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Part I Biochemistry

Eventually the fibrous cap may thin, and the plaque becomes unstable, leading to rupture and thrombosis.

HDL may be protective by picking up accumulating cholesterol before the advanced lesion forms. ApoA-1 activates LCAT, which in turn adds a fatty acid to cholesterol to produce a cholesterol ester that dissolves in the core of the HDL.

The HDL may subsequently be picked up by the liver through the apoE receptor or deliver cholesterol through the scavenger receptor SR-B1 (reverse cholesterol transport from the periphery to the liver). The HDL may also transfer the cholesterol to an IDL, reforming a normal, unoxidized LDL particle.

Fatty Streak Formation

Liver steroidogenic tissues transfer to IDL

HDL pick up cholesterol

Macrophages phagocytose

(apoA-1 and LCAT)

oxidized/damaged LDL

Smooth muscle migration

Foam cell




Advanced Plaque


Fibrous cap



Formation of

necrotic core

Figure I-15-8. LDL, HDL, and Atherogenesis

Role of Vitamin E

The oxidation of LDL at sites of endothelial damage is thought to be a major stimulus for uptake by macrophages. Some studies have shown a protective role of vitamin E in this process. Vitamin E is a lipid-soluble vitamin that acts as an antioxidant in the lipid phase. In addition to protecting LDL from oxidation, vitamin E may also prevent peroxidation of membrane lipids. Vitamins C and A lack this protective effect despite their antioxidant properties.


Chapter 15 Lipid Synthesis and Storage

Recall Question

Insulin-induced lipoprotein lipase is required for the metabolism of which of the following particles?





Answer: A


Excess lipid in the blood can result from a primary genetic deficiency (rare) or as a secondary consequence of another disease. There are 2 primary hyperlipidemias: type I hypertriglyceridemia and type IIa hypercholesterolemia.

Table I-15-2. Primary Hyperlipidemias























Elevated in


























in Blood






















Familial lipoprotein lipase (rare)






Red-orange eruptive xanthomas





apoC-II (rare)








Fatty liver





Autosomal recessive








Acute pancreatitis














Abdominal pain after fatty meal



















Familial hypercholesterolemia






High risk of atherosclerosis and coronary





Autosomal dominant








artery disease





(Aa 1/500, AA 1/106) LDL-receptor








Homozygous condition, usually death





(LDL-R) deficiency








<20 years














Xanthomas of the Achilles tendon














Tuberous xanthomas on elbows




























Corneal arcus
















Type I Hypertriglyceridemia


Rare genetic absence of lipoprotein lipase results in excessMEDIUMtriglycerideYIELDin the blood and its deposition in several tissues, including liver, skin, and pancreas. Orange-red eruptive xanthomas over the mucous membranes and skin may be seen. Abdominal pain and acute pancreatitis may occur. Fasting chylomicronemia produces a milky turbidity in the serum or plasma.

Diabetes, alcoholism, and glucose-6-phosphatase deficiency all can produce less severe hypertriglyceridemia with an increase in VLDL and chylomicrons. Factors contributing to the hyperlipidemia are:

Decreased glucose and triglyceride uptake in adipose tissue

Overactive hormone-sensitive lipase (Chapter 16)

Underactive lipoprotein lipase


Part I Biochemistry

Hyperlipidemia Secondary to Diabetes

A 20-year-old man was studying for his final exams and became hungry. He drove to the nearest fast food restaurant and ordered a double cheeseburger, extra large French fries, and a large soda. About an hour later, he developed serious abdominal distress, became nauseated, and was close to fainting. Upon his arrival at the emergency room, tests showed that he was hyperglycemic, as well as hypertriglyceridemic. His cholesterol levels were only slightly elevated. Additional information revealed that he was diabetic, and he recovered quickly after the administration of insulin.

The most common type of hyperlipidemia is type V, in which patients have elevated serum triglycerides in VLDL and chylomicrons in response to a meal containing carbohydrates and fat, respectively. One of the important regulatory functions of insulin in adipose tissue is promoting lipoprotein lipase activity by increasing transcription of its gene. Therefore, the consequence in diabetes is abnormally low levels of lipoprotein lipase and the inability to adequately degrade the serum triglycerides in lipoproteins to facilitate the uptake of fatty acids into adipocytes.

Type IIa Hypercholesterolemia

(LDL Receptor Deficiency)


This is an autosomal dominant genetic disease affecting 1/500 (heterozygous) individuals in the United States. It is characterized by elevated LDL cholesterol and increased risk for atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease. Cholesterol deposits may be seen as:

Xanthomas of the Achilles tendon

Subcutaneous tuberous xanthomas over the elbows

Xanthelasma (lipid in the eyelid)

Corneal arcus

Homozygous individuals (1/106) often have myocardial infarctions before 20 years of age.

Abetalipoproteinemia (a Hypolipidemia)


Abetalipoproteinemia and hypobetalipoproteinemia are rare conditions that illustrate the importance of lipid absorption and transport. Patients have low to absent serum apoB-100 and apoB-48. Serum triglycerides may be near zero, and cholesterol extremely low.

Because chylomicron levels are very low, fat accumulates in intestinal enterocytes and in hepatocytes. Essential fatty acids and vitamins A and E are not well absorbed. Symptoms in severe cases include:


Cerebellar ataxia

Pigmentary degeneration in the retina


Chapter 15 Lipid Synthesis and Storage

Acanthocytes (thorny appearing erythrocytes)

Possible loss of night vision


Cholesterol is required for membrane synthesis, steroid and vitamin D synthesis, and in the liver, bile acid synthesis. Most cells derive their cholesterol from LDL or HDL, but some cholesterol may be synthesized de novo. Most de novo synthesis occurs in the liver, where cholesterol is synthesized from acetyl-CoA in the cytoplasm. The citrate shuttle carries mitochondrial acetyl-CoA into the cytoplasm, and NADPH is provided by the HMP shunt and malic enzyme.

(2C) Acetyl-CoA

(4C) Acetoacetyl-CoA






Gene repressed by cholesterol






















HMG - CoA reductase















Statin drugs




























Farnesyl PPi


Farnesyl PPi important for:





• Synthesis of CoQ (ETC)





• Synthesis of dolichol PPi for







N-linked glycosylation of proteins











Bridge to Pharmacology

Treatment of Hypercholesterolemia

Cholestyramine and other drugs that increase elimination of bile salts force the liver to increase their synthesis from cholesterol, thus lowering the internal level of cholesterol in the hepatocytes. Decreased cholesterol within the cell increases LDL receptor expression, allowing the hepatocyte to remove more LDL cholesterol from the blood.

HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors such as atorvastatin and simvastatin inhibit de novo cholesterol synthesis in the hepatocyte, which subsequently increases LDL receptor expression.

(30C) Lanosterol


Cell membranes

(27C) Cholesterol

Vitamin D

Bile acids Steroids (liver)

(adrenal, ovaries, testes)

Figure I-15-9. Synthesis of Cholesterol


Part I Biochemistry

3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl (HMG)-CoA reductase on the smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) is the rate-limiting enzyme. Insulin activates the enzyme (dephosphorylation), and glucagon inhibits it. Mevalonate is the product, and the statin drugs competitively inhibit the enzyme. Cholesterol represses the expression of the HMG-CoA reductase gene and also increases degradation of the enzyme.

Farnesyl pyrophosphate, an intermediate in the pathway, may also be used for:

Synthesis of CoQ for the mitochondrial electron transport chain

Synthesis of dolichol pyrophosphate, a required cofactor in N-linked glycosylation of proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum

Prenylation of proteins (a posttranslational modification) that need to be held in the cell membrane by a lipid tail. An example is the p21ras G protein in the insulin and growth factor pathways.


A 55-year-old man went to see his physician for his annual checkup. Over the past 5 years, his bloodwork consistently showed that his total cholesterol was slightly high (205–220 mg/dL), HDL 45–50 mg/dL, and LDL 145 mg/dL. Serum C-reactive protein (CRP) value was always within normal range. Despite considerable efforts to lower his total cholesterol and LDL (exercise, 1 glass of wine per day, and a carefully controlled diet), his blood cholesterol values did not significantly change. No other problems were evident. He recently heard that the ideal blood level of LDL should be <100 mg/ dL. His physician decided to prescribe a statin drug. Within several weeks of taking the statin, the patient experienced more than usual muscle soreness, pain, and weakness when he exercised. He also noticed that his urine was red-brown.

For a large majority of people, statin drugs work efficiently and without side effects. Maximum lowering of blood cholesterol takes about 4–6 weeks. Because the liver is the site of most cholesterol synthesis, LFTs should be measured 2–3 months after starting the statin regimen. One consequence of statins inhibiting HMG-CoA reductase is the lessening of the downstream synthesis of CoQ, which is needed for the electron transport chain. Without properly functioning mitochondria, muscle would have a decreased ability to generate ATP required for muscle contraction. The red-brown urine is caused by the spillage of myoglobin from damaged muscle cells. CRP is a liver protein that is secreted in inflammation. There is a direct correlation between elevated CRP and atherosclerosis.


Chapter 15 Lipid Synthesis and Storage

Review Questions

Select the ONE best answer.

1. What is the most positive activator of the process shown below?

8 Acetyl-CoA + n ATP + 14 NADPH palmitate + 8 CoASH + nADP + nPi + 14 NADP






2.When adipose tissue stores triglyceride arriving from the liver or intestine, glycolysis must also occur in the adipocyte. Which of the following products or intermediates of glycolysis is required for fat storage?


B.Glucose 6-phosphate



E.Dihydroxyacetone phosphate

Items 3 and 4

Abetalipoproteinemia is a genetic disorder characterized by malabsorption of dietary lipid, steatorrhea (fatty stools), accumulation of intestinal triglyceride, and hypolipoproteinemia.

3.A deficiency in the production of which apoprotein would most likely account for this clinical presentation?






4.Patients with abetalipoproteinemia exhibit membrane abnormalities in their erythrocytes with production of acanthocytes (thorny-appearing cells). This unusual red cell morphology would most likely result from malabsorption of

A.palmitic acid

B.ascorbic acid

C.arachidonic acid

D.folic acid

E.linoleic acid


Part I Biochemistry

5.A patient with a history of recurring attacks of pancreatitis, eruptive xanthomas, and increased plasma triglyceride levels (2,000 mg/dl) associated with chylomicrons, most likely has a deficiency in

A.lipoprotein lipase

B.LDL receptors

C.HMG-CoA reductase


E.apoB-100 receptor

6.Uncontrolled phagocytosis of oxidized LDL particles is a major stimulus for the development of foam cells and fatty streaks in the vascular subendothelium. This process may be inhibited by increased dietary intake of

A.vitamin E

B.vitamin B6

C.vitamin D

D.vitamin B12

E.vitamin K

Items 7–9

A 42-year-old man presents with a chief complaint of intermittent claudication during exercise. His family history is significant for the presence of cardiovascular disease on his father’s side, but not on his mother’s side. Physical exam reveals xanthelasmas and bilateral tendon xanthomas. A plasma lipid profile reveals cholesterol level 340 mg/dL, with a high LDL/HDL ratio. He is given instructions for dietary modifications and a prescription for simvastatin.

7.The clinical findings noted in this patient are most likely caused by deficient production of

A.lethicin cholesterol acyltransferase

B.apoB-100 receptors

C.fatty acyl-CoA synthetase


E.cholesterol ester transfer protein

8.The anticholesterolemic action of simvastatin is based on its effectiveness as a competitive inhibitor of the rate-limiting enzyme in cholesterol biosynthesis. The reaction product normally produced by this enzyme is







Chapter 15 Lipid Synthesis and Storage

9.From a Lineweaver-Burk plot, the Km and Vmax of this rate-limiting enzyme were calculated to be 4 10-3 M and 8 102 mmol/h, respectively. If the given experiment is repeated in the presence of simvastatin, which of the following values would be obtained?


Km (M)

Vmax (mmol/h)


4 × 10-3

3 × 102


2 × 10-3

1 × 102


4 × 10-3

9 × 102


8 × 10-3

8 × 102


8 × 10-3

9 × 102

10.A 20-year-old man is taken to the university clinic to determine the cause of recurring hyperlipidemia, proteinuria, and anemia. Fasting blood tests reveal slightly elevated concentrations of unesterified cholesterol and phosphatidylcholine. The patient is given a 100 gram chocolate bar and blood lipid levels are monitored hourly. Results reveal significantly increased levels of unesterified cholesterol and phosphatidylcholine for extended periods. Deficiency of which of the following proteins is most likely to be associated with these observations?

A.Acyl-CoA:cholesterol acyltransferase (ACAT)

B.Apoprotein A-1

C.Apoprotein B48

D.Apoprotein B100

E.Lipoprotein lipase


Part I Biochemistry


1.Answer: B. Citrate is a potent activator of acetyl-CoA carboxylase for fatty acid synthesis.

2.Answer: E. To reform triglycerides from the incoming fatty acids, glycerol 3-P must be available. The adipose can produce this only from DHAP in glycolysis.

3.Answer: B. ApoB-48 is required for intestinal absorption of dietary fat in the form of chylomicrons. ApoB-100 formation is also impaired in these patients, but this would not explain the clinical symptoms described.

4.Answer: E. The genetic defect would result in malabsorption of the 3 fatty acids listed, but only linoleate is strictly essential in the diet. Absorption of water-soluble ascorbate and folate would not be significantly affected.

5.Answer: A. These are the clinical features of lipoprotein lipase deficiency (type I lipoproteinemia). LDL receptor defects would result in elevated LDLs. HMG-CoA reductase and ApoB-100 have no direct relationship to chylomicrons. ApoB-48 deficiency would result in decreased production of chylomicrons.

6.Answer: A. Only vitamin E is an antioxidant.

7.Answer: B. The findings are indicative of heterozygous type lla familial hypercholesterolemia, an autosomal dominant disease. Deficient CETP, LCAT or fatty acid-CoA synthetase would not elevate LDL cholesterol. VLDL are not produced from LDL.

8.Answer: D. Must know that mevalonate precedes squalene and lanosterol in the pathway, and that methylmalonate and acetoacetate are not associated with cholesterolgenesis.

9.Answer: D. With a competitive inhibitor, there will be an increase in Km with no change in Vmax. Choice A would be for a noncompetitive inhibitor (Vmax decreased, Km unaltered).

10.Answer: B. Apo A-1 is present on the surface of HDL and functions to activate circulating LCAT (lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase) to esterify cholesterol,usinglecithin(phosphatidylcholine)asthefattyaciddonor.Esterification of cholesterol in blood occurs to trap the resultant cholesterol esters in HDL where they can subsequently be transferred to other lipoproteins (IDL) or taken up directly by hepatocytes and steroidogenic tissues.

Deficiencies of apoprotein B100 and apoprotein B48 (choices D and C) result in abetalipoproteinemia characterized by decreased blood triglycerides and cholesterol.

ACAT (choice A) is an intracellular enzyme and esterifies cholesterol inside cells, but not in blood.

Deficiency of LPL (choice E) would result in type 1 hyperlipidemia and is characterized by elevated serum triglycerides.


Lipid Mobilization and Catabolism 16

Learning Objectives

Understand the concept of lipid mobilization

Interpret scenarios about fatty acid oxidation

Demonstrate understanding of ketone body metabolism

Know the sphingolipidoses


In the postabsorptive state, fatty acids can be released from adipose tissue to be used for energy. Although human adipose tissue does not respond directly to glucagon, the fall in insulin activates a hormone-sensitive triacylglycerol lipase (HSL) that hydrolyzes triglycerides, yielding fatty acids and glycerol. Epinephrine and cortisol also activate HSL.

Glycerol may be picked up by liver and converted to dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP) for gluconeogenesis, and the fatty acids are distributed to tissues that can use them. Free fatty acids are transported through the blood in association with serum albumin.

Bridge to Pharmacology

Niacin is a commonly used antihyperlipidemic drug. In large doses (gram-level quantities that are well above the RDA), it works by inhibiting HSL in adipose tissue. With fewer fatty acids entering the liver, VLDL will not be assembled in normal amounts. Both VLDL (carrying triglycerides and cholesterol) and its product, LDL, will be lower in serum.