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Scientific Newsletter of Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

artifact: Hagen war voller Mordlust (anger is a vessel /bowl), etc.

As the analyzed material shows, the emotion of anger in German culture corresponds associatively to a male type of behavior. Confer the saying: Zorn ist ein Mann, Sanftmut – eine Frau. In this case, anger is opposed to the emotion, i.e. to a character trait – gentleness (Sanftmut). According to the theory of the differential emotions, anger included in the hostility triad is directly correlated with an aggressive type of human behavior [12].

The selected verbal dominants of the emotional world of a person in the heroic epos of the Middle Ages ("sorrow", "pain", "fear", "love", etc.) reflect the specific character of the cognitive mechanisms for the explication of the emotional, mythopoetical picture of the world in the heroic songs of the ancient Germans.

It should be noted that the paradigm "fear" is not relevant to the mythopoetics of the Middle Ages.

The peculiarity of the cognitive model of the concept "grief/pain" is that this emotion is felt both by the male characters and female ones. The state of deep sadness/emotional pain/suffering is an emotional component of the phenomenon "people" in the poetics of the Middle Ages.

Love should be, above all, attributed to the positive types of human emotions in the medieval picture of the world.

Such basic cultural concepts as "wealth", "clothing", "gold", "gems" that are relevant for the mythopoetics of the Middle Ages correlate with the phenomenon of people in the mythopoetic world picture of the ancient Germans. Concepts selected by us are of great importance for defining the ontological essence (causa sui) of man and woman in the heroic epos of the Middle Ages. They are the dominant "parameters" of the human personality of the medieval era, the landmarks of the world perception and behavior. At the same time, the above attributes are a means of self-awareness and human cognition. The phenomenon "wealth", which gets its material embodiment in clothing, gold, precious stones, is perceived by the people of the Middle Ages as an inherent quality of being, as real as the life itself. Wealth never appears in the Middle Ages in the form of an end in itself, it is a means to maintain human life, for his approval as a full member of the group or class. Wealth is largely used as a sign of social prowess, honour, social position [13].

An increased interest in entertainment is characteristic of the period of the early Middle Ages: beautiful clothes and jewelry attracted people giving a great pleasure. A detailed description of various kinds of garments and household is an essential addition to the characters of the ancient Germanic heroic songs, legends and stories, because they are ethnopsychological, cultural and social marks of the middle Ages.

The criteria forming the basis for the classification of clothing are uneven in their importance [14]. One of the dominant characteristics of the clothing is the material from which the clothes were manufactured [Seide (silk) and Samt (velvet)], i.e. cloth symbolizing wealth.

Wide application was received by the verbal designation of fur as a symbol of the state power [Zobel (sable) and Hermelin (ermine)]. A cultural-and-specific feature is the presence of clothing made from fish skin (aus Fischhaut).

Of great importance was the social status of clothing (prächtig, reich, vornehm, ansehnlich, stattlich, so gekleidet, wie ein König gehen könnte). A significant sign of clothes of the Middle Ages is its color (schneeweiss, weiss wie Schnee, kleegrün, kohlschwarz, rabenschwarz, glutrot, wolkenblau).

Preference is given, mainly to light (lichte Farbe) and "luminous" (leuchtende Farbe) colors with all the shades. The words designating the color (weiss, schwarz, grün etc.) are less common, due to the nature of metaphorical reflection of color picture of the world, as evidenced, in particular, by the presence of metaphorical comparisons, for example:


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches»

Issue № 1 (12), 2016

white dresses are compared with the image of snow (weiss wie Schnee);

green color often matches with clover (grün wie Klee);

black –with raven or coal (schwarz wie Kohl oder Rabe);

red – heat, intense heat (rot wie Glut), etc.

One of the relevant characteristics of clothing in the heroic epos of the ancient Germanics is an indication of its origin. The vast majority of names in the analyzed material reflect the belonging of the garment to the East and Africa ( Arabien/arabisch, Zazamank, Azagauk, Arras, Ninive, (von) Abalie, libysch). They are in themselves valuable-symbolic ones, because the outfits are made of fine and bright oriental fabrics, and emphasize the wealth of their owners, their social status [14].

Features that qualify clothes are the assessment of clothing, explicit or implicit, which is mainly positive. The highest degree of the positive assessment of clothing is expressed in the superlative degree (das beste). In this case, the high cost of clothing (kostbar, wertvoll), its artistic value (kunstreich), splendor (wunderschön), exotic appearance of clothing, etc. are accentuated. The pragmatic status of "gold" was defined both by intrinsic properties of the gold itself: by quality (rein, laut, allerbeste), origin (aus dem Lande Arabien und von Berge Kaukasus), color (rotes, lichtes Gold) and its functions. Of great importance in terms of achieving pragmatic effect is the quantitative factor that reflects the quantitative characteristic of gold available to the heroes of the epos and relevant for the texts of the Middle Ages.

To define the amount of gold (i.e. as quantificators of gold) there were used:

a) "SHIPS". Cf.:

Soviel an Gold und Silber…dass nicht einmal zwei grosse Schiffe die Last hätten tragen können; ( So much of Gold and silver... even two large ships, can’t carry the load)

b) "HORSES" / a hundred horses-heavyweights. Cf.:

Sie besaß noch so viel Gold aus dem Nibelungenland, dass hundert Pferde es kaum tragen konnten…; so viel Silber und Gold, wie hundert Packpferde eben tragen können.... [1*; 4*]) etc. - They had so much Gold from the Nibelungs land, that a hundred horses could hardly carry ...; so much silver and Gold, like a hundred packed horses can carry.

An important attribute of wealth of the Middle Ages is the availability of gems [1]. However, the type/variety of gems (e.g., diamond or emerald) is of paramount importance. The gems are considered primarily as a decoration of clothes of the mythological characters, warrior`s armor, weapons, shields, etc. At the same time, gems perform a magical function and are used for talismans (Karfunkelstein, Jaspisstein). They help to create vivid images of the jewelry of women and men. A characteristic feature of these ornaments is their miraculous beauty (herrliche Steine), value (kostbare Edelsteine), size (faustgrosser Karfunkelstein), etc.

The factor of their origin plays an important role in the evaluation of gems. Garment, fabrics were brought, as mentioned above, from the East, and jewelry - from India (indische Edelsteine). India is a classic country where the belief in the magic power of gems arouses and was spread. People believed that a talisman of jasper (ein grasgrüner Jaspisstein - green as grass jasper stone) is able to protect one from ghosts and vanity, strengthens the gift of


Scientific Newsletter of Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

foresight. The Bible (the second book of Moses) says that jasper, as the twelfth stone, was among the gems that decorated the ephud of high priest [1].

A significant sign of the mythopoetic picture of the world is mentioning a large number of gems. As a rule, unusual quantitative metaphoric images are used for this purpose in mythopoetic texts. Cf.:

«so viel Edelsteine … dass 100 Rüstwagen sie nicht hätten davonfahren können…»

[1*; 4*]. - … that even a hundred carts would be unable to carry ….

This metaphorical image actualizes the semantic feature of "amount of wealth", whose verbal quantifier is "one hundred carts". Maximalism in the assessment of wealth, a hyperbolized look at its size are associated with the period of the feudal relations in Germany.

A detailed description of the clothes, gold, gems, jewelry of ladies, knights and mythopoetic characters reflects clearly the historical era of the Middle Ages, supplements essentially the images of the heroes of legends and constitutes the most important layer of mythopoetic culture [14].

Thus, the concept "man", as a dominant one in the mythopoetic picture of the world, is a multilateral and multidimensional phenomenon. Its integral parts are metaphorical images that correlated mainly with the world of flora and fauna, space, natural phenomena, the objective world, the theological sphere, mythopoetic, mystical spheres and others. The concept "man" in Germanic heroic songs and legends is a hierarchically complex cognitive-and- verbal structure sui generis, which form the basis, mainly, of moral and ethical maxims. Ethical requirements, the emotional world of the person are of paramount importance. Gender opposition "man – woman" of the Middle Ages has different priorities, both at the conceptual and verbal level of representing the phenomena "man" and "woman". It is important to note that man is regarded as a kind of "center of the Universe", "the top" of the Universe. According to the mythopoetic conceptions in the ancient German epos, it is the man and not the woman that is the crown of nature, the perfection, a certain ideal, "the work of art of a great master" ("die Kunst eines grossen Meisters"). From the emotional-and-psychological standpoint, the concept "person" in the poetics of the Middle Ages, especially, implies the presence of the three basic components: anger, sorrow, love. In the mythopoetic picture of the world the concept "man" correlates with such ethnocultural concepts as "wealth", "clothing", "gold", "gems", which, in their turn, are important determinants both of the medieval man himself and mythopoetic picture of the world in general.

Bibliographic list

1.Fomina Z.E., Chechetka V.I. Koncepty «muzhchina» i «zhenshhina» v drevnegermanskoj kartine mira [Tekst]: monografija/Z.E. Fomina; V.I. Chechetka, Voronezh. gos. arh.-stroit. un-t. – Voronezh, 2009.- 194 s.

2.Lihachev D.S. Istoricheskaja pojetika russkoj literatury / D.S. Lihachev. – SPb.: Izd-vo «Aletejja», 1999. – 525 s.

3.Müller J.-D. Das Nibelungenlied / von Jan-Dirk Müller, 2., überarbeitete und ergänzte Auflage, E. Schmidt Verlag GmbH&Co., Berlin. – 2005. – 184 S.

4.Haferland H. Mündlichkeit, Gedächtnis und Medialität. Heldendichtung im deutschen Mittelalter, Göttingen, 2004. – 240 S.

5.Fomina Z.E. Meteorologicheskie poslovichnye primety s imenem svjatogo v nemeckom lingvokul'turnom soobshhestve / Z.E.Fomina // Nauchnyj vestnik Voronezh. gos. arh.-stroit. un-ta. Sovremennye lingvisticheskie i metodiko-didakticheskie issledovanija. – 2015. – Vyp. 2 (26). – S. 129-146.


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches»

Issue № 1 (12), 2016

6.Fomina Z.E. Prolegomeny «Veseloj nauki» Fridriha Nicshe i specifika ih metaforicheskoj kategorizacii / Z.E. Fomina // Nauchnyj vestnik Voronezh. gos. arh.-stroit. un-ta. Sovremennye lingvisticheskie i metodiko-didakticheskie issledovanija. – 2013. – vyp. 3 (27). – S. 32-50.

7.Fomina Z.E. Kul'turno-gastronomicheskie smysly v evropejskom i russkom jazykovom soznanii kak «mir v miniatjure» / Z.E. Fomina // Nauchnyj vestnik Voronezh. gos. arh.-stroit. un-ta. Sovremennye lingvisticheskie i metodiko-didakticheskie issledovanija. – 2009. – vyp. 1 (11). – S. 11-24.

8.Fomina Z.E. Urbanisticheskaja priroda i ee hudozhestvennoe otrazhenie v prostranstve juzhnogo goroda: real'noe i mnimoe (na materiale novelly G. Gesse “Die Fremdenstadt im Süden”) / Z.E.Fomina //Nauchnyj vestnik Voronezh. gos. arh.-stroit. un-ta. Sovremennye lingvisticheskie i metodiko-didakticheskie issledovanija. – 2007. – vyp. 7 – S.8-23.

9.Gurevich A.Ja. Izbrannye trudy / A.Ja. Gurevich: V 4 t. M.; SPb.: Univ. kn., 1999.

T. 1: Drevnie germancy. Vikingi. – 350 s.; T. 2: Srednevekovyj mir. – 559 s.

10.Chechetka V.I. Koncept «chelovek» v mifopojeticheskoj kartine mira (na materiale drevnegermanskih geroicheskih pesen, legend, skazanij): special'nost' 10.02.04.- germanskie jazyki: Dis. …kand. filol. nauk/Chechetka V.I.; Nauch. ruk. Fomina Z.E.;

Voronezh. gos. ped. un-t, 15 dekabrja 2005. – Voronezh: B.i., 2005. – 235 s. – Na pravah rukopisi.

11.Makovskij M.M. Jazyk – mif – kul'tura: Simvoly zhizni i zhizn' simvolov/ M.M. Makovskij. – Izd-vo: LENAND, 2014 – 318 s.

12.Fomina Z.E. Jemocional'nye koncepty i ih verbal'naja reprezentacija v hudozhestvennoj kartine mira / Z.E. Fomina // Nauchnyj vestnik Voronezh. gos. arh.-stroit. un-ta. Sovremennye lingvisticheskie i metodiko-didakticheskie issledovanija. – 2004. – vyp. 1.– S. 46 – 65.

13.Meletinskij E.M. Pojetika mifa / E.M. Meletinskij. [Jelektronnyj resurs.] Rezhim dostupa: http:// http://bookscafe.net/book/meletinskiy_eleazar-poetika_mifa- 148076.html (Vremja obrashhenija – 09.02.16)

14.Chechetka V.I. Koncept «odezhda» kak odin iz dominantnyh jelementov mifopojeticheskoj kartiny mira (na primere drevnegermanskih geroicheskih legend, skazanij) / V.I.Chechetka // Nauchnyj vestnik Voronezh. gos. arh.-stroit. un-ta. Sovremennye lingvisticheskie i metodiko-didakticheskie issledovanija. – 2004. –vyp. 2. – S. 33-41.

Analyzed sources

1*. Das Nibelungenlied / Versroman in Prosaübertragung. Verlag Philipp Reclam jun. Leipzig. Seit 1945: 2 Auflage. 1965. – 301 S.

2*. Kudrun. // Kudrun und Nibelungen. Deutsche Heldensagen. Zweiter Band. Nacherzählt von H. A. Stohl. 2 Auflage. Berlin. 1962.- 235 S.

3*. Deutsche Heldensagen / Nacherzählt von Gretel und Wolfgang Hecht. InselVerlag. Leipzig. 1970. – 428 S.

4*. Der Sagenschatz/ Eine Sammlung alter deutscher Sagen. Berlin. 1960.–400 S.


Scientific Newsletter of Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


UDC 811.133.1-25:37.01.

Voronezh State University Doctor of Philology,

Professor of the Department of French Philology Natalya Alexandrovna Fenenko

e-mail: fenenko@rgph.vsu.ru Voronezh State University PhD in Philology,

Associate Professor of the Department of French Philology Svetlana Yurjevna Bulgakova

e-mail: svetlanbulgakov@yandex.ru

N.A. Fenenko, S.Yu. Bulgakova


The article points out the specificity of teaching French in the blended learning format via the virtual learning environment Moodle. The article describes the structure of the module Professionally-oriented communication in the second foreign (French) language" taught in the framework of the master's program "Teaching languages with the use of online technologies" in the field of Language education. The authors analyse the principles of the organisation of education in the form of blended learning. The article focuses as well on the strategy of developing the competence of using new information and communication technologies in language teaching. The authors conclude that besides developing the ICTcompetence blended learning contributes to the development of other key skills for the future careers, including planning their own activities, analysis, and presentation of information in accordance with the set objectives, Moreover it allows students to critically reflect on the experience of learning a foreign language via the use of new technologies in order to implement them in their own teaching in future.

Key words: blended learning, virtual learning environment, LMS Moodle, information and communication technologies, French language teaching.

Current trends in language teaching (see. more [1, p. 125-126] require from a foreign language teacher to master the use of modern forms of learning process organisation with the use of new information and communication technologies (hereinafter - ICT). The degree of the ICT involvement in the educational process can vary from the use of Internet resources in order to create Power Point presentations, e-mail – projects and web quests [2] to distance learning of a foreign language.


© Fenenko N.A., Bulgakova S.Yu., 2016

The research has been carried out in the framework of the project Tempus 544161-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-UK- TEMPUS-JPCR Aston University «Developing the Teaching of European Languages: Modernising Language Teaching through the development of blended Masters Programmes».


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches»

Issue № 1 (12), 2016

Open access to the virtual learning environments, such as LMS Moodle contributes to the emergence of more and more numerous foreign language on-line courses. However, as the researchers point out, quite often the innovative electronic courses are not "based on the modern principles of teaching foreign languages" [3, p. 3], and represent simply an electronic copy of some mediocre educational materials which does not change anything except the presentation of material on an electronic medium [4].

Meanwhile, the use of a virtual learning environment in teaching foreign languages (hereinafter - FL) has enormous potential, but its implementation requires a review of a number of theoretical fundamentals, in particular of modern foreign language teaching methods. This revision may concern:

-extension of the list of speech activity types in order to include hybrid types of Internet communication, as well as their description from the point of language teaching methodology in the context of the development of speech perception and production skills;

-development of principles of course books creation in order to meet modern needs in intercultural communication. In this case it is essential to take into account the new opportunities provided by the Internet as multicultural and multilingual space which has didactic potential for various interactive forms of communication in its environment (forums, blogs, chat rooms);

-theoretical and experimental study of the range and degree of methodological appropriateness of the use of specific online interaction forms for didactic purposes, as well as their influence on the socialisation in the process of pedagogical interaction / communication between teachers and students;

-clarifying the objectives, principles and contents of modern Internet-oriented courses in first, second and third foreign language and mother tongue [3, p. 12].

Apart from the theoretical revision of some fundamentals of language teaching methodology the use of ICT in the foreign language teaching requires training a new generation of specialists. The search of a solution to this problem, however, presents some difficulties due to the non-stop development of ICT and the absence of a clearly defined list of associated competences, as well as the lack of common approach to the organisation of the learning process with the use of ICT (forms of work, synchronous / asynchronous mode of learning) [5, p . 346].

The above-mentioned issues became the subject of detailed discussion of the group of experts who participate in the international project TEMPUS 544161 - TEMPUS - 1- 2013UK - TEMPUS - JPCR Aston University «Improving the teaching of European languages through the introduction of on-line technologies in teacher training» DeTEL.

The consortium for the project includes:

Aston University (Birmingham, UK) – grant holder,

University of Caen Basse-Normandie (France),

Freiburg University of Education (Germany),

Tyumen State University (project coordinator from the Russian side)

Voronezh State University (VSU),

Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University,

Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages (Uzbekistan),

the Uzbek State University of World Languages ,

Tashkent (Uzbekistan),

Kyiv National Linguistic University (Ukraine),

Mikolaiv National University named after I.N. Sukhomlinsky (Ukraine),

as well as the Department of Education and Science of Tyumen region.


Scientific Newsletter of Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

The project coordinator from the Voronezh State University is Vice-Rector for Science and Informatisation, Professor V.N Popov. European coordinator of the project is the Director of postgraduate programmes in English, University of Aston (Birmingham, UK), member of the Higher Education Academy of the United Kingdom, chairman of the Chairman of the Committee of TESOL on research in the field of language teaching methodology. In 2015 Dr. S. Garton was given an NTF by the Higher Education Academy for her outstanding contribution to the development of higher education.

During 2014-2015, in the framework of the project the partners developed the conception of blended learning, including principles and forms of foreign language teaching via LMS Moodle. According to this conception several educational modules in foreign languages and theoretical issues in language teaching methodology were created. They are based on a combination of traditional teaching – face-to-face learning – and students’ independent work via Internet – distance learning. On the one hand, this form of learning represents an integration between strict formal teaching methods (work in the classroom) and informal techniques (discussion of the most important parts of educational materials via e-mail and Internet conferencing). On the other hand, it is a combination of different ways to present educational materials (classroom face-to-face learning, online learning and self-study learning) using the techniques of learning management [6].

Students’ independent work is controlled by the means of performing the tasks in virtual learning environment Moodle, which are assessed both in the classroom and via the platform.

To implement this conception in 2015 VSU opened a new Masters program "Teaching foreign languages with the use of online technologies" (field of studies 44.04.01 "Teachers’ training"). The purpose of this program is to ensure quality training of highly qualified professionals who are fluent in two foreign languages and master modern foreign language teaching methods, as well as possess a profound knowledge of pedagogy and foreign language teaching methodology using the new ICTs.

In accordance with the objectives of the master's program the development of skills of the use of new ICT (ICT-competence), is ensured by a block of disciplines, which includes:

Workshop on E-learning via LMS Moodle, Technology and Language Teaching (in English), Computer Technologies of Word Processing, Electronic Linguistic Resources.

In addition to these disciplines the objective of mastering the modern language teaching methods using ICT is attained by introducing innovative forms of work in the process of studying "traditional" disciplines. Thus, the development of the ICT-competence represents one of the major goals of the six core modules, which have been developed in the framework of the international project Tempus specifically for this master's program:

-Technology and Language Teaching ;

-Course design and evaluation;

-Age appropriate pedagogy;

-Language Teaching Methodology;

-English Language Improvement (first foreign language);

-French and German Language Improvement.

The modules have been developed in the framework of the competence based approach to professional training and have a single structure, which includes goals and objectives of the modules, learning materials, teaching methods and quality assessment system.

This article highlights the specificity of teaching French for professional purposes using modular technology in blended learning. We will further consider the course "Profes- sionally-oriented communication in the second foreign language (French)” (6 ECTS) taught in the framework of the master's program "Teaching foreign languages with the use of online technologies".


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches»

Issue № 1 (12), 2016

This module has been developed in accordance with the uniform principles as part of the Tempus project led by the Director of the Center of Inter-language Research on Contextual Meaning (Centre de Recherches Inter-langues sur la Signification en COntexte (CRISCO)) Dr. Pierre Larrivée (University of Caen Basse-Normandie, France). The study of the selected learning materials is based on the optimal combination of traditional teaching and new educational technologies (modular approach) which results in the form of blended learning.

Modular approach is a "transition from the explanatory and illustrative systems of training to the self-managed learning" [7, p. 73]. The major characteristic of this technology involve the development of a training program that allows both to use all its elements, or to replace some of the elements in accordance with the student’ individual needs. At the same time the teacher performs the tasks of a manager of the problem-based learning, contributing to create optimal conditions while the successful achievement of learning outcomes depends on the learners’ activity, independence and responsibility [ibid].

Blended learning is a flexible combination of classroom and distance forms of work: it is "a combination of forms of training, including on-line and face-to-face learning, provision of the reference materials online and self-study which are adapted to achieve the learning objectives in a most efficient way" [8, p.2 ].

Blended learning effectively combines the positive characteristics of the traditional face-to-face learning (French. Phases présentielles) and distance learning (French. Phases distancielles) and has a number of important features.

On the one hand, distance learning allows tailoring educational strategies to the needs of each student. The positive factors in this case are the possibility to independently determine duration and pace of learning, to adapt contents and form of learning to individual educational goals. Thus these factors give the opportunity to create individual educational trajectories [9, p.3-4]. On the other hand, an essential condition for the effectiveness of the distance learning is a high degree of learner’s autonomy, emotional stability, self-confidence. The negative effects of the students excessive autonomy may result in cognitive disorientation (désorientation cognitive), negative motivation, feeling of isolation due to the poor structure of learning materials, weaker control from the teacher’s part, inability to compare their results with other students [ibid.].

The stage of face-to-face learning in blended learning is designed to neutralise these negative factors through direct communication with the teacher in classroom. However, this stage is performed via creating groups of students with different level of development of the relevant competences, which sometimes results in a feeling of loss of individual approach in education, of student-centered learning, moreover it creates the illusion of comparing all students "to the average” [ibid.]. All these factors are in their turn neutralised during the distance learning phase.

The contents of the module "Professionally-oriented communication in the second foreign language (French)" are divided into two educational segments, including assignments for classroom work and independent work via Internet. The classroom activities start with a document (an authentic article, video or audio materials), which introduces the subject of a preliminary discussion ("spark"). Thereby the knowledge which students already have on this subject is activated and their attention is focused on the main issues to be discussed in the framework of this theme. Further classroom activities are organised in the form of discussions, presentations and project activities which include developing the contents of foreign language lessons using ICT. Distance learning activities are focused on the research and processing of information and presenting the research data in various forms (analysis, synthesis, summaries, essays). It involves as well on-line discussions; group and pair project work with discussions on Moodle forum, pair assessment provided by the students of the group via Moodle, uploading files on the platform; creating Wikis, organising webinars.


Scientific Newsletter of Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Module "Professionally-oriented communication in the second foreign language (French)" aims at development of intercultural professionally oriented communicative competence in the field of science and education. This competence is developed mainly through the selection of the educational materials designed to achieve theoretical and practical understanding of the language, speech and discursive phenomena as well as the new approaches to the development of appropriate skills in the future professional activity. The course includes the following topics to be discussed:

-Typology of oral discourse types (Typologie des discours oral): the topic includes the analysis of different types of discourse, their distinctive features on the lexical, grammatical, syntactic, stylistic and prosodic levels, principles of the choice of language forms according to the parameters of the communicative situation;

-Comprehension and speaking strategies (Stratégies de la compréhension et de la production orale): in the framework of this topic students learn about the strategies of listening comprehension of different types of discourse, including the ability to understand the speaker’s position and the implicit information. It envisages as well the techniques of reformulation of the original message and of adaptation of the message according to the communicative situation parameters;

-Communication management strategies in the foreign language lesson (Gestion de l'interaction en classe): the theme includes types of interaction between the communicants during a lesson in a foreign language (the parameters of communication "teacher-student" "student-student", the specific types of speech (monologue, dialogue, polylogue), as well as ways to optimise the communicative interaction in the classroom;

-Characteristics and functions of different types of text (Caractéristiques et fonctions des textes): in the framework of this topic students familiarise with functional typology of texts and their linguistic characteristics, types of approaches to teaching reading comprehension, the reproduction of the semantic structure of a written text and understanding the implicit information;

-Approaches to teaching vocabulary (Vocabulaire en contexte): the lesson involves analysis of the typology of exercises and activities aimed at enhancing the vocabulary skills via context-based approach;

-Techniques of developing grammar skills (Grammaire en contexte): during the lesson students study the typology of exercises and activities aimed at the development of grammar skills in the framework of communicative and active approach to foreign language teaching;

-Socio-cultural characteristics of the discourse (Les aspects socio-culturels du discours): the lesson includes the analysis of tasks aimed at development of the discursive competence, including improvement of skills to adapt the communication-relevant parameters of their speech to the situation of communication;

-Intercultural competence and teaching foreign languages in a multicultural classroom

(Compétence interculturelle et gestion de l'interculturel en classe de langue): this lesson examines the concept of "intercultural competence" and a number of related concepts (sociocultural, discursive competence, etc.), differences of cultural codes are examined, the types of tasks, aimed at developing students' intercultural competence are studied.

In addition to the professionally oriented communicative competence the course objectives include further improvement of the general language competence (levels C1-C2). In particular, the discipline includes the tasks aimed at developing skills, characteristic for the level C (utilisateur expérimenté):

-Understanding voluminous and linguistically complex texts on various subjects via creation of new written texts based on a set of texts on the same topic having a new logic structure, and which does not reproduce the phrases of the source texts (essays, synthesis);


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches»

Issue № 1 (12), 2016

-Producing oral texts with a high degree of cohesion and coherence, clearly defined structure using logical connectors (presenting project results);

-Rendering the meaning of heard or read texts in the form of a new text, which has an independent logical organisation (synthesis);

-Communicating nuances of meaning in spontaneous statements on complex topics (in particular in the framework of presentation of the projects results and of group discussions).

Moreover, the course’s aims include development of a complex of general cultural competences, including tolerance and respect for the cultural values of different countries and peoples. In parallel, general scientific competences including development of cognitive and research skills are formed via different information sources in the French language. Communicative skills and general knowledge are developed via a combination of group and individual forms of work including research and processing and presentation of research data.

In this article we will examine the structure of the lesson on “Francophonie”. Its purpose is to familiarise the students with one of the fundamental concepts of the Frenchspeaking world, the essence of which consists in supporting and spreading the French language as a condition of the cultural diversity preservation and an alternative to globalisation based on the English language.

The lesson consists of several tasks performed by students:

1)to find information about Francophonie as an international linguistic and cultural project of French-speaking countries;

2)to research and to analyse the information on the activities of the International Organisation of Francophonie;

3)to analyse language and cultural contacts between Russia and France according to the principles of the Francophonie;

4)to develop principles of motivation when learning French.

These tasks are performed in small groups (2-3 people) and the work is organised in the following stages:

-Creating a Wiki page on the Moodle platform on one of the proposed topics, revealing the characteristic of the Francophonie; this Wiki can be edited by all participants of the group;

-Researching the relevant information on the Internet and presenting it to the group mates in the form of a summary via Moodle forum;

-Creating a new text based on summaries prepared by the members of the group.

The results of the teamwork are published on the Wiki page including the sources of information, additional multimedia materials, etc. and students present them in classroom.

The course also forms general competences, aimed at increasing the level of learning autonomy, developing of the self-study skills in professional and personal domains, developing the capacity to design education and career strategies for the future. This is ensured by the implementation of modular technology of training: the course contents include both obligatory and optional tasks, as well as assignments in which the students can choose the form of the final project according to their preferences (for ex., choice between creating a Wiki or presenting the results orally with the Power Point presentation).

The innovative nature of the training in the framework of the module "Professionallyoriented communication in the second foreign language (French)" is due in the first place to the fact that all distance learning tasks are performed in the virtual learning environment Moodle. Thus, students have the opportunity not only to see the ways to implement in real learning the methods and techniques studied in the framework of theoretical courses, but al-


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