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III. Tests for verification of initial level of knowledges

1. That less characteristically for a sepsis?

а) tachycardia;

b) leucocytosis;

c) anury (+);

d) drop in the temperature of body (+);

e) presence of purulent hearth.

2. To collect blood on the bacterial sowing it is necessary at a sepsis:

а) at the normal temperature of body of patient;

b) at a chill (+);

c) in 6-12 hours after abolition of antibiotics;

d) on height of temperature reaction (+);

e) at once after the slump of temperature.

3. The followings behave to the permanent symptoms of sepsis:

а) chill (+);

b) low temperature of body;

c) bacteriemia;

d) presence of purulent hearth (+);

e) icteric skin and sclera.

4. What general clinical displays of sepsis?

а) dizziness;

b) weakness (+);

c) driving sweat (+);

d) bradycardia;

e) vomiting.

5. Original appearance of wound at a sepsis has the followings signs:

а) abundant pus;

b) scanty pus (+);

c) bright hyperemia of tissues in area of wound;

d) tissues of wound of dirty-grey color (+);

e) absence of edema of wound tissues.

6. The displays of systemic inflammatory response syndrome it is been:

а) apathy;

b) be swollen on feet;

c) icteric skin;

d) breathing frequency more than 20 in a minute (+);

e) leucocytosis more than 12×109 /l (+).

7. To the specific types of sepsis behave:

а) senile;

b) anaerobic (+);

c) staphylococcous;

d) mycotic;

e) actinomycotic (+).

8. To complications of sepsis does not attribute:

а) pneumonia;

b) bedsores;

c) thromb embolism (+);

d) cachexy;

e) fall of hairs (+).

9. Whatever types of temperature curves meet in the period of developing sepsis:

а) remittance;

b) hectic (+);

c) undulating;

d) wrong (+);

e) permanent.

10. The basic signs of bacterial-toxic shock followings:

а) oligury (+);

b) falling of arterial pressure (+);

c) increase of arterial pressure;

d) bradycardia;

e) leukopenia.

11. A sepsis is characterized by the presence of 3 basic factors, except for:

а) source (hearth) of infection;

b) systemic inflammatory response syndrome;

c) outbreak (+);

d) negative result of sowing of blood (+);

e) presence of the second (metastatic) hearths of infection.

12. What changes in composition blood are characteristic for a sepsis?

а) anaemia (+);

b) increase of maintenance of lymphocytes;

c) leukopenia;

d) diminishing of level of globulins;

e) diminishing of level of albumens (+).

13. Whatever medical measures can be recommended at a sepsis?

а) dissection of purulent hearth;

b) introduction of antibiotics;

c) limitation of introduction of liquid (+);

d) hot compress on a purulent hearth (+);

e) vitaminous therapy.

14. That is most essential at treatment of sepsis?

а) strict bed mode;

b) antibiotic therapy (+);

c) treatment of concomitant disease;

d) liquidation of primary hearth (+);

e) exposure of the inherited factor.

15. Name the feature of antibiotic therapy at a sepsis:

а) use of medium therapeutic doses of preparation;

b) use of maximal doses of preparation (+);

c) conducting of antibiotic therapy under control the medicinal sensitiveness of microflora (+);

d) use of monotherapy;

e) abolition of antibiotics after the offensive of clinical convalescence.

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