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Methodical pointing to practical Employment

Module 1

Rich module in content 2

Practical Employment 9

Theme: Study about a blood. Tests at blood transfusion.

Theoretical questions for the extraordinary independent study and discussion to practical employment №9:

1. History of development of hemotransfusion.

2. Composition of blood.

3. Physiology of blood (blood types, Rh-factor and others).

4. Shows and contraindication to transfusion.

5. Determination of blood types after standard wheys ABO, tsoliclon A and B, by standard red corpuscles.

6. Determination to Rh-factor after standard wheys D and monoclonal tsoliclon D super.

7. Tests on compatibility before transfusion:

а) compatibility on to the systems ABO;

b) Rh-compatibility with the use of a 10% gelatin;

c) biological test.

Providing of initial level of knowledges-abilities

Basic literature:

  1. Butyrsky A. General surgery. – Simferopol. 2004.

  2. Schevchenko S.I. and others. Surgery. – Kharcov. 2004


  1. Kushnir R. Lectures of General surgery. – 2005.

  2. Lyapis M.A. Methods of examination of a surgical patients. – 2004.

  3. Methodological recommendations on surgical patients care. – Vinnitsa medical national university. 2006.

Distributing of marks which can be got by a student:

At mastering of theme № 9 from rich in content to the module №1 for educational activity to the student the estimation for 4th is proposed by a mark (traditional) scale which are after converted in marks as follows:




6 marks

“4” (well)

4 marks


2 marks

“2” (unsatisfactorily)

0 marks

Methodical development to practical employment

module 1

rich module in content 2

practical Employment № 9

Theme: Study about a blood. Tests at blood transfusion.

I. Actuality of theme:

History of development of blood transfusion.

People exposed healthful properties of blood in year one. As early as ancient times considered a blood the source of life-breath and with its help searched deprivation from nasty illnesses. The numerous cases of death of patients from large blood loss as a result of wound on war or on a hunt in the remotest from us times created imagination about a blood, as about “dwelling of life-breath and soul”. The first description of blood transfusion which reached to our times, to XVI age belongs. Tried him to do young Vatican doctor, that to renew forces of dad Inocentiy VIII. In 1638 there is a London theologian Potter, looks after motion of blood on to the vessels during one of experiments Garvey expressed thought about possibility of blood transfusion from one animal to second one. First in history successful blood transfusion to the man was conducted in 1667 in France. Professor of mathematics, philosophy and medicine Denis and surgeon Emmerets poured 9 ounces of blood lamb to 16-years-old youth weakened through bloodletting. However following abortively the conducted blood transfusions from an animal to the man led to prohibition of this method and to thought o rationality of the use of only still human blood. In 1819 was conducted the first blood transfusion from a man to the man. He was executed by English physiologist and accouter Blandell. He offered the first in history of medicine vehicle for blood transfusion. In 1900 the Viennese bacteriological C. Landshteyner paid attention, that the whey of blood of healthy man glues together the red corpuscles of other man. He opened the law of izohemoaglutination and divided all people into three groups: And, In, and 0 on the basis of property of agglutination of their whey and red corpuscles. Priority of opening in 1907 fourth group, and also creation of complete classification of blood types belongs to Czech doctor Jansky. In the hygienical commission of League of Nations in 1928 an in letters nomenclature was ratified A, B, 0, accepted in a whole world now.

Hemotransfusion is executed for renewal VCB at blood loss more than 20% VCB, how the component of hemosorbtion is, hemodializ, artificial circulation of blood and other methods of extracorporation circulation of blood.

Depending on a purpose and terms of hemotransfusion she can be used in a variant:

а) donor canned blood transfusion;

b) direct blood transfusion from a donor to the recipient;

c) reinfusion not infection not hemolysis blood from the cavity of body;

d) autohemotransfusion of prepared earlier blood of patient.

Importance of this theme is stipulated by dangerous complications for the life of sick, which can arise up at blood transfusion and its components. For prevention of origin of this problem every doctor of any speciality is to perfection to own the method of determination of Rh and blood types, and also to know all shows and contra-indications that to blood transfusion and its components. In our time the problem of correct purchase of blood and able its transfusion is conditioned by the risk of transmission of such diseases, how AIDS, viral hepatitis and in. is It follows volunteered the remark that on today a blood remains one of the most important medications at medical treatment of many threatening for the life diseases in particular such, how bleeding, sepsis is, poisoning and others.

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