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Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, self-governing (autonomous) research university, is one of the top ten universities in Ukraine and has a well established reputation for providing high-quality teaching, learning and research. In 2006 KNEU joined the European Universities Charter. The slogan of the University is “105 years of work, creativity and inspiration”.

Accreditation Level – IV Ownership – Public Form of study – full-time attendance, correspondence course Levels of preparation – junior specialist (KNEU Colleges), bachelor, specialist, master.  The main purpose of the University is to contribute to the development of the society by means of the scientific research, the generation and the dissemination of the new knowledge, and the training of competitive specialists and creative personalities. More than 36,000 students study in KNEU. At present the University includes 8 full and corresponding members of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, more than 127 professors and doctors of science, 507 candidates of science and associate professors.

In 2011, our University celebrated its 105th anniversary.

It was on the initiative of a prominent historian Mytrofan Dovnar-Zapolsky that the Kyiv Graduate Commercial Courses were founded in Kyiv in 1906 as a private higher education establishment tasked with the training of human resources for the sectors of economy in the south of the Russian Empire. In 1908, Kyiv Graduate Commercial Courses were reorganised into Kyiv Commercial Institute. The Institute's founder M.V. Dovnar-Zapolsky was the first rector till 1917. Between 1920 and 1930 it was named Kyiv National Economy Institute. On 1 October 1930, Kyiv National Economy Institute was transformed into two institutes: Kyiv Exchange and Distribution Institute and Kyiv Finance and Economics Institute. In 1931, Kyiv Exchange and Distribution Institute was liquidated. Kyiv Finance and Economics Institute was moved to Kharkiv in 1934 and stayed there till 1941 having changed its name to Kharkiv (Ukrainian) Finance and Economics Institute. In 1944 it resumed working in its native city as Kyiv Finance and Economics Institute and trained specialists in late 1950s in 12 specialities going beyond the finance and economics. In 1960 the Institute was renamed into Kyiv National Economy Institute (named after D.S. Korotchenko since 1969). Kyiv National Economy Institute trained specialists not only for Ukraine and other USSR republics, but also started training foreign students in 1960s. As of 1985, 51 countries of the world were represented among its students. Close contacts were established with a number of higher education establishments in Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland. In 1992 Kyiv National Economy Institute was transformed into Kyiv State Economics University. And in 1997, the President of Ukraine granted Kyiv State Economics University the status of a national university in recognition of its thorough work focused on training highly qualified specialists for various branches of economy. In 2005, Kyiv National Economics University was named after V.P. Hetman, a prominent Ukrainian economist and the founder of the domestic currency of Ukraine, the builder of its banking sector.

At present the University has 9 faculties at the day-time department: faculty of International Economics and Management, faculty of law sciences, Human Resource Management and Marketing faculty, Accounting and economics faculty, Agroindustrial Sector Economics faculty, Credit and Economics faculty, Finance and Economic faculty, Economics and Management faculty, Information Systems and Technologies faculty. The University also includes the Pre-university Training Department, the Master Training Centre, the Post-graduate Education Centre, the Instruction Centre, the Instruction Methodology Unit, the post-graduate and doctoral schools, Kryvyi Rih and Crimean Institutes of Economics, target-oriented lyceums and colleges, library and computer centres, a museum, a publishing office, 13 research institutes etc. In 2010 the Academic Council of Kyiv National Economic University approved the creation of French-Ukrainian Institute of Management as part of KNEU. There is also a Foreign Citizens Teaching Centre. Today, there are 278 foreign students. The University has trained 2,200 students from 60 countries of the world over the entire period of its activities.

The Pre-university Training Departmentoffers programmes aimed to prepare applicants for entrance examinations.

Bachelor’s degree programmes in economics and management are profession-oriented and require four years of study. The first two years (so called freshman and sophomore year) are aimed at providing general education. The last two years (junior and senior years) are devoted entirely to the majors. The academic year is usually nine months duration and is divided into two terms. The students have an examination session at the end of each term. At the end of their studies they have to submit a graduate paper and take the state examinations.

The Master’s degree programmes require one or two years beyond the bachelor’s degree, but those additional two years open the door to many career opportunities. Students must complete and defend a Master Project Paper.

Students with the degree of Master in Economics may continue their studies in the post-graduate PhD school of the KNEU. The Post-graduate programmes provide a deeper study of the subjects related to the chosen speciality. The academic degree of PhD in Economics can be granted to the student after the development and the successful presentation of the thesis to the specialised academic council*.

The Post-graduate Education Centre(specialist level) re-trains specialists with the higher education on the basis of the full-time and extramural forms of studies within 2 years in the following specialities: Economics of an Enterprise, Accounting and Audit, Finance and Credit, HR Management and Labour Economics, Marketing, Law.

Currently the University has seven academic buildings with all education facilities, six hostels housing over 4170 persons and the Ekonomist Sports Centre. The central location of on campus accommodation* means that most of the University academic facilities*: public catering enterprises, medical and consumer services and Sports Centre are all within walking distance.

The Ekonomist Sports Centre has a stadium with two football fields, two tennis courts, a swimming pool, sports grounds, gyms, game rooms, an aerobics room, a boxing room. They provide favourable conditions for the pursuit* of physical culture and sports for up to 1,000 students at a time.

The University’s library has the largest collection of literature on economics in Ukraine including educational, scientific, popular science, reference, information and bibliography publications in the Ukrainian and other languages.

«The Perspektyva» Job Placement Centre is a structural unit established in 1999 in order to develop close co-operation with employers, and support students and graduates of the KNEU with the job placement*.

KNEU Student Tourist Club “Skify” is a student public organization of Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University, created in order to develop student harmonious development through specific actions in the sphere of tourism, art, culture, volunteer activities, archeology, etc. tourism, advocacy of healthy habits and to popularize KNEU reputation among the higher educational institutions of Ukraine.

Kyiv National Economic University has extensive relationships with academic institutions all over the world. The University has formal agreements for cooperation and exchange with partner universities in Austria, Finland, China, Netherlands, Russia, Poland, Germany, Italy, Turkey, United States etc.

The University alumni work at various branches of industry and agriculture, state and private organizations, finance and banking system.

Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University is creating exciting opportunities for its staff and students to live, work, study and research in Ukraine and across the globe. The University courses are at the forefront of knowledge* and fully reflect the commitment* to preparing students for the challenges* of the 21st Century.


1. on campus accommodation - проживання на території студентського містечка

2. specialised academic council – спеціалізована вчена рада

3. academic facilitiesзручності для навчання

4. conditions for the pursuit of – умови для занять

5. job placement - працевлаштування

6. advocacy of healthy habits – пропаганда здорового способу життя

7. be at the forefront of knowledge – надавати сучасні знання

8. commitment - взяте зобов'язання

9. challenge – виклик, задача

Exercise 1. Read, translate the following definitions into Ukrainian and memorize them.

1. Full-time attendance

students (usually in higher education) who take a full load of course work each academic term, commonly 12 credit hours or more.

2. Correspondence course

a course of lessons in which the student works at home and sends completed work to their teacher by post.

3. Bachelor’s degree

a first university degree awarded to an individual after completion of undergraduate course work usually taking eight semesters and 120 credits to complete.

4. Applicant

5. Undergraduate

a person who applies, as for a job, university, grant, support, etc.; candidate a student at college or university studying for their first degree.

6. Alumnus (plural alumni)

a former student and most often a graduate of an educational institution (school, college, university)

7. Freshman

AmEa student in the first year of high school or university

8. Sophomore

AmE a student who is in their second year of study at a college or high school

9. Junior

AmE relating to the year before the final year of high school or college

10. Senior

AmE a student in their last year of high school or university

11. Master’s degree

an academic degree granted to individuals who have undergone study demonstrating a mastery or high-order overview of a specific field of study, university graduate degree received after bachelor’s and before doctorate.

12. Post-graduate degree programmes

programmes designed for anyone who holds a bachelor's degree and continues studying to get a Master’s Degree or a PHD.


a long piece of writing about a particular subject that you do as part of an advanced university degree such as an MA or a PhD

14. Major

the main subject that a student studies at college or university

15. Campus

the land and buildings of a university or college, including the buildings where students live

16. Accommodation

rooms, equipment, or services that are provided for a particular purpose

Exercise 2. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following words and word combinations:

1.Самоврядний (автономний) дослідницький внз - ______________________


2. рівень акредитації - _____________________________________

3. форма власності - ______________________________________

4. форма навчання - __________________________________________

5. науково-популярні, довідкові видання - ____________________________


6. добре зарекомендувати себе - ________________________________

7. Європейська Хартія Університетів - ___________________________

8. входити в десятку найкращих - ________________________________

9. денна форма навчання - ______________________________________

10. заочна форма навчання - _____________________________________

11. творчість та натхнення - _____________________________________

12. здійснювати вагомий вклад у суспільний розвиток - __________________


13. через дослідження, генерування та поширення нових знань - ___________


14. академіки та члени-кореспонденти Академії Наук - ___________________


15. кандидат наук та доцент - ______________________________________

16. вищий навчальний заклад - _____________________________________

17. засновник університету - _______________________________________

18. Київський інститут обміну та розподілу - ___________________________


19. очна та заочна форма навчання - ________________________________

20. відновлювати роботу - _________________________________________

21. наполеглива праця - ___________________________________________

22.що стало справедливим визнанням - _______________________________

22. факультет економіки та управління - _______________________________

23. написання та успішний захист дисертації - __________________________________________________________________

24.забезпечувати житлом – _________________________________________

25. сприятливі умови для занять фізкультурою і спортом - __________________________________________________________________

26. налагоджувати тісну співпрацю з роботодавцями _____________________


27. надавати допомогу студентам та випускникам у працевлаштуванні - ____


28. підготовка конкурентних фахівців і креативних особистостей - __________________________________________________________________

29. аспірантура, докторантура - _______________________________________

30. центр післядипломної освіти - _____________________________________

31. сприяти популяризації іміджу КНЕУ - ______________________________


32. надавати статус національного університету - __________________________________________________________________

33. підприємства громадського харчування - ____________________________

Exercise 3. Translate the following words and word combinations using the text:

  1. the training of competitive specialists and creative personalities -____________


  1. to join the European Universities Charter -___________________________

  2. to resume working - _______________________________________________

4. to establish close contacts - _________________________________________

5. the day-time department - ___________________________________________

6. the Post-graduate Education Centre - ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­__________________________________

7. to prepare applicants for entrance examinations - _________________________


8. Bachelor’s degree programmes - ______________________________________

9. to be aimed at providing general education -__________________________________________________________________

9. to be granted to - __________________________________________________

10. the full-time and extramural forms of studies - __________________________


11. HR Management and Labour Economics - _____________________________


12. on campus accommodation - ________________________________________

13. for the pursuit of physical culture - ___________________________________


14. to provide favourable conditions - ___________________________________


15. Job Placement Centre - ____________________________________________

16. to develop close co-operation with employers - _________________________


17. advocacy of healthy habits - ________________________________________

18. the University alumni - ____________________________________________

19. to create exciting opportunities - _____________________________________


20. the Academic Council - ____________________________________________

21. to prepare students for the challenges - ________________________________


22. to submit a graduate paper - _______________________________________


23. to re-train specialists - _________________________________________________

Exercise 4. Match the faculties from column A to their Ukrainian equivalents from column B:


Economics and Management faculty

Облiково-економiчний факультет

faculty of International Economics and Management

Факультет управлiння персоналом та маркетингу

Information Systems and Technologies faculty

Кредитно-економічний факультет

faculty of law sciences

Фiнансово-економiчний факультет

Agroindustrial Sector Economics faculty

Факультет економiки АПК

Credit and Economics faculty

Юридичний факультет

Finance and Economic faculty

Факультет економiки та управлiння

Accounting and economics faculty

Факультет мiжнародної економiкиiменеджменту

Human Resource Management and Marketing faculty

Факультет інформаційних систем і технологій

Exercise 5. Match the following verbs, prepositions and nouns or noun phrases as they occur in the text. Copy out the expressions and translate them into Ukrainian:

to contribute


Kyiv Commercial Institute

To be transformed

a number of higher education establishments

To be named


providing general education

To be


various branches of industry and agriculture

To be granted


To be established


Kyiv in 1906

To be reorganised

two institutes

To be founded


the development of the society

To be aimed


To work


two terms

To be devoted

Vadym Hetman

To be divided


walking distance

Exercise 6. Match words from list A with words from list B that have a similar meaning:


term academic

day-time department training

correspondence course promotion

graduates teaching officers

contacts lodging

advocacy hall of residence

applicants establishment

reputation curricula

education tertiary education University staff relationships

accommodation semester

hostel full-time attendance

institution status

educational prospective students

higher education extramural courses

programmes alumni

Exercise 7. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word or phrase from the box below:

1. KNEU is … providing a full five-year professional course of study with corresponding degrees and qualifications awarded afterwards. 2. State diplomas of … and qualification certificates are awarded to our …. 3. The most important things while studying at … is the new … they acquire as it would be useful for their future career. 4. Universities in Great Britain enjoy almost complete autonomy from national or local government in their administration and the determination of their …. 5. Some institutions concentrate primarily on … while others are more research intensive. 6. Universities also increasingly transfer knowledge out to … and other organisations. 7. It is true that the … educational institutions have widened their doors to individuals from less advantaged classes. 8. Traditionally, … programmes at university require four years of full-time study. 9. A majority of … (70%) in Ukraine finish their study with the Bachelor’s degree (also called undergraduate or first degree). 10. The proportion of women who have finished … research programmes is lower than that of men in Ukraine. 11. In Cambridge, we have … on and off campus, and shared houses within two miles of …. 12. … is a vital component of the requirements for students seeking to obtain their graduate degree. 13. In some languages, … is called a magister. 14. Universities have to provide student … for first-year students.

Knowledge; halls of residence; a master's degree; postgraduate; graduates; teaching; tertiary; accommodation; businesses; Bachelor’s degree; curricula; campus; higher education; alumni; University; a higher education establishment; a graduate paper

Exercise 8. Fill in the blanks with the words given in the box below. Speak about American students:













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