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Scientific Newsletter of Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Nevertheless, in most usages only host language words possess formal markers of concord whereas a recoded word is left without changes, keeping inflections of plural inherent in Russian, for example:

Le quotidien des militaires russes dans la République sécessionniste, ce sont les zatschitski, opérations de «nettoyage» au déroulement immuable [1*: 23.02. 2002] Medvedev ne signifie pas pour autant la défaite des siloviki, véritables hommes forts de la Russie issus des services secrets et agissant dans l'ombre [2*: 19.12.07]

In some cases the only marker of the plural is the article while a noun remains unchanged, as follows:

En 1917, il devient membre du Politburo, organe suprême du Parti bolchevique créé par Lénine en 1912, après la scission avec les menchevik [2*: 31.05.2013]

As for grammar properties, most part of recoded items keep unchanged grammar categories they have in SL. But sometimes the gender of nouns may be modified according to the RL rules. Thus, nouns with a final vowel become feminine, for example, la sarafane (f.) from Rus. сарафан (m.). On the contrary, the final consonant is regarded as a masculine marker, for example, kopeck (m.) from Rus. копейка (f.).

The research has revealed examples of changing grammar characteristics. Thus, the word kalach, formed to name the Kalashnikov gun is used in French newspapers both as masculine and feminine. At the same time, it is feminine that is tended to be fixed lately as the following examples illustrate:

Ibrahim Rugova, lui, appartient à une autre génération, entrée en politique presque par hasard, et qui manie les mots, pas le “kalach” [2*: 24.01.2006]

Depuis une dizaine d'années, la “kalach” est devenue l'arme fétiche des cités, celle qu'il faut brandir pour se faire respecter de ses concurrents [2*: 12.05.2012]

Des tirs de kalachnikov ont visé des policiers à la Castellane. «Prends ta kalach», ironise le SMS d’un camarade parisien [3*: 17.04.2015]

One example of changing grammar category is nominalization of the particle нет, what is confirmed by the use of the article in the following contexts:

Le camp occidental a à peine eu le temps d'applaudir qu'il lui faut retourner à l'ordinaire des négociations avec les Russes. Fatalement, le "niet" a fait son retour au Conseil de sécurité [2*: 12.09.2013].

Le président exploite d'abord le niet russe – son droit de veto – au Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU, vieux réflexe soviétique [2*: 26.06.2013].

3. Semantic changes.

Created as a result of interlanguage recoding lexical items are, to my mind, intersystem [6, p. 96] because they form a peculiar mix of characteristics of two language systems, namely SL and RL. If we represent the latter as different fields (dimensional models), inter-system units mark their contact point. Then, it is natural to assume that recoded items and their prototypes in SL have some common semantic features. On the other hand, as a


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches»

Issue № 4 (11), 2015

result of interlanguage recoding a lexical item is transferred into another language system and, thus, it may either lose some properties or acquire some others.

The correlation between the usage of recoded words in contemporary French newspapers and the meaning of corresponding Russian words revealed that interlanguage recoding is accompanied by certain semantic changes concerning denotative as well as connotative components.

One of the most common type of semantic changes is specification of the meaning. In this case a specific feature which is not presented in the semantic structure of a corresponding Russian word appears in French. For example, cooking method (‘de grain’ and ‘de semoule de sarrasin’, respectively) is mentioned in the meaning of the words vodka and kacha, the definition of the word dacha points out the proximity to cities (‘aux abords d’une grande ville’ [1**]).

Examples of semantic narrowing of borrowed from Russian words can also be described. Thus, the word perestroika is defined in French dictionary as ‘economic and political reforms initiated by M.S. Gorbachev and oriented to increase communication and glasnost’ [1**] (Compare: in Russian dictionary [3**] it is only the second meaning of the word). The word pogrome in French has the semantic feature ‘directed against Jewish or other ethnic or religious group’ [2**] whereas in Russian this word has broader meaning.

It is noticeable that lexical items are borrowed with stylistically marked or phraseological meanings. For example, the second meaning of the word apparatchik (‘member of a party or a large organisation’) in French dictionary [1**] has the mark ‘pejoratif’ while Russian dictionaries [3**; 4**] cite it as informal but stylistically neutral.

In some cases a word is borrowed in special or colloquial meaning. Thus, the word babouchka from Rus. бабушка is used not as a family term but as indicator of the women’s age (‘old Russian women’ [1**]), for example:

Une babouchka édentée, ridée comme une pomme blette fichu mal noué, vieux jupon souillé, chaussettes grises pendant à mi-mollets, savates trouées traîne… [1*: 2.08.2001].

Loanwords also form part of phraseological units such as, for example, ça ne vaut pas un kopeck means ‘is worth nothing’, and ne pas miser un kopeck or parier un kopeck – ‘do not put money on’. Interestingly, these collocations are quite numerous in French newspapers and they are not only related to Russia as the following examples illustrate:

A priori, on n' aurait pas misé un kopeck sur ce genre de performance [3*: 23.09.2006].

J’entre, juste pour voir: je ne suis pas joueur, je le sais depuis un séjour à Las Vegas passé sans miser un kopeck [2*: 24.07.2015].

Depuis décembre, les partenaires sociaux ont accepté de revenir aux négociations, mais, lors de la dernière rencontre au siège du Medef mercredi, la présidente de l'Unedic, Annie Thomas (CFDT), n'a pas caché son scepticisme : «Je ne parie pas un kopeck sur la réussite de la négociation», a-t-elle déclaré [3*: 25.02.2006].

Recoded words are also used in figurative sense in French periodicals. On example is the expression «kacha in head» (col., fig. ‘confusion, disorder’ [3**]) which is represented in French as a loan translation - kacha dans la tête. Remarkable is that the word kacha is explained in parentheses:


Scientific Newsletter of Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

”J’avais une abominable kacha [la bouillie russe] dans la tête,” avoue-t-il. A 18 ans, pour financer ses activités politiques, il s’arme d’un couteau et extorque 150 roubles à un caissier [3*: 23.05.2006]

All the above mentioned examples make evident that interlanguage recoding is accompanied by semantic changes. On the other hand, most of loanwords keep one or several meanings of the corresponding SL words. At the same time, French dictionaries often mark a specific nation-related component in their definitions (‘Russian’ or ‘in Russia’)

[1**]. Some examples follow:

datcha (f) ‘En Russie, maison de campagne, aux abords d'une grande ville’ (In Russia, a country house, in the suburbs);

moujik (m) ‘Dans la Russie d'ancien régime, homme de la campagne, paysan’ (In old Russia, a country inhabitant, a peasant);

yourte (f) (russe jorta) ‘Tente conique d'écorce utilisée traditionnellement par certains peuples sibériens’ (A conic rind tent traditionally used by some Syberian


More than half of recoded words used in French periodicals are not registered in French dictionaries although not all of them can be undoubtedly considered as individual, author-made units if just for their relative frequency. Both loanwords and intersystem lexical items are used within different figures of speech such as metaphor, figurative comparison, metonymy etc.

The metaphor is often based upon one or some features of a denoted object. Thus, in the meaning of the word samovar, a formal resemblance to a barrel with short bails becomes actual in the following context:

Le régime ne voulait pas voir de mutilés de guerre dans les grandes villes afin de ne pas démoraliser la population et les envoyait au-delà du cercle polaire ou en Sibérie. Ces hommes troncs, sans bras et sans jambes, étaient appelés familièrement

"samovars" [3*: 15.02.2007].

The use of recoded from Russian words as metaphoric expression for naming people, especially Russian, should be recognized rather wide-spread. Thus, Sergei Lavrov, for his cool blood and principled personality, got the nickname "Monsieur niet" which he took after Andrei Gromyko:

Décrit, par ses partisans et ses détracteurs, comme un "animal à sang froid", un "négociateur redoutable", Sergueï Lavrov, 63 ans, est, depuis neuf ans, le visage de la politique étrangère russe. S'il n'a pas encore atteint le score de longévité de son lointain prédécesseur Andreï Gromyko, resté pendant vingt-huit ans à la tête de la diplomatie soviétique, il partage avec lui le surnom de "Monsieur niet" [2*: 12.09.2013].

In the other article describing the head of state and Kremlin’s new image, the journalists call Gleb Pavlovski «Monsieur Agitprop». The article is just headlined «Gleb Pavlovski, le «Monsieur Agitprop» du Kremlin» [1*: 8. 01.2002].

The metonymy is based on using the Komsomol organization’s name to refer to its members (les Komsomols):

«Tous à la construction du métro». Le slogan vaut décret. On mobilise les Komsomols et l'on fait en sorte qu'ils descendent dans les puits où l'on creuse les galeries [3*: 2.03.2006].


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches»

Issue № 4 (11), 2015

The use of a loanword within a comparison can be illustrated by the following context:

Aux arrêts, les yeux se brident, les visages se font plats comme la steppe [2*: 20.04.2010].

It is important to emphasize that Russian loanwords are used in figures of speech not only when talking about Russia, this fact indicating a high degree of their assimilation in RL and trends to lose their exoticism [9]. Thus, for example, elections won by left-wing parties in some European countries are described as «Stalin’s night falling on popular democracies»: la nuit du stalinisme tombe sur les démocraties populaires [1*: 2.05.2005].

In conclusion, I would like to note that even usages in accordance with SL rules are characterized by some distinctiveness. The interlanguage recoding and contextual implication result in «semantic appendix of stylistic character» [10, p. 111] manifested in unusualness, brightness, emotional coloring of the corresponding lexical item. The general meaning of SL is kept but it is supplemented by some connotations. Thus, the word le vertoukhaï in the following context not only signifies a tower guard («la sentinelle qui garde le camp» [1**]) but also symbolizes the fear which, inside each of us, restricts the freedom of the people:

L'ancien dissident Sergueï Kovalev donne son explication : "Nous, les Russes, ne sommes pas sortis du manteau de Gogol, comme nos écrivains le disent, mais de celui de Staline. Nous portons tous la peur en nous. Il n'est pas nécessaire de restaurer le

Goulag. Connaissez-vous le mot vertoukhaï ? Mot de la terminologie des camps, le vertoukhaï, c'est la sentinelle qui garde le camp. Celle qui sommeille en chacun de nous est bien plus efficace que n'importe quelle censure d'Etat." [2*: 25.02.2003]

In view of the above said we come to the conclusion that lexical items recoded from Russian are quite various and relatively frequent in contemporary French newspapers. Setting aside the question of their functions in foreign press, we can state that interlanguage recoding is a real process determined in particular by the need of assimilating foreign reality by globalizing mass media. In this context, interlanguage recoding represents a quiet difficult process including changes almost at all levels such as graphics, phonetics, grammar and especially semantics. It seems advisable to determine the process of interlanguage recoding as a separate object of research and to study recoded words in depth. A detailed comparative analysis of recoded words and loanwords may be, in my opinion, efficient for solving many disputable points of the theory of borrowings and enlighten the problem of foreign words’ classification.

Bibliographic list

1.Volodarskaya E.F. Zaimstvovanie kak otrazhenie russko-angliyskih kontaktov / E.F. Volodarskaya //Voprosyi yazyikoznaniya. – 2002. – №4. – С. 96118.

2.Mihaylova I.V. Angloyazyichnyie vkrapleniya v proizvedeniyah V.O. Pelevina kak eho sovremennyih kulturnyih i yazyikovyih protsessov v Rossii / I.V. Mihaylova // Nauchnyi vestnik Voronezh.gos.arh.-stroit.un-ta. Sovremennye lingvisticheskie I metodikodidakticheskie issledovanija. – 2014. – vyp. 1 (21). – S. 142-150.

3.Podhajecka M. Russian Borrowings in English: Similarities and Differences in Lexicographic Description / M. Podhajecka // Selected Proceedings of the 2005 Symposium on New Approaches in English Historical Lexis (HEL-LEX). – Somerville, MA: Cascadilla


Scientific Newsletter of Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Proceedings Project, 2006. – P. 123-134.

4.Protsenko E.A. Russian-English interactions as a two-way channel of linguistic exchange / E.A. Protsenko, M.A. Zhivokina // Russian linguistic Bulletin. – 2015. – №1 (1). – С. 4-6.

5.Reformatskiy A.A. O perekodirovanii i transformatsii kommunikativnyih sistem / A.A. Reformatskiy // Issledovanie po strukturnoy tipologii. – M., 1963. – S. 208-215.

6.Protsenko E.A. K probleme klassifikatsii leksiki inoyazyichnogo proishozhdeniya. // Vestnik Voronezh. un-ta. Ser. Lingvistika i mezhkulturnaya kommunikatsiya. – 2006. – №2. – S.92-99.

7.Strukova O.V., Fomina Z.E. Etnokulturnaya spetsifika renominatsiy nemetskih toponimov v raznyih arealah Rossii (na materiale nemetskih toponimov Samarskoy, Leningradskoy i Permskoy oblastey) / O.V. Strukova, Z.E. Fomina // Nauchnyiy vestnik Voronezh. gos. arh.-stroit. un-ta. Sovremennyie lingvisticheskie i metodiko-didakticheskie issledovaniya. – 2014. – vyp. 1 (21). – S.116-129.

8.Vurenich T.K. Deekzotizatsiya sovremennyih zaimstvovaniy v russkom nauchnolingvisticheskom i obyidennom yazyikovom soznanii: Na materiale anglitsizmov: avtoref. dis … kand. filol. nauk. – Krasnoyarsk, 2004. – 21s.

9.Gataulin R.G. K voprosu kontekstualnyih okkazionalizmov / R.G. Gataulin // Problemyi sverhfrazovyih edinstv. Semantiko-sintaksicheskaya struktura. – Ufa, 1985. – S. 107-113.

10.Voronkova I.S. Lingvisticheskoe osvoenie chuzhoy deystvitelnosti (na primere russko-frantsuzskih yazyikovyih protsessov rubezha HVIII-HIH vekov): avtoref. dis… kand. filol. nauk. - Voronezh, 2011. – 24s.

Analyzed sources

1*. Le Figaro [Jelektronnyj resurs] URL: http://www.lefigaro.fr/

2*. Le Monde [Jelektronnyj resurs] URL: http://www.lemonde.fr/

3*. Libération [Jelektronnyj resurs] URL: http://www.liberation.fr/

Dictionaries used

1**. Dictionnaire de francais LAROUSSE. [Электронный ресурс] Режим доступа: http://www.larousse.fr

2**. Le trésor de la langue française informatisé / Dendien J. – 2008. CD-ROM.

3**. Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Tolkovyiy slovar russkogo yazyika. – M.: Oniks, 2009. – 944s.

4**. Russkiy semanticheskiy slovar. Tolkovyiy slovar, sistematizirovannyiy po klassam slov i znacheniy / Rossiyskaya akademiya nauk. In-t rus. yaz. im. V. V. Vinogradova; Pod obschey red. N. Yu. Shvedovoy. – M.: Azbukovnik, 2007. – 924c.


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches»

Issue № 4 (11), 2015


of Z. Ye. Fomina on her participation in the 13th Congress of the IATRLL "Russian Language and Literature in the Space of World Culture" (September 13-20, 2015, Granada, Spain)

On September 15, 2015 the 13th Congress of the International Association of Teachers of the Russian Language and Literature (IATRLL) "Russian Language and Literature in the Space of World Culture" was opened at Granada Congress Palace in Spain. The Congress continued from 12 to 20 September, 2015.

The International Association of Teachers of the Russian Language and Literature (IATRLL) was founded in 1967. Once every

four years the Association carries out large-scale scientific Forums. Since 1967, 12 major scientific Forums have been carried out with the support of the Fund Board of the "Russian World", which took place in different cities of the world: in Moscow, Varna, Warsaw, Berlin, Prague, Budapest, Regensburg, Bratislava, St. Petersburg, Shanghai and others. In 1975 IATRLL got a consultative status of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

The choice of Granada for conducting the meeting of the world's leading specialists in the Russian philology is motivated by the fact that this city, according to the mayor of the city of Granada, “inspired Pushkin and Glinka”, and for more than 50 years it is here where the Centre of Russian Studies actively works (in Granada University)(http: // www.russkiymir.ru/news/195591/?sphrase_id=112844). Furthermore, the 2014-2016s were declared as the years of the Russian and Spanish languages and literature in Russia and Spain.

In the 13th Congress specialists in the field of the Russian language, linguists, literary critics, journalists, translators, critics, representatives of publishing houses from 60 countries took part. They represented specialists in the Russian philology from the Asiatic-and-Pacific region, Africa, the Middle East, Europe, the CIS, North, Central and South America.

The Congress was held with the support of the "Russian World" fund, Granada University was a co-organizer of this event.

The Honorary Organizing Committee of the 13th Congress ("IATRLL)" "Russian Language and Literature in the Space of World Culture" was headed by the chairmen Philip VI of Bourbon and Leticia Ortiz Rokasolano - the King and the Queen of Spain.

The opening ceremony was attended by Yury Korchagin (Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Russia in Spain), Lyudmila Verbitskaya (President of the "IATRLL and the chairman of the board of guardians of the "Russian World"), Lyubov Glebova (Head of the Federal Agency for the CIS Affairs and International Humanitarian Cooperation (Rosssotrudnichestvo). The Spanish delegation was represented by José Torres Hurtado, the mayor of Granada, Dolores Ferre Cano, General Director of the Government of Andalusia universities, Pilar Aranda Ramirez, rector of Granada University, Rafael Guzman Tirado, vice-president of the IATRLL, Professor of the Department of Greek and Slavonic philology of Granada University.


Scientific Newsletter of Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Congress participants were welcomed by Lyudmila Verbitskaya, who emphasized the resumption of great interest to the Russian language in the world for the past 10 years, which is confirmed, according to the President of the IATRLL, by real facts:

"Teaching the Russian language began in hundred new schools in the United States. In Slovakia the number of students learning the Russian language has increased twice, and in the Czech Republic - three times. More people began to study the Russian language in Austria and Sweden. There is a growing interest in learning Russian in Poland, Bulgaria and Mongolia ... 7.5 million people study the Russian language in foreign countries and 12.5 million - in the CIS. "

Lyubov Glebova participated in the opening ceremony of the Congress. In her speech she noted the particular importance of the role of the Russian language in the development and strengthening of the international contacts with the representatives in the spheres of politics, business and culture of different countries. According to L. Glebova, it is the teachers of the Russian language and literature who have a respected and honorable mission of the all-round promotion of the Russian language, literature and culture in the world, who, in fact, are "the main partners of the Russian Cooperation (Rossotrudnichestvo)."

Participants of the congress accepted the greetings of Yuri Korchagin, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Russia in Spain with great interest. He emphasized that the Forum of the leading world specialists in the Russian philology in Granada has a special significance in terms of exchanging the experience of teachers of the Russian language and literature all over the world, the establishment and development of international contacts in the field of scientific-and-practical cooperation. It makes a great contribution to the further strengthening of friendship and cooperation between Russia and Spain, which means the rise and strengthening of global intercultural dialogue.

The welcoming speech of José Torres Hurtado, the mayor of Granada was followed by friendly applause. He called the members of the Congress not only to work successfully and productively in the beautiful and cozy rooms of the Palace of the Congress in Granada, but also to thoroughly become acquainted with Granada - one of the oldest historical and beautiful cities in the world, with its friendly inhabitants, with their wonderful national-and- cultural and gastronomical traditions. The mayor ended his speech with warm words: "Watch and enjoy. Granada is the city of love. Do not forget about it! ".

During the solemn opening of the Congress the outstanding Russianists were awarded medals of A.S. Pushkin for their contribution to the promotion of the Russian language and culture in their countries.

At the plenary session, which was held on September 15, 2015, the reports were delivered by L. Verbitskaya on the theme "The Role of Language in Social Life," by Aneta Pavlenko (Pedagogical Institute of Tempolsky University, USA) on the topic: "The Russian Language in the European Service Sector," by Chzhen Tiu (Shanghai University of Foreign

Languages, China), who spoke about “the influence of the Russian literature on the literary process in foreign cultural space.”

The plenary sessions, workshops, roundtables were held in beautiful halls of the Congress with the nominal names: the Hall “Garcia Lorca”, “Andalucia -1/2”, ”Machado” (in honor of Antonio Machado, a Spanish poet, playwright, thinker-essayist),” “Machuco”

(master named Juan Antonio Díaz Machuco, a bridge builder), “Albeniz” (Albeniz, Mateo, a

Spanish composer and organist), “Picasso” and others.

The work of the congress was organized on the 14 important areas: The Modern Russian Language: Sociolinguistic Aspects of Investigations(1); Russian Culture in the Age of Globalization (2);System-and-Structural Description of the Modern Russian Language (3); The Dynamics of Linguistic Change: Diachronic and Synchronic Aspects of Researches (4); Language. Consciousness. Culture (5); Modern Russian Lexicography:Theory and Practice (6);The Russian language: Communicative and Pragmatic Aspects of Researches (7); The


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches»

Issue № 4 (11), 2015

Russian Language in Intercultural Communication (8); Methods of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language, Native and on-native (9); Comparative Study of the Russian and Other Languages: Linguistic and Methodological Aspects (10; Translation as a Means of Intercultural Mutual Understanding, the Subject of Learning and Training (11); The Russian language in the Internet Space (12), Russian Literature in the World Literary Process: the Past and the Present (13 ) Methods of Teaching Russian Literature: Theory and Practice (14).

The very formulation of the problem indicates the scale, depth and global topics handed to the discussions and debates of the problems related to the key theme of the Congress "Russian Language and Literature in the Space of World Culture."

As a member of the Congress, I worked in the fifth section: Language. Consciousness, Culture. On September 16, 2015 the meeting of the mentioned section was held in the Congress Hall «Andalucia -1» under the leadership of Jirzhi Klapka (Czech Republic) and Maria Kovshova (Ph.D. in Philology, Professor, a leading fellow of the Institute of Linguistics, of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia). 28 reports were presented by the colleagues from different countries of the world (Russia, Serbia, Poland, Denmark, Indonesia, China, Kazakhstan, Georgia, and others). The subjects of the discussion were language phraseological and paremic units as translators of culture, as well as various types of ethnic-and- cultural concepts, the dominant categories of speech communication (call, greetings and others.).

Prof. O.E. Frolova (Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) acquainted the participants with the results of the investigation of the problem: "Europe in the Nominative and Connotative Meanings," which is a part of developing a global project on the phenomenon of Europe in the Russian language. (see more details: http://ru. mapryal. org/ wp-content/ uploads/2015 /09/ Prog_ XIII_Kongr_MAPRYAL_web.pdf)

Eight roundtables discussed the most pressing problems related to the study of functioning the Russian language in the modern world. All the roundtables were of great interest. Intense discussions characterized the first roundtable "Problems of Communicative Foreign Language Education" (the leader - Prof. E.I. Passov et al.), the second roundtable

“Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language in the Context of Bologna Process" (the leaders are L.A. Verbitskaya, S.I. Bogdanov et al.), the third one "Learning and Teaching the Russian Language in the Spanish-speaking countries" (the leader is Tirado Rafael Guzman). Great disputes took place at the meetings of the fourth roundtable "Distance Teaching of the Russian Language: Problems and Perspectives" (the leaders - Lyudmila Shipelevich et al.), of the fifth roundtable "Pupil - Teacher - Textbook" (the leader is Ode Cecilia et al.) and of the sixth one "Russian Phraseology in the Modern World "(the leaders - Prof. V.M.Mokienko et al.).

Highly remarkable and interesting was the seventh round table: "Modern Russian Literature in the Context of the XXI Century", which was led by Alexei Varlamov – a historian of Russian literature, philologist, a modern writer, the Prize Laureate of “The Great Book”. The eighth roundtable was devoted to discussing the Russian language in the system of bilingual education (the leader is T.P.Mlechko).

Guests of the Congress were offered a very interesting and varied cultural program. Members of the Congress were able to get acquainted with the history of Granada, with the

Palace Complex "Algambra", one of the world's cultural heritage, with Albyicíne

(Sacromonte - the oldest Arabian region in the territory of Granada), to visit the Museum of Garcia Lorca, to enjoy the wonderful performance of flamenco (in Sacromonte - the cradle of flamenco), to visit the museum of olive oil, to make a tour to wine cellars and to taste the best sorts of Spanish wines, as well as to taste Granada tapas –a typical refreshment offered with a glass of sangria (known Granada drink based on red wine with the addition of pieces of fruit and sugar (the name is formed from Spanish sangre - blood), etc.


Scientific Newsletter of Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

By their choice the members of the Congress were able to take part in a varied additional cultural program of the Congress, which gave them the opportunity to see the sights of Seville, Cordoba, Granada Alpukhara, Toledo – the most ancient capital of Spain, Ceuta (Spanish city in Africa), the Sierra Nevada, including the inspection of the places producing khamon (Spanish national meat dish) and many others.

Over the course of the Congress work there were many interesting meetings of teachers of Russian all over the world. In the streets of the city and in the Congress Palace of Granada the exhibitions "Pushkin and Spain", "Russian Slavonic Emigration," "Memorial

Places of Augustin Betancourt in St. Petersburg” were opened. The exhibition of educational literature was of great interest for all the Congress participants. Russian and Spanish performers took part in the musical programs: piano concert was performed by Galina Trofimova, the program of Russian romances was presented by Oleg Pogudin.

The highlight of the cultural program of the Congress was the opening of the monument to A.S. Pushkin, which was held in a solemn atmosphere in the public garden of the University of Granada on the 15th of September. The author of the monument is Boris A. Petrov, a St. Petersburg sculptor, teacher, member of the Union of Artists. (Casting a bronze model of the monument took place in 2015 at the St. Petersburg plant of artistic casting "Monumentsculpture." Coordination of the pro-

duction, delivery and installation of the monument was carried out by the International Association of Teachers of the Russian Language and Literature with the financial support of the "Russian World») (http: / /www.russkiymir.ru/events/84712/).

Dmitry Livanov, Minister of Education and Science of Russia, took part in the celebrations to mark the opening of the 13th Congress of the International Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature in Granada (September 15, 2015)

Speaking at the opening of the monument to Pushkin in the park "Fuente Nueva" of the University of Granada, the Minister thanked the "Russian Fund" and personally L.A. Verbitskaya, the IATRLL President, for her active participation in the project for the creation and installation of the monument (http://www.russkiymir.ru/news/195539/). D.V. Livanov said that "Spain and Russia are always united by their interest in the culture, respect and love for literature and poetry, as well as mutual interest and respect. More and more Russian students study Spanish, the Russian language is in high demand among Spanish students »(http://tass.ru/kultura/2265988).

Summing up the conference L.A. Verbitskaya presented the main results of the scientific discussions and debates of Russianists all over the world in each individual trend of the Congress work. The IATRLL President outlined the range of important problems that require comprehensive understanding and solution. One of the problems concerns the age status of Russian teachers and the need to expand (adding) the number of teachers of the Russian language and literature by young professionals. Now in the world there are over 273 thousand specialists in the Russian philology, but many of them are older than 50 years. L.Verbitskaya put forward the idea of creating a youth section within IATRLL. In this connection, she spoke about the need to develop specific activities that would solve the problem of the succession of generations.

The next problem outlined by Lyudmila Verbitskaya concerns educational and methodological provision to the people who study the Russian language all over the world. In Verbitskaya`s opinion, published textbooks of the Russian language should take into account the specific character of culture and mentality of the country in which the Russian


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches»

Issue № 4 (11), 2015

language training is conducted. It is time to move from the universal (general) textbooks to specific nationally (regionally) oriented textbooks of the Russian language of the new generation, being compiled by international groups of authors for each country separately.

Lyudmila Verbitskaya proposed the idea of creating the World Organization of Russian language teachers¸ uniting all those who are sympathetic to Russia and are interested in Russian culture.

The IATRLL President referring to the words of Patriarch Alexiy that "bad language will not build a good life", focused her attention on the importance and relevance of linguistic culture in the life of the society. "The culture of language, culture of thought, the culture of organization, the culture of oral speech are the major trends in the work of modern linguists" - said the IATRLL President. Larisa Alekseevna spoke on the need to create a "portal of the Russian language" for all those who are interested in the Russian language, literature and culture, on the importance of continuing the dialogue of cultures, on the role of the creative stylistics, on the specific nature of Internet-stylistics and on many other things. She stressed the importance of some of the well-established projects, in particular, the "Read- grad"(Chitai-grad) (S. .Petersburg) and others.

All participants warmly greeted the award ceremony of Serafima Khavronina, a famous specialist in the Russian philology, professor of the Russian Peoples' Friendship University, the author of numerous books on Russian as a foreign language, the initiator of important measures aimed at promoting the Russian language and culture in the world. In reply, she thanked all participants of the Forum for their attention and wished them success and stressed that "the teaching of languages prolongs life and makes it happier."

Vyacheslav Nikonov (the Chairman of the Board of the "Russian World", the chairman of the Education Committee of the State Duma of Russia, a historian, a political figure) took part in the Congress. Vyacheslav A. is known not only as an outstanding statesman, but also, in my opinion, as a great orator, a modern Russian Ciceron, perfectly mastering the art of a word. As V.A. Nikonov stressed, according to the latest scientific researches, knowledge of foreign languages promotes longevity:

"It is therefore that all of you, spreading the Russian language in the world, prolong the life of all mankind."

In his brilliant, bright and emotional speech V.A. Nikonov identified three key facts related to the role of the Russian language in the history of Russia. Firstly, thanks to Cyril and Methodius, creators of the Slavonic alphabet, the population of Kievskaya Rus got the access to spiritual literature in their native language, while their contemporaries in Western Europe perceived the Word of God in the non-native languages - Greek, Latin, Hebrew (from the text of V.A. Nikonov`s speech).

"Why was Kievskaya Rus almost entirely literate already in the XI century,? First of all, because the Slavs were able to perceive the Word of God in their native language. Few who have had such happiness ... A huge layer of translated Greek literature, spiritual and temporal, the layer that reflected the advanced part of the ancient heritage allowed Kievskaya Rus to become one of the most educated states of the then world ").

Secondly, the library, which was in Kiev under Yaroslav the Wise, and then under Vladimir Monomakh, was one of the largest in Europe, and the daughter of Yaroslav the Wise, Anna Yaroslavna, having become the queen of France, was the most educated person in the court of her husband Henry I. Thirdly, the Russian spiritual culture has gone through very difficult times (according to various estimates, tenth or even hundredth parts of a percent of the manuscript heritage of Kievskaya Rus have survived till our time, and, nevertheless, "this culture has confirmed itself and has carried that very word, including the Word of God, to the Pacific Ocean, to the shores of North America and has created a vast world of the Russian word”.


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