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2 сем / Рахманова А.А. КР№2.docx
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5. Выберите правильную форму глагола.

  1. She in the suburbs of St. Petersburg. (lives, lives, has lived)

  2. What she doing now? (is, does, has)

  3. He school two years ago. (finished, has finished, had finished)

  4. she cooked breakfast already? (does, is, has)

  5. I my exams and can have a good time now. (have passed, passed, am passing)

  6. She not marry him. (was, have, did)

  7. The taxi by the time the guests came. (arrived, had arrived, was arriving)

  8. you the dinner by 5 o'clock? (have cooked, had cooked, will have cooked)

  9. I not seen you for ages, (has, have, shall)

1.She lives in the suburbs of St. Petersburg.

2.What is she doing now?

3.He finished school two years ago.

4.Has she cooked breakfast already?

5.I have passed my exams and can have a good time now.

6.She did not marry him.

7.The taxi had arrived by the time the guests came.

8.Will you have cooked the dinner by 5 o'clock?

9.I have not seen you for ages.

6. Завершите разделительный вопрос, выбрав правильный ва­риант.

1 ) Не has taken his examinations this winter_____?

doesn't? hasn't he? will he?

2) You went to the stadium with him_____?

don't you? didn't you? won't you? wasn't you?

1 ) Не has taken his examinations this winter hasn't he?

2) You went to the stadium with him didn't you?

7. Перепишите предложения; подчеркните в них причастие I (Participle I) и причастие II (Participle II) и укажите, являются ли они определением, обстоятельством или составной частью глагола-сказуемого. Предложения переведите.

1. The letter posted was not delivered in time. 2. Lying the table, don't forget to put forks and knives properly. 3. Not knowing what to do I decided to stay home. 4. Journalists taking part in the conference are admitted by a special pass. 5. They carried out the experiment using the best computer programs. 6. Who is this smiling girl? 7. Having passed the exams he went to Japan. 8. She was walking slowly stopping sometimes to have a short rest. 9. He has already done all the work. 10. The work being finished, we went home.

1. The letter posted (II) was not delivered in time. Отправленное письмо не было доставлено вовремя.

2. Lying (I) the table, don't forget to put forks and knives properly. Накрывая на стол, не забудьте правильно разложить вилки и ножи.

3. Not knowing (I) what to do I decided to stay home. Не зная, что делать, я решил остаться дома.

4. Journalists taking (I) part in the conference are admitted (II) by a special pass. Журналисты, принимающие участие в конференции, допускаются по специальному пропуску.

5. They carried out the experiment using (I) the best computer programs. Они провели эксперимент, используя лучшие компьютерные программы.

6. Who is this smiling (I) girl? Кто эта улыбающаяся девушка?

7. Having passed (I) the exams he went to Japan. Сдав экзамены, он отправился в Японию.

8. She was walking (I) slowly stopping (I) sometimes to have a short rest. Она шла медленно, иногда останавливаясь, чтобы немного передохнуть.

9. He has already done (II) all the work. Он уже сделал всю работу.

10. The work being finished, (I) we went home. Закончив работу, мы отправились домой.