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2 сем / Рахманова А.А. КР№2.docx
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Вариант 2

1. Перепишите предложения; подчеркните в каждом глагол-сказуемое и определите его видовременную форму и залог. Переведите предложения на русский язык. В разделе (Б) обратите внимание на особенности перевода конструкций со страдательным залогом, в разделе (В) - на место предлога в русском языке.

Образец: were agreed upon - Past Ind. (Simple) Passive от глагола to agree.

(A) 1. We have seen that the collector currentisequal to the emittercurrent. 2. Integrated circuits are rapidly replacing transistors, diodes,resistors and capacitors. 3. The frequency of collisions between the atoms and electrons will be increasing when a greater number of electrons ispresent. 4. Radio astronomy has given mankind efficient means forpenetrating into space. 5. The kind of electrolyte used had had no effect on the electromotive force.

(Б) 1. The term integrated circuit is used to describe a group of electronic elements connected together. 2. The test will be finished in two weeks. 3. Synthetic rubber products were developed between 1914 and the 1930s. 4. Heat energy is being used in many branches of industry now. 5. Energy is involved in any motion and in any event.

(B) 1. The achievements in the field of radioelectronics were muchwritten about. 2. The problem concerning the work of superheterodyne receiver will be further worked at. 3. The operation of semiconductor devices is affected by temperature. 4. As these electrons are loosely bound to the atom, they are spoken of as free electrons. 5. The reverse current is influenced by the rate of change of applied voltage.

(А)1. We have seen that the collector current is equal to the emitter current.

have seen — Present Perfect Active от глагола to see.

2. Integrated circuits are rapidly replacing transistors, diodes,resistors and capacitors.

are replacing — Present Continuos Active от глагола to replace.

3. The frequency of collisions between the atoms and electrons will be increasing when a greater number of electrons ispresent.

will be increasing — Future Continuos Active от глагола to increase.

4. Radio astronomy has given mankind efficient means forpenetrating into space.

has given — Present Perfect Active от глагола to give.

5. The kind of electrolyte used had had no effect on the electromotive force.

had had — Past Perfect Active от глагола to see.

(А) 1. Мы видели, что ток коллектора равен току эмиттера. 2. Интегральные схемы быстро заменяют транзисторы, диоды, резисторы и конденсаторы. 3. Частота столкновений между атомами

и электронами будет увеличиваться при наличии большего числа электронов. 4. Радиоастрономия дала человечеству эффективные средства для проникновения в космос. 5. Тип используемого электролита никак не влиял

на электродвижущую силу.

(Б) 1. The term integrated circuit is used to describe a group of electronic elements connected together.

is used — Pres. Ind. (Simple) Passive от глагола to use.

2. The test will be finished in two weeks.

will be — Future. Ind. Passive от глагола to be.

3. Synthetic rubber products were developed between 1914 and the 1930s.

were developed - Past. Ind. Passive от глагола to develop.

4. Heat energy is being used in many branches of industry now.

is being used — Pres. Cont Passive от глагола to use.

5. Energy is involved in any motion and in any event.

Is involved — Pres. Ind. (Simple) Passive от глагола to involve.

(Б) 1. Термин "интегральная схема" используется для описания группы электронных элементов, соединенных вместе. 2. Тест будет завершен через две недели. 3. Изделия из синтетического каучука были разработаны в период с 1914 по 1930-е годы. 4. В настоящее время тепловая энергия используется во многих отраслях промышленности. 5. Энергия участвует в любом движении и в любом событии

(B) 1. The achievements in the field of radioelectronics were much written about.

were written — Past Simple Passive от глагола written

2. The problem concerning the work of superheterodyne receiver will be further worked at.

will be worked at — Future Simple Passive от глагола work

3. The operation of semiconductor devices is affected by temperature.

is affected — Present Simple Passive от глагола affect.

4. As these electrons are loosely bound to the atom, they are spoken of as free electrons.

are bound — Present Simple Passive от глагола bind.

are spoken — Present Simple Passive от глагола spoken.

5. The reverse current is influenced by the rate of change of applied voltage.

Is influenced — Present Simple Passive от глагола influence.

(B) 1. О достижениях в области радиоэлектроники было много написано. 2. Проблема, связанная с работой супергетеродинного приемника, будет рассмотрена в дальнейшем. 3. Температура влияет на работу полупроводниковых приборов. 4. Поскольку эти электроны слабо связаны с атомом, о них говорят как о свободных электронах. 5 На обратный ток влияет скорость изменения приложенного напряжения