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Unit X. Employment


  1. activity– деятельность, активность

  2. advertisement– объявление, реклама

  3. applicationform– анкета для поступающих на работу

  4. atasalaryof– с заработной платой …

  5. beinchargeof– заведовать, быть ответственным за

  6. beon(sick)leave– быть в отпуске (на больничном)

  7. be paid by piece work – работать сдельно

  8. bonus – премия

  9. business trip – командировка

  10. calling – призвание

  11. claim– претендовать

  12. colleague– коллега

  13. courtesy– учтивость, этикет

  14. day/nightshift– дневная/ночная смена

  15. deductions - удержания

  16. employmentagency– агентство по трудоустройству

  17. fee– плата за услуги

  18. firesmb/dismiss– уволить кого-либо/ сокращать

  19. fringebenefits– дополнительные выплаты, льготы

  20. full-timeemployment– работа на полный рабочий день

  21. high-salariedjob– высокооплачиваемая работа

  22. hire– нанимать на работу

  23. insurance – страховка

  24. interview - собеседование

  25. job hunting – поиск работы

  26. make an appointment – назначить встречу

  27. part-timejob– работа по совместительству

  28. pay in cash – платить наличными

  29. personal strengths – сильные стороны

  30. quit/ leave the service – уволиться

  31. reference – рекомендации

  32. resume – резюме

  33. retire – уйти на пенсию

  34. schedule – график, расписание

  35. unemployed – безработный

  36. vacancy – вакансия

  37. values – ценности

  38. work overtime – работать сверхурочно

Ex. 1. Read and translate the text

So, You Are Looking for a Job


There are several traditional ways of looking for a job. A civilized and active means of looking for a job is studying the market of the offered vacancies to get an idea of necessary demands and size up your own chances. The best way of doing this is to use the help of employment agencies or to study the ads of job opportunities being published. Announcements of job opportunities can be read in different printed publications. But which of them is worth reacting to? Don't put much trust in ads in the yellow press. Solid companies place ads in prestigious expensive publications with a firm reputation.

Your main task is to understand whether the position being offered is consistent with the levels of your skills, education, and experience in work. The structure of job opportunities ads is usually the same: the name of the vacant position, the list of the candidate's professional duties, the demands made of the candidate, and the system of compensations and benefits. Ads are often published by employment agencies on behalf of their clients. The address of the office is usually not given — it is suggested that the resume should be sent to a P.O. Box or else faxed.

Having carefully studied the demands and duties being offered, an experienced reader may extract information on the activities of the company and the prospects of its development.

First, one must pay attention to the position. To grasp what lurks behind the position's English name, there is a need to visualize at least in general outline the personnel structure at Western companies. For instance one may be misled by the incorrect interpretation of the word "Assistant". There is a need to understand that this word does not at all imply secretarial functions. A more exact meaning of this word is: mate, aid, apprentice manager, high-class specialist capable of independently solving the tasks set to him.

Therefore using all possible means, try to learn as much as possible about this position to prepare yourself as best as possible for a meeting with the employer. Carefully read the demands made of the given position. The demand to know a foreign language is very important. In most cases there is a need for free command of the language — Fluent English. Free command implies an ability freely to deal with a foreign manager, competently to compile documents and speak on the phone. This demand may prove to be the most important.

Quite often the ads do not decipher other demands in detail. For example, the ability to type in Russian/Latin. According to international standards, an adequate level of typewriting is a speed of 60 words per minute. Therefore, when claiming the given position, you need to check your speed or bring it up to the required level. Besides, a secretary is usually required to be able to work on a personal computer. In general, if the ads meticulously enumerate the software products, systems, languages, etc., which the candidate must necessarily know, remember that these demands have a strictly binding force.

Such special demands set the level of the candidate's qualifications.

Thus, you have decided to find a job. Now you will be faced with the labor-consuming procedure of writing and circulating your resume.

Answer the questions

1. What are the ways of looking for a job?

2. Where do big companies usually place their ads?

3. What is the structure of job ads?

4. What is the first thing to pay attention to?

5. What special demands can a person face with?

Ex. 2. Translate the world combinations from the text into English

традиционный способ; изучать рынок; подсчитать свои шансы; агентство по трудоустройству; объявления; желтая пресса; соответствовать уровню подготовки; обязанности кандидата; от имени клиента; перспективы развития; чтобы понять, что скрывается за; может быть введен в заблуждение; самостоятельно решать поставленные задачи; свободное владение английским языком; составлять документы; расшифровывать другие требования; дотошно перечислять.

Ex. 3. Translate the words given in brackets.

1) There are several ways of (поиска работы). 2) First you should (оценить) your own chances 3) He studied the ads of (о вакансиях) being published. 4) Solid companies (помещают объявления) in prestigious expensive publications 5) Your main task is to understand whether the position (согласуется) your skills and education. 6) Such special demands (устанавливают уровень) of their candidate's qualification. 7) Remember that the demands enumerated in the ads (обязательны). 8) Carefully read (требования) made of the given position. 9) There is a need to understand that the word does not (подразумевает) secretarial functions. 10) (Предварительный отбор) is carried out on the basis of resumes. 11) Reading the ads you may (выделить/получить) information on the (деятельности) of the company. 12) There is a need (представить себе) at least in general outline the personnel structure of Western companies.

Ex. 4. Choose the right word

job – position – occupation

1. He was unemployed doing only odd …

2. Knitting is a useful … for long winter evenings.

3. This aid is for those who have a very low … in society.

4. My sister occupies an important … in the Department of Health.

5. The police called the company to find out his … at the moment.

6. He had a hard … painting the car.

Ex. 5. Explain the difference between these words. Give examples of their using.

salary – wages – pay – earnings

Ex. 6. Match the synonymic phrases

  1. go out of business

  2. monkey business

  3. odd jobs

  4. put out of business

  5. a white-collar job

  6. a pretty business

  7. dark business

  8. get down to business

  9. to be busy as a bee

  10. to work on piece work

  11. to be promoted

  12. to be laid off

а) темное дело, махинация

b) вертеться как белка в колесе

с) взяться за дело

d)обанкротиться, прекратить дело

e) сомнительное, странное дело

f) случайная работа

g) работа в учреждении, “чистая” работа

h) Хорошенькое дело!

i) вывести из строя, разорить

j) получить повышение

k) работать сдельно

l) попасть под сокращение

Ex. 7. Fill in the right word from the words bellow.

1. left school, 2. to find a job, 3. given up, 4. looking through, 5. receptionist, 6. move to, 7. living on my own, 8. out of work, 9. queuing, 10. local paper, 11. applicants, 12. take any job, 13. unemployment benefit, 14. youth unemployment.

In Britain a lot of people are …. Tracey Chapman is 18, and she … a year ago. She lives in the North East, an area of high …. She has not been able … yet. “My dad just doesn’t understand. He started working in a steel mill when he was 15. Things are different now, but he thinks I should start bringing home some money. Oh, I get my … but that isn’t much and I’m fed up with … for it every Thursday. I hate having to ask my mum and dad for money. Oh, my mum gives me a couple of pounds for tights now and then, but she can’t stand seeing me at home all day. I’ve almost … looking for a job. I buy the … every day but I’m really tired of … the “Situations Vacant” column. There are 50 … for every job. I was interested in being a dentist’s … because I like meeting people, but now I’d … at all. People ask me why I don’t … London, but I don’t want to leave my family and friends. Anyway, I’m scared of … in a big city.”

Ex. 8. You came to an employment agency and have to answer their questionnaire.

"Personnel Corps"

Professional Recruitment & Selection

Tel. 275-35-02 Fax 275-36-96


1. Are you seeking


Do you like



a) full-time employment?


meeting people

b) part-time employment?


working alone

2. Which of these is most


working with other people

important for you?

(Please number 1 - 5 in order


working with your hands

of importance)



money  people  security


What do you like doing in your

job satisfaction

free time?

an interesting job


Ex. 9. Applying by letter.

1. Remember that first impressions are important.

2. Write clearly and neatly on good notepaper, unlined if possible.

3. Check for spelling mistakes. Use a dictionary if you are not sure of a word.

4. Describe yourself, your qualifications and your experience clearly.

5. If the advertisement asks you to write for an application form you will riot need to give detailed information in your letter,

6. Address the letters and the envelope clearly.

44 Deepdale Road,



April 2007

The Personnel Department

Continental Computers

Honeywell Road


Dear Sir or Madam,

I read your advertisement in yesterday's "Evening Echo". I'm interested in training as a computer programmer. Could you please send me an application form and any further details.

Yours faithfully, Joanne Evan

Ex. 10. What should you do to find a job? Find the logical sequence of the steps you should take.

  • get an invitation for an interview

  • make an appointment with an employment agency counselor

  • read the classified ads

  • think what kind of job you want

  • analyze your skills, personality traits and accomplishments

  • get ready for the interview

  • find out what employment agency you can use

find out as much as you can about the company

Ex. 11. Read and translate the text.


An excellent resume (a French word meaning “summary”)may help you to get the job of your dreams and a poor resume may mean a lost opportunity. Since this is the first piece of information a company will receive about you, it is critically important that your resume be well-written. Ideally, resume should not be longer than one page.

The contents of a resume can be roughly categorized as: 1) PERSONAL INFORMATION (address and telephone number), 2) JOB OBJECTIVE, 3) EDUCATION, 4) EXPERIENCE, 5) SKILLS, 6) EXTRACURRI­CULAR ACTIVITIES, 7) REFERENCES.

The resume begins with PERSONAL INFORMATION, name, address, telephone number including the area code, centered at the top page.

After your address, a statement of intent or JOB OBJECTIVE should be written. This objective should be well thought out from the very beginning since it will influence how you will write the rest of the resume. It should not be too general, e.g: "To obtain a managerial position in a Western company." Notice that your desire to have a well-paid job is not included in this statement. A focus on money in your résumé’s first sentence will not make the best impression anywhere in the world, not just in Russia.

After the statement of intent, describe your EDUCATION. List the universities, institutes and colleges you have attended in reverse chronological order. Any studying you have done abroad should be included and courses that you have taken there are relevant. If you graduated with honors, you should definitely include this. A "red diploma" can be called "graduated with high honors" in English. Do not include your high school.

Your working EXPERIENCE is the next section. List your experience starting with your most recent place of employment. Spell out the exact dates of employment, your position, and the name of the company you worked for. Provide information about your responsibilities, emphasizing important activities by listing the most relevant to your objective. Do not use complete sentences! List your responsibilities in short statements that do not include the words "my" or "I".

Following experience, you should list your special SKILLS. These include your language skills, computer abilities, and any other talent that relates to your statement of intent. When describing your language abilities, it is best to be honest about assessing your level, "Fluent English," "native Russian," "intermediate German", and "beginning French" are all ways to describe your language abilities.

EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES should be included in the next section. Student or professional organizations you belong to, travel, sports and hobbies should be listed here. Do not list "reading" or "writing" as an activity. It is assumed most people with a higher education do these things regularly.

The last section of your resume is the REFERENCE section. List at least two people, not related to you, who can describe your qualification for the job. Their names, titles, places of work, and telephone numbers should be included. If you do not have space on your resume for this, write "Available upon request." You will then be expected to give this information to a prospective employer if it is requested.

The style and format of a resume are extremely important. Your resume must be typed, preferably on a computer in order to format it most effectively. A neat and well-written resume with no spelling mistakes will give an employer the impression that you are accurate and take care of details.

A resume will not get you a job. An interview with a company will get you a job. In order to have the opportunity of interviewing with a company you should send your resume with a cover letter.

Answer the questions about the text

1. What can help you to get a job?

2. What are the main points of any resume?

3. What does “reference” mean?

4. What does “extracurricular activities” mean?

5. How many people should you list in reference section?

6. What should you write in the experience section?

7. Should you include your high school in education section?

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