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Exercise 1. Put in am/ is/are.

1. The sky… very blue today. 2. I … not tired. 3. This shelf ... very heavy.

4. These shelves … very heavy. 5. The chills … asleep. 6. Look! This … Mabel. 7. I … cold. Can you shut the window, please? 8. The castle … one thousand years old.

9. My brother and I … good tennis players. 10. Amy …. at home but her parents … in church.

Exercise 2. Write full sentences. Use am/is/ are each time.

  1. (my grandparents very old) My grandparents are very old.

  2. (my desk very comfortable) ________________________

  3. (your spectacles in your bag)_______________________

  4. (I not very clever today)___________________________

  5. (this house very expensive)__________________________

  6. (the shops not open today)___________________________

  7. (Mr Wren’s grandson six years old)___________________

  8. (the houses in this street very big)_____________________

  9. (the examination not difficult)________________________

  10. (those flowers very beautiful)________________________

Exercise 3. Write positive and negative short answers.

  1. Are you married? No, I’m not.

  2. Is she tall?________________

  3. Is it cold today? ___________

  4. Are you an engineer? _______

  5. Are you hungry? ___________

  6. Is it light now? _____________

  7. Are your hands warm? _______

  8. Are you thirsty? ____________

  9. Is you father tall? ___________

  10. Is it sunny? ________________

Exercise 4. Translate into English.

1. Твой брат дома? 2. Сколько стоят эти открытки? 3. Эта гостиница очень дорогая. 4. Я интересуюсь искусством. 5. Все магазины сегодня открыты. 6. Музей сегодня открыт? 7. Мне жарко. 8. Моя сестра архитектор. 9. Я не устала. 10. Откуда родом её муж? 11. Они не студенты, они врачи. 12. Тебе интересны иностранные языки?

§ 2. Глагол to be в Past Indefinite Tense The Verb to be in the Past Indefinite Tense

Утвердительная форма

Отрицательная форма

Вопросительная форма

I was

You were

He was She was

It was

We were

You were

They were

I was not

You were not

He was not

She was not

It was not

We were not

You were not

They were not

Was I?

Were you?

Was he?

Was he?

Was it?

Were we?

Were you?

Were they?

was not = wasn’t were not = weren’t


Exercise 1. Put in was/wasn’t/ were/weren’t

  1. We didn’t like that house. It was very old and it wasn’t large enough.

  2. Helen got married when she ______21 years old.

  3. I called you yesterday evening but you______at home. Where_____you?

  4. My son______at work last week because he _____ill. He is better now.

  5. The shops ____open yesterday because it _____a public holiday.

  6. “_____you at home at 9.30?” “No, I ______. I ______at work”

Exercise 2. Put in am/is/are/was/ were

  1. Last year their son was 26, so he is 27 now.

  2. Today the weather _____nice, but yesterday it_____cold.

  3. I _____cold. Can I have something hot to drink?

  4. I _____hungry last night, so I had something to eat.

  5. Where _____you at 10 o’clock last Sunday morning?

  6. Don’t buy those shoes. They _____ too expensive.

  7. Why ______ you so tired yesterday?

  8. We must go now. It ______ very late.

  9. This time last year I ______ in England.

  10. We ______ tired when we arrived home, so we went to bed.

Exercise 3. Translate into English.

1. Где они были вчера вечером? 2. Почему ты вчера опоздал? 3. Его вчера не было в институте. 4. Меня там не было. 5. Её не было дома в пять часов.



§ 1. Оборот there + be быть, находиться, существовать употребляется для выражения наличия (или отсутствия) в определённом месте ещё неизвестного собеседнику или читателю лица или предмета. Данный оборот стоит в начале предложения, за ним следует подлежащее, выраженное существительным, т.е. имеет место обратный порядок слов (инверсия). Глагол to be ставится в личной форме (is, are, was, were, will be) и согласуется с последующим именем существительным. Если в предложении с оборотом there + be имеется обстоятельство места, то перевод начинается с этого обстоятельства:

There are many new books В институтской библиотеке много

at the Institute library. новых книг.

При отсутствии обстоятельства перевод предложения начинается с самого оборота:

There are different methods of Существуют различные способы

learning English words. заучивания английских слов.

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