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B. The Compare essay

Compare questions usually present you with two or more terms, instruments, concepts or procedures that are closely connected, and sometimes confused. The purpose of the essay is to explain the similarities between them. Words used are:

Compare ...

What features do ... and ... have in common?

What are the similarities between ...

How are ... and ... similar?

A suitable answer structure would be:

Introduction to similarities between A and B

Compare A & B

in terms of first similarity

Compare A & B

in terms of second similarity

Compare A & B

in terms of third similarity



C. The compare and contrast essay

Compare and contrast essays require you to indicate areas in which the things to be compared are similar and different.

Compare and contrast ...

There are two main ways to answer such questions:


Introduction to differences and similarities between A and B

Difference 1

Difference 2

Difference 3



Similarity 1

Similarity 2

Similarity 3




Introduction to differences and similarities between A and B

Aspect 1 – similarities

Aspect 1 – differences

Aspect 2 – similarities

Aspect 2 – differences

Aspect 3 – similarities

Aspect 3 – differences




Script 23

Ex. 2. Listen to the tape, in which Kate North gives her advice on writing a descriptive essay.

Match the sentence halves to make appropriate sentences.

1 The thesis statement

2 You may adopt to have

3 The objective description

4 The subjective description

5 The purpose of a descriptive essay is

6 Relevant facts and sensory details

7 Using more adverbs, adjectives, verbs than nouns

8 The central impression

9 The descriptive events

a) merely describes the object.

b) is to present an engaging description to the readers.

c) will help to convey the meaning.

d) should contain one clear central impression.

e) will help to communicate the emotions more effectively in your descriptive essay.

f) either an objective or subjective tone in your description.

g) in the chronological order.

h) also includes the writer's attitude and feelings towards it.

i) is built on the details you present.

Ex. 3. Plan answers for some of the questions below. Can you define the type of essay in each case?

Examples of questions:

  1. Account for the large-scale immigration into Malaya in the late 19th Century.

  2. Analyze the changes in US policy towards China during the 1970s.

  3. Assess the contribution of Asoka to the spread of Buddhism in India.

  4. Explain the concept of 'role'. Of what use is the concept to a practicing manager?

  5. Compare and contrast cellulose and lignin decomposition in soil.

  6. List the criteria you would apply to the presentation of government expenditure policy.

  7. Critically discuss economies and diseconomies of scale.

  8. What deductions can be made after studying the cell exhibited at C?

  9. Evaluate the contribution of political parties to the development of public policy in the United States and Canada.

  10. To what extent does the British public participate in the political process?

  11. What factors determine the elasticity of demand curves?

  12. Describe the histology and functional importance of striated muscle.

  13. Illustrate your answer by typical temperature profiles.

  14. Discuss the implications of the Milgram and Zimbardo experiments for understanding people's behavior in situations involving authority.

  15. Discuss the use of behavior therapy in clinical psychology and comment on its limitations.

  16. Illustrate the diversity of anaerobic bacteria by reference to either practical importance or mechanism of energy generation.

  17. Outline the requirements as to 'locus standi' in relation to injunctives and declaratives.

  18. Discuss the role of international capital movements in a world payments system.

  19. Define Administrative Law indicating its general scope and function.

  20. Consider the significance of the year 1848 for the Hapsburg Empire.

  21. Summarize the main requirements of the law in respect of the employer-employee relationship.

  22. 'They are often at a disadvantage in dealing with industry at a technical level.' How valid is this criticism of British Civil Servants?

  23. To what extent is an understanding of the various approaches to industrial relations useful in allowing us to make better sense of the changing nature of the employment relationship?

  24. Discuss the extent to which Human Resource Management and its associated individualism has led to a demise in collectivism and the role of trade unions.

  25. Discuss the respective influences of states and markets in the contemporary world economy characterized by globalization.

  26. Analyze the process of transition from a command economy to a market economy, drawing upon the many recent examples.

Out-of-class Writing Assignment

Satellites and computers are good examples of inventions leading us to be an information society.

Write the argument essay to show the reader how satellites and computers are inventions which give information and, as a result, greatly benefit society. Give the arguments, your examples and details (700–800 words, every other line).