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Any text exists in the history of culture and it’s a link in the culture. Any good text is short through the reminiesences, etc.

Int-ty is a term used to refer to allusions, quatations and reminiesences in order to suggest, how author’s acho and imploy elements of other text in their own works.

The term “int-ty” comes from latin “intertexta”. In modern linguistics, it was introduced by J.Kristeva to create a theory of the text as a network of sign systems, situated in relation to other systems in culture.

The foundation of int-ty theory was layed by

Bahtin. He wrote about a dialogue existing b/w the writer and the reader and the contemporary or earlier culture. He wrote: “There’s no first or last w-ds and ther’s no border dialogical context...”. Although Bahtin first published in 1919 for a variety of reasons. It is ever the last 20 or 30 years, that he has come to be recognized in modern linguistics.

There are dif. discriptions of int-ty:

  • Ind-ty is the function of several texts

  • Any text is quoted and quotable

  • Ind-ty is a conflict b/w the text and intertext

  • Int-ty is a purmutation of text.

A text is available only through the process of reading. It is enriched by all the other texts, which the reader brings into it. A delicate allusion to a work unknown to the reader may go unnoticed. On the other hand, the reader’s experience unknown to the author may lead to a fresh interpretation.

Speaking about dif. types of int-ty, Genette gives the following classification of it:

  • int-ty: allusions, quatations, playgerism (плагеат)

  • paratexuality: the ulation b/w the body of the text and its titles, epigraphs, notes, prefices, etc.

  • metatexuality: the relation b/w a commentary and its objects

  • architexuality: the interrelation of types of discourses, literary genres, manner of writing

  • intratexuality: the relationships within the works of a single writer

Besides the ability to express maximal of m-ng in a minimum of space and time, int-ty conveys, what can’t be conveyed otherwise: it allows to regard the vents, the char-rers in the light of previous culture, history giving a new scope to it. It gives a new perspective to the text, takes the facts described out and beyond the borders of the text.

Types of intexts

Quatation. Quating dates back to religious traditions. As a result, the dialogue of 2 texts, the pretext and the present text, brought additional m-ngs.

Every Q. is a metaphor, which speaks of what is absent and engages the reader into a speculative activity. Q-s are especially conspiculous, when used in strong position.

Allusions are references without further detailed to history, current events. Not only should the reader recognize the person, object or event alluded to, but he should understand, the its relevance to the story of connotations created.

Accord. to the role played in the text, the significance of the theme or idea, A-s are divided into:

  • dominant

  • local

Local are effective in some part of the text. Dominant – is a compositional hinge of the text, connecting all the lines with the main idea

Ex. Dyke “The Centor” (кентавр); Stainback “The Winter of our...”

Among A we distinguish troponisms and autotroponisms.

The name of a person plays a mystical role in people’s life. It may determine his life and it may be transformed, acquire new m-ng hence to the person having it. There are no m-ngless names. All names signify smth.

One of the types of the int-ty is “a text within a text”. It may be borrowed (“The ant and the grasshoper”) or it may be created by the author himself.

Borrowed int-ty – author’s int-ty

Created by the author – inner/functional int-ty

Reminiesences are the familiar plots, motifs, w-ding, sounding of the text, which arouse associations with other literary texts.

A new notion was introduced into the theory of int-ty – digest R, which mean the reader’s preconception of some phenomena, facts, genres, which form their expectations. A digest R is a ready list or set of stereotype utterances texts, established in the memory of the person and being a part of his linguistic competence.

One more type of int-ty is centontexts. (“Cento” – ласкутное одеяло; берутся строчки различных текстов и соединяются)

Intermedial int-ty, when texts belonging to dif. semiotic systems are intergrated. It is presented by the verbal discriptions of text of dif. parts (painting, music, architecture, etc)

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