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Лекции и задания УрГЮА / Английский / Английский Британия тема

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The official name of the Britain: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The structure of the United Kingdom includes countries such as England, Scotland, and Wales. Great Britain the situated on the British Isles. They lie to the west of the continent of Europe. The larger of the two big islands is known as Great Britain. The smaller island is Ireland, with Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic. The total area of Great Britain is 244,000 square kilometers. The west coast of the country is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea, the east coast is washed by the North Sea. The rivers of Great Britain are short. The Thames, the Severn and the Clyde are the most important. The Thames on which London, the Capital of Great Britain is situated, flows into the North Sea, and very deep. The population of the United Kingdom is 63 million 700 thousand people. Of these 54 million people. live in England, 5,000,000 people. in Scotland, 3 million people. in Wales and two million people. in Northern Ireland. In the 9-8 centuries BC, Britain was inhabited by the Celts, who are themselves in the 1st century AD, came under Roman control. Roman rule ended in about 410 AD, and formed the Anglo-Saxons are invading waves here are 7 of their kingdoms. In 1066 in England troops Normans invaded and conquered the country. The national language is English, but the Welsh and the Scottish languages which belong to the group of Celtic languages are still spoken in some remote districts of Wales and Scottish. Britain is known for the following industries: textiles and coal mining, shipbuilding, steel industry. Besides manufacturing, the UK is also known for their crops. The main crops are wheat, barley, oats and rye. Vegetables are grown in all parts of the country, especially in the south. Sheep and cattle are still used in the UK. Britain exports woolen and leather goods of high quality.

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