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Пособие по грамматике.doc
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Exercise 5. Comment on the use of the Past Simple in the following sentence.

1. Last Sunday my family went to the country. 2. Our bus stopped at a little station.

3. He smoked a cigarette and left the room. 4. Every night he saw one and the same dog near his house. 5. Tom didn’t use his help. 6. Mr. Brown lost his documents three weeks ago. 7. Yesterday he didn’t notice her at the entrance of the theatre.

Exercise 6. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative.

1. We went for a walk down "Alphabet Street" to Ginger Street. 2. He did a tremendous amount of work. 3. They carried out a huge survey. 4. We had absolutely nothing to do last weekend. 5. She began the examination on time. 6. She had a problem on her mind. 7. My friend taught English for twenty-five years. 8. He wrote to her last Sunday.

Exercise 7. Put one of these verbs in each sentence in the proper form.

buy catch cost drink fall hurt sell spend teach throw win write

1. Mozart … more than 600 pieces of music.

2. “How did you learn to drive?” “My father … me.”

3. We couldn’t afford to keep our car, so we … it.

4. I was very thirsty. I … the water very quickly.

5. Paul and I played tennis yesterday. He’s much better than me, so he … easily.

6. Don … down the stairs this morning and … his leg.

7. Jim … the ball to Sue, who … it.

8. Ann … a lot of money yesterday. She … a dress which … £200.

Exercise 8. Complete the sentences, put the verb in brackets into Past Simple, positive or negative.

1. It was warm, so I … off my coat. (take)

2. The film wasn’t very good. I … it very much. (enjoy)

3. I knew Sarah was very busy, so I … her. (disturb)

4. I was very tired, so I … to bed early. (go)

5. The bed was very uncomfortable. I … very well. (sleep)

6. Sue wasn’t hungry, so she … anything. (eat)

7. We went to Kate’s house but she … at home. (be)

8. It was a funny situation but nobody … . (laugh)

9.The window was open and a bird … into the room. (fly)

10. The hotel wasn’t very expensive. It … very much. (cost)

11. I was in a hurry, so I … time to phone you. (have)

Exercise 9. Complete these sentences with used to … + a suitable verb.

1. Dennis gave up smoking two years ago. He … 40 cigarettes a day.

2. Liz … a motorbike, but last year she sold it and bought a car.

3. We came to live in Manchester a few years ago. We … in Nottingham.

4. I rarely eat ice-cream but I … when I was a child.

5. Jim … my best friend but we aren’t friends any longer.

Exercise 10. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Мы начали этот опыт на прошлой неделе. 2. Они вернулись домой в 7 часов вечера. 3. Мы решили послать это письмо вчера. 4. Кому вы отдали эти журналы? 5. Я встретил ее позавчера, и она рассказала мне об этом. 6. Это случилось много веков назад. 7. Я звонил ей на днях, и все было хорошо. 8. Ломоносов основал Московский университет в 1725 году. 9. Брат вылетел в Нидерланды две недели назад. 10. Кто ходил вчера за покупками? 11. Мои сыновья помогли мне переставить всю мебель в комнате вчера. 12. Теперь она избегает ходить туда так часто, как раньше. 13. Я лично думаю, что теперь вы говорите по-английски лучше, чем раньше. 14. Когда-то он был весьма состоятельным человеком.