; to hear about sth; to get hold of sth; to one`s shame; for the occasion; to be full of sth; to wear sth on a special occasion; to be a shame to smb; to take a glance at sth; to be out of order; to be delivered by smb; shame on you;

Ex. 91 Fill in the gaps with prepositions

1. The action is often secondary ( ) the fashions ( ) show.

2. But ( ) the end they found the company that specializes ( ) getting tickets ( ) sporting events.

3. Have you heard ( ) her victory?

4. This is hardly the occasion ( ) a family argument.

5. Let me know if you are interested and I`ll get hold ( ) the book ( ) you.

6. She is going to have her dress made ( ) the occasion.

8. She was full ( ) shame ( ) his bad behaviour.

9. ( ) that occasion I was not ( ) home.

10. I only wear a tie ( ) special occasions.

11. The message was delivered ( ) the Finnish ambassador.

12. ( ) the event of rain, the party will be held indoors.

13. If you have a moment to spare ( ) Monday, go down to the beach.

14. She likes the idea ( ) dressing ( ) and drinking champagne.

15. After she qualified as a lawyer, she specialized ( ) contract law.

16. Since early childhood he`s been a shame ( ) his parents.

17. ( ) their shame he made ( ) his mind to specialize ( ) cooking.

18. I took a casual glance ( ) the article.

19. ( ) the end they found ( ) that the telephone was ( ) ( ) order.

20. The goods were paid ( ) ( ) delivery.

21. The colour ( ) the car is secondary ( ) its quality and price.

22. I`ve managed to get hold ( ) some rather good wine.

EX.92 Translate into Russian

1. His casual attitude to their children annoyed her.

2. She had her shoes dyed green.

3. There is no shame in being poor.

4. You should practice more often – it is a shame to waste such talent.

5. All other considerations are secondary to his talent.

6. I must get hold of some more writing paper.

7. Letters are delivered every day.

8. The next postal delivery is at 2 o`clock.

9. He tried several times to get hold of the letters, and in the end he succeeded.

10. He told us about his decision at the end of the lesson.

EX.93 Translate into English

1. Вам не следует надевать повседневную одежду. Это официальное мероприятие.

2. Мы были поражены его несерьёзным отношением к работе. Он даже не смог произнести вступительную речь.

3. У неё седые волосы. Но она не хочет их красить.

4. В конце концов, он смог уделить нам несколько минут.

5. Он совершенно безразличен к успеху и не испытывает никакого стыда после провала своего проекта.

6. К своему стыду он никак не мог забыть случайно брошенное замечание.

7. В конце концов, мы поняли, что для него наше мнение совершенно неважно.

8. Закат окрасил небо в красный цвет.

9. Ему никогда не было стыдно за своё поведение, и он никогда не испытывал чувства вины.

10. Почту приносят в конце каждой недели, если вы хотите получить её быстрее, вам придётся самому съездить в город.

11. Товар оплачивается при доставке.

12. Для него всегда на первом месте была семья, а не работа.

13. Машина не работает, но если её починят, то товары доставят точно в срок.

14. В конце концов, ему удалось получить необходимую информацию.