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Unit 5.doc
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target audience

целевая, потенциальная аудитория

to have a definite appeal

быть предназначенным

consumer advertising

реклама потребительских товаров

business-to-business advertising

реклама в сфере деловых кругов

industrial advertising

промышленная реклама

professional advertising

реклама товаров и услуг

trade advertising

торговая реклама

agricultural advertising

реклама сельскохозяйственной продукции

product advertising

реклама товара

institutional advertising

syn. corporate advertising

реклама фирмы (предприятия)

to create goodwill

создавать (завоёвывать) хорошую репутацию

entire line of products

целую линию товаров

hotly debated public issues

горячо обсуждаемые (спорные) вопросы

advocacy advertising

пропагандистская реклама

comparative advertising

сопоставительная (сравнительная) реклама

to highlight

выдвигать на первый план

to ban


to vie


product strengths

преимущества товара

to cross legal and ethical boundaries

нарушать юридические и моральные нормы

national advertising

национальная реклама

nationwide basis

общенациональная основа

local advertising

местная реклама

cooperative advertising

коллективная реклама

to speed up


brand-name product

товар, являющийся основным представителем торговой марки

Comprehension Questions:

  1. What are the main types of advertising? Can you give a short characteristic of each type?

  2. Can you give your examples of different types of advertising and characterize them?

Task 7: Read the following information about the forms of advertisements; match the English words below the text with their Russian equivalents:

Advertisements (informally ads or adverts BrE) which promote or market a product or service appear in many forms. A billboard (also hoarding BrE) is a large sign placed next to a road with a picture advertising a product on it. Flyers, which are small sheets of paper advertising something, are given out to people in the street. Junk mail is unwanted advertising material that you receive in the post and spam is unwanted emails advertising something. A mailshot is advertising material that a company sends by post to a large number of people at the same time. Commercials are advertisements on TV or radio. Banner ads/web banners are advertisements on a webpage with a link to the website of an advertiser, and a popup is an advertisement that suddenly appears in a separate window when you are looking at a website. When the maker of a product arranges for the product to appear in a film or television programme, this form of advertising is known as product placement.

1. billboard (hoarding)

a) продвигать (товар/ услугу)

2. flier

b) Интернет баннеры

3. junk mail

c) рекламная рассылка

4. mailshot

d) размещение скрытой рекламы

5. banner ads

e рекламный щит

6. web banners

f) спам

7. popup


8. product placement

j) флаер, листовка

9. commercials

k) коммерческая реклама

10. to promote

l) всплывающее окно

Task 6: As you probably know advertising fulfills four basic functions in society: 1) marketing function,

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