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I Translate the sentences, using active vocabulary.

1. Невероятно впечатляющее здание Британского музея с его великолепным куполом было построено в классическом стиле.

2. Потенциал для развития туризма зависит от наличия недорогих отелей, предлагающих проживание и завтрак.

3. Я хочу бросить работу и сжечь все мосты, я не могу работать среди таких бесчувственных и эгоистичных людей.

4. Последняя выставка современных скульпторов не оправдала моих ожиданий, она не стоила ни потраченных на нее усилий, ни денег.

5. Современное огромное впечатляющее здание роскошного отеля получило высокую оценку туристов.

6. Крупные международные компании стремятся избегать использования детского труда и истощения природных ресурсов.

7. Сначала я не одобрял использования Интернета, но постепенно начал понимать, что для многих это жизненно важная вещь.

8. Если бы современные экономящие труд устройства продавались по разумной цене, их производители получали бы гораздо большую выгоду.

9. Хотелось бы мне, чтобы ты не проявлял свою враждебность и недоверие на переговорах.

10. Нам пора сменить свою устаревшую домашнюю технику на современную и износостойкую.

______ out of 20

Total: 100 points

Устная часть

1. Retell the text on the topic “Art”.

Time for Preparation: 20 min

Volume: 2500 symbols

The Appeal of Contemporary Art Tapestries

Since antiquity people have used textiles for all range of purposes. From blankets for warmth, to elaborate woven fabrics for commerce, they have been at the very center of human life.

The need for textiles, combined with our desire to embellish the world around us, has given rise to a huge range of fabric-based art, everything from basic colored cloth to complex woven textiles. Tapestries and wall hangings have long been one of the most accomplished forms of this art, having a history dating back millennia, and artists from almost all cultures have contributed some form of textile wall art.

Recently tapestries and wall hangings have enjoyed a rise in interest, with many people looking beyond traditional options for wall decor. The tactile nature of tapestries, combined with their long history, has made them once again a choice for the discriminating home improver.

Although there are a vast range of traditional designs available, a more recent development is the growth in contemporary art as a basis for modern tapestry designs. Because of the nature of the modern weaving process almost any design can be successfully incorporated into a tapestry, providing the weaver has the skill to do so. This has led many contemporary artists to consider wall tapestries as an alternative medium to framed canvases and prints.

Encompassing a vast range of subject matter, from modern cityscapes and impressionist inspired landscapes, to idyllic coastal scenes and fantasy art, these contemporary works of art are adding a new dimension to fabric design, marrying traditional weaving techniques with modern, vibrant images.

Additionally many textile artists who use fabric as their main medium are enjoying a renewed prominence in the art world. Rather than plying their art in paintings there are a growing number of artists using tapestries and other types of wall hanging as their primary medium for expression. Modern artists such as Ulrika Leander, Monique Lehman and Elda Abramson combine their artistic vision with the depth and range available through fabrics to create a new, modern twist on this ancient art.

Many of these textile works of art are abstract in nature, often employing bold colors and striking, modern designs that incorporate the weave of the fabric as an essential part of the design to create a depth not available with traditional materials like canvas. As a home décor option they can add a splash of color to brighten up a room, and often become a great focal point in almost any setting.

Source: http://interiordec.about.com/od/artindecorating/a/contemptapestry.htm

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