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§42. Глагол “to have” the verb “to have”

Глагол to have в настоящем неопределенном времени

Утвердительная форма

Отрицательная форма

Вопросительная форма

I have got

We have got

You have got

They have got

He has got

She has got

It has got

I have not got

We have not got

You have not got

They have not got

He has not got

She has not got

It has not got

Have I got?

Have we got?

Have you got?

Have they got?

Has he got?

Has she got?

Has it got?

В разговорной речи употребляются сокращения

have not got = haven’t got и has not got = hasn’t got.

В отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях возможно также употребление вспомогательных глаголов do и does:

They don’t have any children. = (They haven’t got any children.)

У них нет детей.

It’s a nice house but it doesn’t have a garden. (= it hasn’t got a garden.)

Это хороший дом, но там нет сада.

В прошедшем неопределенном времени глагол to have в утвердительных предложениях имеет форму had. В отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях употребляется вспомогательный глагол did.

The children had a good rest yesterday. Дети хорошо отдохнули вчера.

I didn’t have any time to speak to you yesterday.

Вчера у меня не было времени поговорить с тобой.

Будущее время глагола to have строится при помощи вспомогательных глаголов shall/will.

Tomorrow I shall have a very important meeting.

Завтра у меня очень важная встреча.

I’m sure I won’t have any difficulties in finding a suitable house.

Я уверен, у меня не будет никаких трудностей в поисках подходящего дома.

Глагол to have употребляется в некоторых выражениях:

to have dinner обедать

to have tea пить чай

to have a shower/bath принять душ, ванну

to have a rest/a sleep/a chat отдохнуть, поспать, поболтать

to have a good time хорошо провести время

to have a toothache/headache иметь зубную/головную боль

to have a cold простудиться

to have a look взглянуть


Exercise 1. Fill in the gaps with:

A. “have got, has got, haven’t got(don’t have), hasn’t got(doesn’t have)”.

1. They like flowers. They… a lot of roses in their garden. 2. Jane … a car. She goes everywhere by bicycle. 3. Everybody likes Tom. He … a lot of friends. 4. Mr. and Mrs. Eastwood … two children, a boy and a girl. 5. This insect … six legs. 6. I can’t open the door. I … a key. 7. Quick! Hurry! We … much time. 8. What’s wrong? – I … something in my eye. 9. Mother is going to the dentist. She … a toothache. 10. I’ m not going to work today. I … a bad cold.

B. “had, didn’t have”.

1. Ann … long fair hair when she was a child. 2. I didn’t know the time because I … a watch. 3. Yesterday I … a headache. 4. Yesterday it started to rain. Fortunately, we … an umbrella with us. 5. Last week we couldn’t visit the museum because we … enough time. 6. We … a good time last Saturday. It was great – we invited lots of people. 7. I met Ann in the supermarket yesterday. We stopped and … a chat. 8. I couldn’t take any photos because I … my camera with me.

C. “will have, won’t have”.

1. I’m afraid we … a lot of difficulties with our new computer system. 2. Don’t worry, I … a friend with me who speaks German. 3. You … a chance to walk in the garden. We will be short of time. 4. You … 30 seconds to answer this question. 5. Sorry, I … dinner. I’m in a hurry. Thank you so much.

Exercise 2. Write the following sentences a) in the negative

b) in the interrogative.

1. He has a nice apartment. 2. He will have a lot of problems. 3. My grandparents have a marvelous cottage house. 4. We will have a charity concert. 5. My sister had long hair when she was a little girl. 6. My brother has got a powerful car. 7. My friend had a Brazilian accent a few years ago. 8. The children have got a lot of toys.

Exercise 3. Put the verb “to have” in brackets into the correct form.

1. I don’t eat much during the day. I never … (to have lunch). 2. David likes to keep fit, so he …(to have a swim) every day. 3. We … (to have a party) last Tuesday. It was nice. A lot of interesting people came there. 4. Excuse me, can I … (to have a look) at your newspaper, please? 5. Where’s Jim? He … (to have a rest) in his room. He is very tired. 6. Last week he … (to have a fever) so he couldn’t go to Sam’s birthday party. 7. I don’t usually smoke but I was feeling very nervous, so I …(to have a cigarette) 8. Don’t worry. He … (to have dinner). He isn’t hungry.

Exercise 4. Translate the sentences.

1. У них есть три собаки и три кошки. 2. У нее большие зеленые глаза.

3. У моего брата дорогая машина. 4. У нас не было машины в прошлом году.

5. У меня вчера болела голова. 6. Мы хорошо провели время вчера. 7. У вас есть книги по истории Англии? 8. Я не могу позвонить. У меня нет мелочи. 9. Я не смог сфотографировать это здание, так как у меня не было с собой камеры.

10. Он не мог найти дорогу домой, так как у него не было карты.11.Перезвоните позже. Он принимает душ сейчас. 12. Я устала. Пойду, отдохну. 13. У тебя был велосипед в детстве? 14. У тебя болит живот? 15. Не звони мне в это время.

Я буду принимать ванну.