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Louzao Villar




44.See Michael Billig, Banal Nationalism (London 1995).

45.See Danie`le Hervieu-Le´ger, Religion as a Chain of Memory (New Brunswick, NJ 2000), 92–100 and 123–62.

46.On Spain, see Pamela B. Radcliff, ‘La representacio´n de la nacio´n. El conflicto en torno a la identidad nacional y las pra´cticas simbo´licas en la Segunda Repu´ blica’, in Rafael Cruz and Manuel Pe´rez Ledesma, eds, Cultura y movilizacio´n en la Espan˜a contempor- a´nea (Madrid 1997), 305–25 and Pamela B. Radcliff, From Mobilisation to Civil War: The Politics of Polarisation in the Spanish City of Gijo´n, 1900–1937 (Cambridge 1996).

47.See particularly Julio de la Cueva Merino: ‘Clericalismo y movilizacio´n cato´lica durante

la Restauracion’,´


Villaverde, eds,

in Julio de la Cueva Merino and Angel Lopez´

Clericalismo y asociacionismo cato´lico en Espan˜a: de la restauracio´n a la transicio´n

(Cuenca 2005), 37–8 and Julio de la Cueva Merino, ‘The Stick and the Candle: Clericals and Anticlericals in Northern Spain, 1898–1913’, European History Quarterly, Vol. 26(2) (1996), 241–65.

48.See e.g. Carolyn Boyd, Historia Patria: Politics, History, and National Identity in Spain, 1875–1975 (Princeton, NJ 1997) and Tim Ko¨ssler, ‘Towards a New Understanding of the Child: Catholic Mobilisation and Modern Pedagogy in Spain, 1900–1936’,

Contemporary European History, Vol. 18(1) (2009), 1–24.

49.See the classic Joan Connelly Ullman, The Tragic Week: A Study of Anti-clericalism in Spain, 1875–1912 (Cambridge, MA 1968).

50.See the letter of Mene´ndez Pelayo in January that year in opposition to secular schools: ‘What generations educated with the bile of blasphemy on their lips, with no idea of God or of patriotic sentiments, may make of themselves, has already been demonstrated in exemplary fashion by recent events towards which silence would suggest complicity, or at least cowardice’ (cited in the pastoral letter of Victoriano Guisasola, El problema de la ensen˜anza (Valencia 1910), 34–7, in which the Archbishop of Valencia himself denounced secular schooling as intending to form ‘new brains with no idea of God or the Nation’, 29).

51.Wilhem Kriege, La escuela neutra a la luz de la verdad (Madrid 1911), 14.

52.Ramo´n Ruiz Amado, ‘La escuela laica, peste social’, La Educacio´n Hispanoamericana, Vol. 170 (1925), 5 and 16.

53.In the Basque city of Bilbao it was calculated that 9000 children had taken the sacrament (El Pueblo Vasco (Bilbao), 2 May 1913).

54.Domingo Cirici Ventallo´, La peregrinacio´n de la lealtad (Madrid 1913), 96–7.

55.For further details, see Frances Lannon, ‘1898 and the Politics of Catholic Identity in Spain’, in Austen Ivereigh, ed., The Politics of Religion in an Age of Revival (London 2000), 56–73.

56.See Julio de la Cueva Merino, ‘Movilizacio´n polı´tica e identidad anticlerical, 1898– 1910’, Ayer, Vol. 27 (1997), 101–26 and Julio de la Cueva Merino, ‘The Assault on the City of Levites: Spain’, in Clark and Kaiser, op. cit., 181–201.

57.See e.g. Claude Langlois, Le Catholicisme au fe´minin. Les congre´gations franc¸aises a` supe´rieure ge´ne´rale au XIXe sie`cle (Paris 1984); Ruth Harris, Lourdes: Body and Spirit in the Secular Age (London 1999); David Blackbourn, Marpingen: Apparitions of the Virgin Mary in a Nineteenth-Century German Village (New York 1994); and Thomas Kselman, Miracles in Nineteenth-Century France (New Brunswick, NJ 1983).

58.Javier Moreno Luzo´n, ‘Entre el progreso y la virgen del Pilar. La pugna por la memoria en el centenario de la Guerra de Independencia’, Historia y Polı´tica, Vol.12 (2004),

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European History Quarterly 43(4)



41–78; Carlos Serrano, El nacimiento de Carmen. Sı´mbolos, mitos y nacio´n (Madrid 1999), 55–74; Carolyn Boyd, ‘Covadonga y el regionalismo asturiano’, Ayer, Vol. 64 (2006), 149–78; and Julio de la Cueva Merino, ‘Inventing Catholic Identities in Twentieth Century Spain: The Virgin Bien-Aparecida’, Catholic Historical Review, Vol. 87(4) (2001), 624–42.

59.See the local studies by Andre´s E. de Man˜aricu´ a,Santa Marı´a de Begon˜a en la historia espiritual de Vizcaya (Bilbao 1950) and Silverio de Echevarrı´a, Historia del Santuario e Imagen de Nuestra Sen˜ora de Begon˜a (Tolosa 1892).

60.Miguel de Unamuno, Paz en la guerra (Madrid 1897).

61.The following quotations are all taken from Ecos Religiosos (Bilbao), 48 (1900).

62.Francisco Navarro Villoslada, Amaya o los vascos en el siglo VIII (Madrid 1879).

63.El Debate (Madrid), 18 July 1917.

64.Reference in Jose´ Miguel de Barandiara´n, Diario personal. Volumen I (1917–1936) (Ataun 2005), 673–4; see also William Christian, Visionaries: The Spanish Republic and the Reign of Christ (Berkeley, CA 1996) and Joseba Louzao, ‘La Virgen y la salvacio´n de Espan˜a. Un ensayo de historia cultural durante la II Repu´ blica’,Ayer, Vol. 82 (2011), 187–210.

65.See Joseba Louzao, Soldados de la fe o amantes del progreso. Catolicismo y modernidad en Vizcaya (1890–1923) (Logron˜o 2011).

66.Luis Ortiz y Saralegui, Bodas de Plata de la Jornada sangrienta, pero gloriosa para el Catolicismo en Bilbao (El 11 de Octubre de 1903) (Pamplona 1928), 89.

67.La Gaceta del Norte (Bilbao), 11 October 1904.

68.La Gaceta del Norte (Bilbao), 6 October 1904.

69.Julio de la Cueva Merino, ‘Cato´licos en la calle: la movilizacio´n de los cato´licos espa- n˜olas, 1899–1923’, Historia y Polı´tica, Vol. 3 (2000), 55–80.

70.On Portugal, see Anto´nio Teixeira Fernandes, O Confronto de Ideologı´as na Segunda De´cada do Se´culo XX. A` volta de Fa´tima (Porto 1999), 57.

71.Rui Ramos, Histo´ria de Portugal. Sexto volume: A Segunda Fundac¸ a˜o (edited by Jose´ Mattoso) (Lisboa 1994), 611.

72.On Gabriel Garcı´a Moreno, see Peter V. N. Henderson, Gabriel Garcı´a Moreno and

Conservative State Formation in the Andes (Austin, TX 2008).


73. Alfonso Alvarez Bolado, Para ganar la guerra, para ganar la paz. Iglesia y Guerra Civil: 1936–1939 (Madrid 1995), 40–1.

74. Many examples in Javier Ugarte, La nueva Covadonga insurgente. Orı´genes sociales y culturales de la sublevacio´n de 1936 en Navarra y el Paı´s Vasco (Madrid 1998) and Francisco Javier Caspistegui, ‘Spain’s Vende´e: Carlist Identity in Navarre as a Mobilising Model’, in Chris Ealham and Michael Richards, eds, The Splintering of Spain: Cultural History and the Spanish Civil War, 1936–1939 (Cambridge 2005), 177–95.

75.In this respect, see Enrique A. Sanabria, ‘Nineteenth-century Spanish Anticlericalism’, in Brian D. Bunk, Sasha D. Pack and Carl-Gustaf Scott, eds, Nation and Conflict in Modern Spain: Essays in Honor of Stanley Payne (Madison, WI 2008), 51–64; Jacob S. Schapiro, Anticlericalism: Conflict between Church and State in France, Italy, and Spain

(Princeton, NJ 1967); Manuel Pe´rez Ledesma, ‘Studies on Anticlericalism in Contemporary Spain’, International Review of Social History, Vol. 46 (2001), 227–55.

76.Cited in Ferran Archile´s, Parlar en nom del poble. Cultura polı´tica, discurs i mobilitzacio´ social al republicanismo castellonenc (1891–1909) (Castello´2001), 203.

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Louzao Villar




77. Cited in Pilar Salomo´n, ‘El discurso anticlerical en la construccio´n de una identidad nacional espan˜ola republicana (1898–1936)’, Hispania Sacra, Vol. 54 (2002), 496.


78.See the classic Jose Alvarez Junco, El emperador del paralelo. Lerroux y la demagogia populista (Barcelona 2011), 246–80.

79.El Liberal (Bilbao), 10 October 1904 and 12 October 1904.

80.El Noticiero Bilbaı´no (Bilbao), 5 October 1903.

81.El Liberal (Bilbao), 13 August 1918.

82.For further details, see Jose´Andre´s-Gallego, ‘L’influence franc¸ aise sur le catholicisme espagnol des XIXe et XXe sie`cles’, Revue d’histoire de l’e´glise de France, Vol. 224 (2004), 239–46.

83.A more developed account in Alejandro Quiroga, Making Spaniards: Primo de Rivera and the Nationalization of the Masses, 1923–30 (Basingstoke 2007).

84.See a classic Ramiro Reig, Blasquistas y clericales: la lucha por la ciudad en la Valencia de 1900 (Valencia 1986).

85.This can be seen, for example, in the message ‘from the liberal people of Vizcaya’ to the President of the Government, transcribed in Las Dominicales (Madrid), 19 April 1901.

86.Jacqueline Laloutte, ‘Dimensions anticle´ricales de la culture republicaine (1870–1914)’,

Historie, Economie et Societe´, Vol. 10(1) (1991), 127–42.

87.For this interrelation, among other examples, see Sudhir Hazareesingh, ‘Religion and Politics in the Saint-Napoleo´n Festivity 1852–70: AntiClericalism, Local Patriotism and Modernity’, English Historical Review, Vol. 482 (2004), 614–49 and Ferran Archile´s, ‘Una nacionalizacio´n no tan de´bil: patriotismo local y republicanismo en Castello´n (1891–1910)’, Ayer, Vol. 48 (2002), 283–312.

88.The reference to Somorrostro is because it was in this valley that three important battles took place during the Second Carlist War, between Liberal and Carlist forces. The Liberal victory in the third battle enabled the lifting of the blockade of Bilbao, which had been besieged by the counter-revolutionaries. El Liberal (Bilbao), 7 January 1905.

89.Antoni Maria Alcover, Conducta polı´tica que s´imposa avuy a n-els cato`lichs (Barcelona 1907), 11.

90.The main works in this direction are Daniele Menozzi, Sacro Cuore. Un culto tra devozione interiore e restaurazione cristiana della societa` (Rome 2001) and Raymond Jonas, France and the Cult of the Sacred Heart: An Epic Tale for Modern Times

(Berkeley, CA 2000).

91.Quotation in El Pueblo Vasco (Bilbao), 30 May 1919. ‘Viva el Rey’ de Marı´a de Echarri in El Debate (Madrid), 31 May 1919.

92.See Joseba Louzao, ‘El Sagrado Corazo´n de Jesu´ s como instrumento de nacionalizacio´ (c. 1898–1939). Breves notas para un estudio pendiente’, in Mariano Esteban de Vega and Marı´a Dolores Calle Velasco, eds, Procesos de nacionalizacio´n en la Espan˜a contempora´nea (Salamanca 2010), 173–88 and Antonio M. Moral Roncal, La cuestio´n religiosa en la Segunda Repu´blica Espan˜ola: Iglesia y carlismo (Madrid 2009).

93.See La Construccio´n Moderna, 15 June 1919: 57–8.

94.See Maria Thomas, ‘Disputing the Public Sphere: Anticlerical Violence, Conflict and the Sacred Heart of Jesus, April 1931–July 1936’, Cuadernos de Historia Contempora´nea, Vol. 33 (2011), 49–69.

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95.This point is discussed in Manuel Alvarez Tardıo, Anticlericalismo y libertad de conciencia. Polı´tica y religio´n en la Segunda Repu´blica espan˜ola (1931–1936) (Madrid 2002) and Julio de la Cueva and Feliciano Montero, eds, Laicismo y catolicismo. El conflicto polı´tico-religioso en la Segunda Repu´blica (Alcala´de Henares 2009).

96.See most recently Julio de la Cueva and Feliciano Montero, eds, Izquierda obrera y religio´n en Espan˜a (1900–1939) (Alcala´de Henares 2012).

97.See for this argument Nigel Townson, ‘Anticlericalismo y secularizacio´n en Espan˜a: una excepcio´n europea?’, in Townson, op. cit., 146–55.

98.See Reinare´ en Espan˜a, 29–32 (1936).

99.Rafael Cruz, En el nombre del pueblo. Repu´blica, rebelio´n y guerra en la Espan˜a de 1936

(Madrid 2006), 342.

100.Pamela B. Radcliff, ‘La representacio´n de la nacio´n. El conflicto en torno a la identidad nacional y las pra´cticas simbo´licas en la Segunda Repu´ blica’, in Cruz and Pe´rez Ledesma, op. cit., 320.

101.For a useful definition in the French context, see Sudhir Hazareesingh, Political Traditions in Modern France (Oxford 1994), 124–50.

Author Biography

Joseba Louzao Villar is Professor at Cardenal Cisneros University College (University of Alcala´). He is the author of Soldados de la fe o amantes del progreso: catolicismo y modernidad en Vizcaya (1890–1923) (2011) and is currently working on Spanish National Catholicism in the twentieth century.

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