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3. Переклад тексту на українську мову. Модуль 2

  1. Лексичний блок. Економіка Великобританії. Економіка США. Порівняльна характеристика економіка Великобританії та економіки США.

Economy of great britain

  1. What type of economy does Great Britain have?

  2. What is the role of the government in the economy of Great Britain?

  3. What are the main sectors of British economy?

  4. What natural resources is Great Britain rich in?

  5. What are the main branches of British industry?

  6. What are the traditional branches of British economy?

  7. What are the new industries of British economy?

  8. What are the main industrial centres of Great Britain?

  9. What does Britain’s banking system comprise?

  10. What can you say about international trade of Great Britain?

  11. What are the main Britain’s exports?

  12. What role does agriculture play in the economy of Great Britain?

  13. Why does Great Britain have to import agricultural products?

Economy of the united states of america

  1. What type of economic system does the USA have?

  2. What elements does economic system of the USA combine?

  3. What is the role of government in the US economy?

  4. What natural resources is the USA rich in?

  5. What are the main branches of the US industry?

  6. What place does the USA hold in the capitalist world?

  7. What are the branches of the US agriculture?

  8. What are the branches of animal husbandry in the US agriculture?

  9. What crops are grown in the USA?

  10. What makes the United States a leading exporter of food products?

  1. Граматичний блок. Дієприкметники теперішнього та минулого часів. Утворення та вживання теперішнього тривалого часу. Конструкція to be going to. Утворення та вживання теперішнього перфектного часу. Вживання артикля з незлічуваними іменниками та у деяких сталих сполученнях.

3. Переклад тексту на українську мову. Іі семестр модуль 1

  1. Лексичний блок. Економіка та її основні поняття. Фактори виробництва.

What is economics?

  1. What is economics?

  2. What does economics study?

  3. What different definitions of economics do you know?

  4. Why is it impossible to define economics by a single word?

  5. What are the key terms of economics?

  6. What does the term “need” mean?

  7. What is “a want”?

  8. What is “a demand”?

  9. What is the difference between “a want” and “a need”?

  10. What does economics deal with?

  11. What are economic products?

  12. What is the difference between goods and services?

  13. What kinds of goods do you know?

  14. What are consumer goods intended for?

  15. What are capital goods?

  16. What do services include?

  17. What can you say about free products?

  18. What does the term “value” mean in economics?

  19. What does the term “wealth” mean in economics?

  20. What is country’s total worth?

  21. What is utility?

  22. What is scarcity?

  23. What is the correlation between value and scarcity?

  24. What is counted as wealth?

  25. Why are services not counted as wealth?

Factors of production

  1. What is the reason people cannot satisfy all their wants and needs?

  2. What are the factors of production?

  3. What does the term ”land” mean?

  4. What do economists think of land as a factor of production?

  5. What does the term “labour” mean?

  6. What is the difference between ‘’land” and “labour”?

  7. Why may labour vary in size over time?

  8. What is the third factor of production?

  9. What kinds of capital do you know?

  10. What is the difference between physical and financial capital?

  11. When does production take place?

  12. What is entrepreneurship?

  13. What role do the entrepreneurs play?

  1. Граматичний блок. Утворення та вживання минулого неозначеного часу, майбутнього неозначеного часу, минулого тривалого часу, майбутнього тривалого часу. Ступені порівняння прикметників та прислівників. Конструкції asas, not so(as)…as. Числівник.

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