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18. Write the correct words in the blanks. Then, make up your own sentences with the words in bold.

a) electric and scarlet, b) dark walls, c) blue, d) soft shades, e) bright pink, f) red

1. _________

is associated with happiness and good luck in China.

2. _________

generally make a room appear smaller.

3. _________

are often used as accents in interior decoration.

4. _________

makes people feel more tired.

5. _________

are easy to live with.

6. ________

works well in the gym.

19. Colour is a very personal thing. So, choose your favourite colour and read about your personality. Do you agree with this information? Prove your opinion.


outgoing, active people.


fun loving, energetic and friendly types.


is often chosen by

caring people.


quiet and reserved intellectuals.


understanding and sympathetic types.

20. In pairs, discuss what makes people like some colours and dislike others?

Example:- I think people like colours that remind them of things they like.

– I agree. I love sea-green. It reminds me of the sea. I love swimming and sunbathing.

21. Complete Text Three. Use the Present Simple Tense and the verbs in the brackets.

Text Three

No one says you have to follow the rules for applying colour psychology in your home.  Colour 1) ______(affect) different people differently. No two people _________(see) colour in exactly the same way because our eyes are all slightly different. Therefore, using colour psychology when you decorate your home 2) _________(not guarantee) that everyone sees and feels the colour as you would like.

Different cultures 3) _________(create) different 'meanings' for colours. These are traditions, not 'the truth'. For example, some Asian cultures 4) ________(associate) the colour white with death, but Christians use it for wedding dresses. Colours bring back personal memories and the feelings we associate with them (your first date, a romantic trip to the seaside or your dress at the reunion party...).

The lighting 5) _________(change) the way how a colour looks, and how it affects you. For example, if you're using your bedroom only in lamplight, painting the walls a deep velvety magenta 6) ______(create) a really luxurious effect.  But the same colour 7) _______(not look) that great on a bright, sunny morning.

And don't believe everything you 8) ______(read) about colour psychology in interior design. The psychology of colour in interior design 9) ______(be) a very young science. Trust your own senses, honor your own taste and preferences, and surround yourself with what you really love.

22. Make up questions to the following answers:

1. _________________________________________?

Because red makes you feel tired and aggressive.

2. _________________________________________?

Dark tones make your room appear smaller.

3. ___________________________________________?

Blue works well in bathrooms and laundry areas.


People lose their temper more often in yellow rooms.

5. ___________________________________________?

Melon, tangerine, and yellow-orange, mango usually improve appetite.

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