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11. Complete Text Two below with sentences a-f. There is one extra sentence.

a. That is why it is often chosen for bedrooms;

b. Purple has the range from the red-purple such as eggplant to the blue purple of a summer sky;

c. Olive and sage are easy to live with for a long time;

d. It is a powerful and aggressive colour so it is generally best used as an accent;

e. Yellow often makes people feel cheerful, energetic, and happy;

f. It is usually a little girl's choice.

Text Two. Colours in Every Day Life

Colours can dictate the mood of your room and even change your life. Depending on the shade, blue can relax, soothe, and make us feel more spiritual. 1) ________. It also improves productivity, so it can be the right choice for a kids´ room and a study where they will be studying. Blue is also a clean colour, so it works well in bathrooms and laundry areas. But blue isn’t the right choice for kitchens because of our primitive instinct to avoid blue foods. However, this colour can be a good thing if you want to lose weight and also some shades of blue can even help weight lifters in gyms perform better.

Red increases blood pressure and stimulates appetite so it is often used in dining rooms, restaurants or exercise rooms. 2)___________. However, certain shades like orange-red and brown-red may be muted; they are such cosy and comforting earth colours as terracotta and brick. In casinos, red is widely used so that people will stay and continue to gamble, not realizing that time is flying by. It is also a colour that demands attention. You see it in warning lights, fire engines and hydrants.

Yellow causes more eye fatigue than any other colour. Studies show that babies cry and people argue more often in the yellow rooms 3) ___________ . Intellectuals admire this colour because it stimulates memory. Yellow is the colour of winning. Australia and Brazil are both very successful in the sporting world, and the sports kits of both countries are yellow. Strangely enough, athletes who wear yellow glasses during a race can improve their time by up to half a second. This colour is associated with mental and spiritual enlightment. If you put one yellow accessory in every room, it can help in remembering where you left your keys, eyeglasses or the neighbour’s phone number. Yellow is always a perfect choice for a game room, study or office because it helps to keep attentive.

Green calms and relaxes. 4)__________. It is also the easiest colour on the eye. Painting a hospital room green helps patients get the rest they need. Dark greens are also traditional banker’s colours.

Pink is a feminine colour. 5) ________. Experts say that rooms decorated in pink can temporarily reduce angry behaviour. Moreover, a few years ago some attempts were made to use this colour in prisons to control aggressive prisoners. Research has shown that looking at pink can cause people to feel tired. It is an interesting fact that some sports teams have painted the dressing room of the opposite team pink to reduce the player’s energy.

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