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Scientific Newsletter of Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

more her mistress than

enflamait son désespoir et qui

she was his» [6*, p.

n’avait point de limites, parce










with the eponym char-








is presented in



р. 375] / «They


two episodes: platonic

adore her, - he thought. - All




men, certainly, dreamed of a

possible are both pure





and immoral relation-

seemed more beautiful; and he




conceived for her a permanent,











him to despair and had no lim-




its because it was now impos-




sible» [6*, p. 282]; «Pour lui




plaire, comme si elle vivait en-















idées; il




s’acheta des bottes vernies, il



























il souscrivit comme elle des






























[5*, р. 375-376] / «All her fol-




lies and tastes became now sa-




cred for him, as if she had nev-




er died, to please her, he











leather shoes, began to wear




white ties. He put cosmetics on


















tempting him from the grave»




[6*, с. 282].







acter corresponding to the incarnation of the art image of «Madame Bovary» while mistakenly associated with the romantic side of «Emma» similar in its essence only to Charles: «Et, aussitôt, la beauté d’Emma, avec tous les plaisirs de cet amour, lui réapparurent. D’abord il s’attendrit, puis il se révolta contre elle.

- Car enfin, exclamait-il en gesticulant, je ne peux pas m’expatrier, avoir la charge d’une enfant.

Il se disait ces choses pour s’affermir davantage.

-Et, d’ailleurs, les embarras, la dépense... Ah! Non, non, mille fois non! Cela eût été trop bête!»

[5*, р. 233] / «And then he imagined all of Emma's beauty, all the joy that love. First it softened him, but then he rebelled.

-I left for abroad! – waving his arms loudly said he.

– Yes, with a child, with a sort of burden!

So he wanted to be completely strengthened in his decision.

And then the fuss, the cost... no, No, no way! That would be stupider than stupid!» [6*, p. 166].

Thus, based on the research methodology of the aesthetic name-based text analysis of a literary text on the material of the key-anthroponyms of the novel «Madame Bovary» by G. Flaubert, it is possible to conclude that G. Flaubert masterfully used the stylistic possibilities of proper names in his art work that led to the entry of the main onym of the novel into far beyond the text context in the space of intertextuality and in the infinite sphere of culture (literature, sociology, psychoanalysis, etc.).

Taking into account the results of the study, it becomes evident that the techniques and the methods of the use of aesthetic onomastics, in addition to the original nominative functions to personalize the subject or the object of an artistic reality, through the semantic-and- stylistic transpositions contributed to the creation of the concepts.

The detailed aesthetic name-based text analysis of the novel on the material of the keyanthroponyms allows to trace some possible variations in the onomastic transformation of those or other aesthetic onyms in the space of the text and the intertextuality, in particular, the evolution of the image of the eponym character of the novel «Madame Bovary» from a


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches» Issue № 4 (11), 2015

minor character («Mademoiselle Rouault» / «Mlle Rouault») to the conceptual art image

Madame Bovary») and the type («une Bovary»).

It should be emphasized that the extra-linguistic aspect is invariably inherent in the category of proper names, whereby one aesthetic onym can enter the area of real naming as a sort of terminology le bovarysme») or the generalizing notion of a common noun une Bovary») applying not only to the referent but also to the numerous semantic associations based on the author's connotations.

Thus, from the point of view of pragmatics, in the process of artistic communication the aesthetic onymy becomes an important part of the communicative context, i.e., «speaking» elements of the text. In turn, the study of a literary text on the basis of the analysis of aesthetic onomastics is able to identify the stylistically designed context in which are implemented pragmatic-and-stylistic and pragmatic-and-linguistic properties of certain proper names.

Indisputably recognizing for the aesthetic onymy the ability to encode some linguistic and extra-linguistic information, it is necessary to emphasize the perspectivity of a more detailed and multiaspectual approach to the interpretation of the onomastics in the space of the art text and of intertextuality with regard to the personal factor/s of perception within the changing contexts.

Bibliographic list

1.Voprosy onomastiki | Problems of Onomastics. «Voprosy onomastiki» – shiroko izvestnyj v Rossii i za rubezhom mezhdunarodnyj zhurnal po problemam onomastiki. URL: www.onomastics.ru/ (vremja obrashhenija – 20.01.2015).

2.Merkulova N.V., Motashkova S.V. Aesteticheskaia onomastika v hudozhestvennom texte i intertexte: osnovnye funkcii i problema perevoda [Aesthetic Onomastics in the Literary Text and the Intertext: the Main Functions and the Problem of Translation]: Моnographia. – Voronezh : Voronezhskij GASU, 2013. - 177 p.

3.Shokhenmayer E. Name-based Text Analysis. Name-based text analysis / Dr. Evgeny Shokhenmayer, Associate Researcher, Lab. MoDyCo, Paris West University Nanterre La Défense. URL: Onomastics » Name-based text analysis onomastics.co.uk›name- based-text-analysis/ (vremja obrashhenija – 22.12.2014).

4.Baudelle Y. Onomastique romanesque, Textes réunis par Yves Baudelle, Études Littéraires, Critiques Linguistique, Europe, France, in Narratologie, № 9, L’Harmattan,

2008. – 216 p. URL: Onomastique romanesque - L'Harmattan www.editionsharmattan.fr/index.asp?... (vremja obrashhenija – 15.09.2015).

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6.Kalinkin V.M. Avtoref. dis... d-ra fіlol. nauk: 10.02.02; 10.02.15 / Valerіj Mihajlovich Kalіnkіn; Kiїvs'kij nacіonal'nij un-t іm. Tarasa Shevchenka. — K.: 2000. URL: disser.com.ua/contents/p-2/6271.html (vremja obrashhenija – 15.09.2015).

7.Grier M. The Logic of Illusion and the Antinomies, in Bird (ed.), Blackwell, Oxford, 2006. - P. 192-207. URL: The Logic of Illusion and the Antinomies - Wiley Online Library onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/.../summar... M Grier - Chapter 13. The Logic of Illusion and the Antinomies. Graham Bird. Michelle Grier. Published Online: 30 NOV 2007. DOI: 10.1002/9780470996287.ch14. (vremja obrashhenija – 15.09.2015).

8.Zontikov N.A. Ivan Susanin: legendy i dejstvitel'nost'. — Kostroma, 1997. - 352 s.:


9.Losev A.F. Filosofija imeni / A.F. Losev. - M.: MGU, 1990. – 269 s.


Scientific Newsletter of Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

10.Ioffe D. Alternative Language Theory Under Stalin: Philosophy and Religion at the Crossroads in the Nascent Soviet Union, in Studies in Slavic Cultures, № 6, 2007. - P. 25-65. URL: http://hdl.handle.net/1854/LU-1932579 (vremja obrashhenija – 15.09.2015).

11.Vaxelaire J.-L. Les noms propres: une analyse lexicologique et historique, Paris : Lexica (Paris, France), 2005. – 952 p. URL: Les noms propres: une analyse lexicologique et historique ... https://books.google.com/.../Les_noms_propres (время обращения – 15.09.2015).

12.Suprun V.I. Onomasticheskoe pole russkogo jazyka i ego hudozhestvennojesteticheskij potencial / V.I. Suprun. Volgograd : Peremena, 2000. — 172 s.

13.Merkulova N.V. French Aesthetic Onomastics in the Existential View of the

World (on the material of the novel «the Stranger» by A. Camus) / N.V. Merkulova // Scientific Newsletter. Series: Modern linguistic and methodical-and-didactic research. - 2014. - Vyp. 3 (6). – P. 23-33.

14.Rastier F. Sémantique interprétative, Paris : Presses universitaires de France, 1987. URL: Rastier : Enjeux épistémologiques de la linguistique de corpus www.revuetexto.net/.../Rastier/Rastier_Enjeux.... (vremja obrashhenija – 15.09.2015).

15. Merkulova N.V. Themed Semantics of the French Literary Onomastics / N.V. Merkulova // Scientific Newsletter. Series: Modern linguistic and methodical-and- didactic research. - 2014. - Vyp. 2 (5). – P. 43-56.

16.Leclerc Y. Comment une petite femme devient mythique. URL: flaubert.univrouen.fr›etudes/mbmyth.pdf (vremja obrashhenija – 15.09.2015).

17.Jules de Gaultier, Le Bovarysme. La Psychologie dans l'oeuvre de Flaubert, Paris : Cerf, 1892. – 60 р. URL: la psychologie dans l'oeuvre de Flaubert – WorldCat www.worldcat.org/.../bovarysme-la-psychologi.. (vremja obrashhenija – 15.09.2015).

Analized sources

1*. Kostomarov N.I. Ivan Susanin // Istoricheskie monografii i issledovanija. SPb, 1867, T. I. URL: Slavjanskaja jenciklopedija: XVII vek v 2-h tomah. N-Ja. Tom 2. https://books.google.ru/books?isbn=5224036607 (vremja obrashhenija – 16.10.2015).

2*. Anekdoty pro Ivana Susanina - Anekdoty iz Rossii. URL: www.anekdot.ru/tags/Susanin (vremja obrashhenija – 16.10.2015).

3*. Balzac, H. de Sc nes de la vie de province. Eugénie Grandet / H. de Balzac. La Biblioth que électronique du Québec, Collection À tous les vents, Volume 820 : version 2.0. URL: Eugénie Grandet - La Biblioth que électronique du Québec beq.ebooksgratuits.com/balzac/Balzac-26.pdf (vremja obrashhenija – 10.09.2015).

4*. Lettre à Mlle Leroyer de Chantepie, 30 mars 1857, Corr. II, p. 697. Les références des lettres renvoient à l'édition de Jean Bruneau, Gallimard, Bibl. de la Pléiade, 3 vol, 1973,

1980, 1991.

5*. Flaubert G. Madame Bovary: Moeurs de province. Ed. établie présentée, commentée et annotée par B. Didier; Préf. de H. de Montherlant. – P. : Le livre de poche, 1998. – 541 p.

6*. Flaubert G. Madame Bovary. – M. : Mir, 1984. - 536 s.

7*. Plans et scénarios de Madame Bovary, l'édition établie par Y. Leclerc, CNRS. Éditions / Zulma, coll. «Manuscrits», 1995.

8*. Lettre à Louise Colet, 14 août 1853, Corr. II, p. 392.


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches»

Issue № 4 (11), 2015


UDC 808.1

Orel State Institute of Culture

PhD in Philology, Associate Professor Elena Viktorovna Dolgova

e-mail: elenadolg76@mail.ru

E.V. Dolgova



The article is devoted to the description of PR-strategies which are used in modern media to update the image of a successful business man. With reliance on the theory of archetypes the basic components allowing interpreting the image as an essential element in the phenomenology of modern mass culture are marked. We give consideration to the most typical cases of the use of image-making techniques in the materials of the press as well as the interaction of personal, social and symbolic characteristics of the image. Much attention is paid to such a method as the introduction of mytho logical structures in narrative information. It is concluded that a stable trend conscious design image demanded by audience is being formed. It is manifested in the modern media space as a certain image-type, which has clear social characteristics.

Key words: image; way-type; lingvocultural type, PR-strategy; mass media; success; business person; mythologizing; transformation.

An important feature of modern linguistics is its anthropological orientation. Lingvopersonology or the science of language personality belongs to the new areas of linguistic knowledge and is based on the achievements of linguistics, literature, sociology, cultural studies.

The article deals with the methods and techniques allowing reflecting the image characteristics of lingvocultural type of a "business man" in the media. The relevance of this study is obvious due to the necessity to describe this concept from the linguistic point of view and to eliminate the apparent imbalance implying active image study by the psychologists, PR-managers, sociologists and paying little attention to this concept by the linguists.

The aim of the study is to describe a number of methods and techniques which reflect the image characteristics of a business man, taking into account that it is a multidimensional phenomenon. An attempt is made to formulate a definition of the phenomenon based on the analysis of examples of the articles of modern electronic business press.

The basis of the linguistic classifications of personalities is the person attitude to the language, in accordance with that people with high, low and intermediate level of competence are distinguished. From the view of literary criticism artistic images that embody the specific individual and collective typical characteristics of people are marked. Sociological classification of individuals is based on the allocation of certain social types distinguished by gender-based, social, professional and other criteria. In lingvopersonology these approaches are integrated. The language identity study is associated, first of all, with the works of Y.N. Karaulov, which considers the linguistic identity as a set of abilities and characteristics of the person causing the creation and perception of speech works (texts) [1, p.104].


© Dolgova E.V., 2015


Scientific Newsletter of Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

The main directions of the study of language identity split into research based on the characteristics of the concrete individual person or on a particular type of personality.

One of the possible approaches to the language identity can be the selection of the relevant characteristics of the model identity, i.e. "a typical representative of a certain ethnosocial group, recognizable by the specific characteristics of verbal and nonverbal behavior and output value orientation" [2, p.29]. The main characteristic of the model identity is the establishment of values behavior. In other words, it depicts a culturological factor in the development of society. In broader terms, a lingvocultiral type can be identified – "a generalized image of individuals whose behavior and value orientations significantly affect the linguistic culture in general and they are indicators of ethnic and social identity of society" [3, p.4].

But unlike the model identity which acts as a standard of behavior and a role model, the lingvocultural type is not an example of a similar type. Furthermore, in the communicative mass consciousness this type can have both positive and negative characteristics. With the changes of values in society the model identity can be reassessed in the eyes of society and moved into the category of lingvocultural types.

Being an abstract mental formation lingvocultural type is, in relation to a variety of research, a certain type of сoncept in which the figurative, conceptual and value aspects can be respectively distinguished. Let’s look through the above conceptual components taking as an example the lingvocultural type of a "business man." The image aspect of this concept is a description of entrepreneurs in typical situations of their activities (conduct of business, business negotiations, transactions, contracts, personnel administration, social life, typical leisure activities and consumer behavior). Any media text containing information about a particular aspect of a business man or forming a holistic view of the person (articles, interviews, talk shows, press conferences, and blogs in the Internet) can be taken as a material for the study of this type. The conceptual aspect of this phenomenon is the dictionary definition of the concept of "business man" (English. Business man is a person who works in business esp. as an owner, director, or top manager of a company) [1**]. Business – 1) an adjective which is associated with the work, performance management by definition; 2) efficient, knowledgeable case (colloquial) [2**]. Associative expansion of the definition i.e. the construction of the semantic field covering the cognitive model of a "business man" reveals the following series of the lexical items:

CEO, director, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Chairman of the Board, President, Vice President, head, high-ranking executive, supervisor, senior manager, manager, businessman, owner, creator, proprietor, founder, the deputy director, shareholder, boss, deputy chairman, entrepreneur banker, agent, commercial director, executive director, investor, industrialist, raider.

The valuable aspect of this concept is a system of businessmen ethics, estimates that were given to them and the opinions that were expressed about them. In particular, there is a thesis about the existence of stable complex representations of oneself as a professional output at the cognitive level as a system of relationships, attitudes, opinions, resulting in the identification of the individual within the boundaries of their professional activities. It plays an important role here. The media texts are one of the most important sources of formation of professional consciousness of the modern business man which allows us to look at the cognitive style of a business man in lingvocultural aspect.

The results of media texts analysis have shown that a modern business man in the business press is:

1. An owner (proprietor) of business. The representatives of this category are not just


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches»

Issue № 4 (11), 2015

the heads of enterprises or companies they are primarily business owners;

2. A manager (hired top manager) to whom a particular part of the business may belong, but his main function is the management of a trusted entity. As a rule, this category is controlling virtually all major enterprises and companies now.

Thus, the conceptual synonyms of a "business man" in the business press confirm a match for the dictionary content, although there are certain differences between the concepts of "owner" ("proprietor ") and the "manager" ("hired manager") noted in speech disposal. Despite the semantic differences these nominations are components of the collective concept of a business man. In most cases there is a lack of conceptual synonyms with a negative evaluation and a positive attention focused on the management characteristics of a business man with indispensable social, status and image characteristics.

Lingvocultural type has certain points of intercrossing with the image, differed from the latter by multidimensionality and greater objectivity. If the image is formed consciously as an instrument for the treatment of public opinion the type occurs spontaneously as a result of the development of a society. It should be noted that in the minds of informants of modern Russian media lingvoculture understanding of lingvocultural type of a "business man" is characterized by erosion and depletion of conceptual and imaginative characteristics and hypertrophy of one of the evaluation features, i.e. converting the type into the image.

It is not by accident that the image is an integral and qualitatively identified pattern which acts as a stable living and is reproducing in the mass and / or the individual consciousness.

It occurs and is corrected as a result of the perception and the accompanying filtration coming from the external environment information about this object through a network of existing stereotypes. Any object of reality can be the holder of the image. Image is socially conditioned and performs several important functions, which is expressed in the fact that the man as a product of society acts as the subject of the image. The general characteristics of the image of an object depend not only on the object itself but also on the characteristics of a particular society, wherein the image is formed.

The characteristics based on human visual perception as clothes, hairstyle, posture of media image holder, long before he utters a word are an integral part of the image structure of the personality. In addition, the visual information is valid beyond the threshold of consciousness and is not subject to the filter of mistrust on the part of the information recipient, it is also stored in the personal and social memory of the individual.

In this regard, the ideal image to be pursued is a complete image – complex. It is not only the appearance (hair style, dress style) but also the behavior and speech (demeanor, slogans, speech patterns). Only in combination key personality traits are in line with their external expression and become visible and comprehensible, and therefore contribute, in many respects, to a successfulness of a business man.

The increasing role of the media leads to the assumption that such information component as image will inevitably attract more and more attention of the audience. Market relations, desire to advance their own business, the development of competition in all areas of life contributed to the actualization of the concept as a conscious image formation in people's minds and as the effect of personal presentation. Positive image formation influences personal and professional characteristics of the person, first of all, who is engaged in business, when there is a willingness to cooperate with him and the company he represents.

Regarding the study of image and image characteristics of the personality in the linguistic aspect, it should be noted that there is a lack of theoretical clarification of these terms limited to occasional references in the works of I.A. Sternin, V.I. Karasik, M.R. Zheltukhina, S.A. Stepanov and others. An active usage of the image concept in the modern stage of development of scientific knowledge and society in general leads to its broad interpretation. This may explain the lack of a unified terminological apparatus of this issue in the


Scientific Newsletter of Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

field of linguistic research in anthropocentric approach.

M.M. Robertus offers the following version of the definition of the concept. Image is an individual figure or pattern of the object, emerging from perceiving the object person which is based on the totality of the beliefs about him (including external and internal parameters), purposefully formed by the media or by his own efforts in order to attract attention to himself [4, p. 27].

Properly designed and subjected to deeper understanding, both by business and PRagents and by media space as a whole the image is gradually, to a certain extent, assimilated into the public consciousness with the proper name of its representative and loses its primary function of identification and receives as a primary a function of personal characteristics. Proper names, bearers of a particular characteristic of the image are often used as a brand or a trade mark "Korkunov", "Dumov", "Tinkoff". The originality of the image is that in it, for the most part, some of its components are fully correlated with the image and it is difficult to remove one of the parts without serious modification of the entire image as a whole. At the same time, we can state that the image is a moving phenomenon and has a set of constant as well as variable characteristics that is most clearly evident in viewing the image directly of a particular person.

Social activity of the entrepreneur makes the process of his image existence inevitable and determines the exposure of the image to a certain time changes. In this light image making is associated with the image of a separate activity within the general framework of relations with the public, it appears an important component of successful business prosperity in the world.

Assume that the entrepreneur needs to bring some information to a wider audience. He can operate independently or through an intermediary in the face of the PR-agency which, in turn, addresses his message media audience through the communication channels. In order to meet less possible barriers on its way to readers, it makes sense to take into account the principle of segmentation of information: the message should be written for a specific audience and is prepared especially for it. The users of social networks are much more attracted by primary texts which are created specifically for a particular group and are based on its socio-demographic characteristics and interests. By doing so, the users can actively participate in the creation of primary texts, asking questions, forming the subject of discussions by posting comments and feedback. The intended audience, as a rule, refers to such similar primary texts with great confidence, seeing them as a source of the most truthful and objective information [5, p.41].

Consider what PR-strategies are used in the formation of the image of a successful business man as exemplified in the articles of Russian business magazines. The basis of any PR-campaign (including media campaign) is a member of the same units:

object → message → intermediary channels of communication barriers of perception → intended audience [6, p.65].

Defining the strategy as a general approach, in which specific activities in terms of efficiency are implemented, implies a clear idea of how this event or that person should look like in the eyes of public opinion. One of the methods commonly used in press materials is the input of mythological elements in the information narrative.

The audience cannot reject such information at least for two reasons: 1) its unawareness and 2) its nonfalsifiability because of the autonomous existence independent of the individual. The modern myth often takes the form that describes most everyday events. But to a large extent it is active based on certain unusual situations embedded in today's world. For example, the story of the Soviet engineers, which has become a billionaire, is based on the familiar mythological structure of the transition to a different status, one for which all familiar Cinderella may be taken as an example [7, p.341]:


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches»

Issue № 4 (11), 2015

The future billionaire was born in 1957 in the Ukrainian regional center of Drohobych and made the usual career of a Soviet engineer. The Technical university – the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineering, Department of Computer Engineering Automation. When reformation period began, Vekselberg went into business. His first million Vekselberg already earned in 1991 [* 1].

In the structure of the myth we note this component as "extraordinary". Achieving success in business is associated with an element of luck, chance and fortune.

I began to think about new possibilities and accidentally met my former business partners: British brothers Fordham. Just after the first meeting, they offered me to head their newly registered office in Russia, and after the second meeting I agreed. It was a little adventure, I had no idea about this business, and I was scared to leave the stable rebuilt the company and move into a small basement room without protection. But I was attracted by the opportunity of trying out a completely new business and build a business from the ground up [2 *].

Herewith, the established between relevant and irrelevant information semantic links are subjective, i.e., it is the author's vision of the situation, but they do not appear as such due to the absence of traditional means of expression of subjectivity: modality, opening structures. In addition to this method of concealment of irrelevance there is very common an intentional change and organizing the context for the perception of irrelevant information [8, p.66].

While selecting the brightest events in the life of the characters, the media get in the way of their mythologizing. If the event is not bright it is of no interest to any journalist or a reader. The components of the communication process (selection of the characteristics of the event and writing about them in terms of audience) are formed mythological environment. The texts of this type are characterized by the following features:

-they are slightly verified or even untestable (as the stories of the miracles of the saints). For example, a created media image of the famous billionaire M.D. Prokhorov as a successful businessman and politician is much stronger reality than the reality, which if necessary can be considered an exception. The texts of the modern media space are largely unverifiable, since in most cases it cannot be verified of the other points in space and time, whether headed by businessman charity helps sick children or not. In any case, the reader is forced to believe the press reports:

-recognizability of the new information takes place on a previously known scheme. Recognition, typical scheme provides a number of elements that form the image of a successful businessman. The category of "success" is among them and is expressed in the following aspects of statements:

1)evaluation of specific actions expressed in terms of adjectives. Ex.:

the most proven, stunning, perfect, major, first-rate;

2)declaration of purpose is to be a positive assessment:

By 2016 the company plans to close the loop and bring the patients in its own hospitals. For this, he is going to enter into a concession agreement with the state - to rent for a nominal old or inactive buildings of hospitals, instead pledging to make major repairs in the building [3*];

3) making mention of achievements and unique in comparison with others. Ex .: 111

Scientific Newsletter of Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Andrei Mitrofanov added: "Meanwhile, Russia does not have a similar factories where we can place orders for individual tailoring matched by the quality of work and level of automation of processes between manufacturers and partners" [4*];

4) implementation of organizational actions provided with expressed negative feelings, the desire to do better. Ex.:

Entrepreneur has concluded an agreement with the Moscow Institute of grain to develop new standards for cleaning buckwheat jointly. Sense came out of it a little bit: buckwheat, perhaps, get almost no impurities, but who cares about this thing, if it were shipping to the wholesalers in 50 kg canvas bags? "Selling goods bags we realized that we got nothing for our quality» – said Zyablin [5 *].

The category of "management and the authorities» is mediated through:

1) description of actions that affect the lives of others or the world in general. Ex.:

He kept a tight rein on brokers, managers and issuers, revoked and suspended licenses, argued the new rules [6 *];

2) demonstration of attempts to influence, persuade, prove the point:

Having agreed with the majority of district administrations of Moscow, Popov and Neverov went to the directors of private companies. In 2013 Kenguru.PRO built grounds for the plant "Seven Colors" in Kutuzov Avenue and in the school grounds "BiznesForvard" that at the Kiev highway. [7*];

3) references to the glory, prestige and reputation. Ex.:

If the client has a claim on the landing, an order redesigns at no extra charge. It doesn’t cause financial damage and strengthens the company's reputation [4*].

The category of "communion, fellowship" is realized through:

1)expression of positive, friendly feelings towards others:

"Of course, I try to find time to chat with family, - says the businessman. With friends it is easier - with someone we work together. Almost all of my friends are businessmen or professionals in their field, with someone we are partners "[8*];

2) demonstration of friendly actions (assistance, care, etc.):

But in order to feel how people work, how they perceive themselves - for this I meet with them. But it does not often need to as you can just begin to pull people " [9 *].

The formula of qualitative PR suggests not only noted above theoretical knowledge but the presence of creative approach to solve tasks most effectively. Success is often determined by a set of characteristics that are associated with a specific individual. They are exactly acts which provide the basis for selection of personality traits. The ideal manager has the following set of mutually exclusive and mutually assuming characteristics:

1) a solid – flexible;


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches»

Issue № 4 (11), 2015

2)serious – endowed with a sense of humor;

3)friendly – able to keep the distance;

4)devoted to his work – does not lose the head when victories and defeats occur;

5)dreamy – endowed with a developed mind;

6)ready to risk – is able to calculate everything in advance [9, p.178].

Many researchers have noted the existence of some quality which makes a compelling personality in the eyes of others and allows implementing the mysterious influence: charm, charisma. This characteristic becomes an integral part of the image of a business man defining success, professional development and career.

In Russian publications the conception of success are associated with personal qualities such as enterprise, ingenuity which are fundamental in a frequently used scheme "to make money out of nothing." Ex .:

The idea came to Ayaz when he was on a business trip and settled in hostels in Yekaterinburg and realized that this niche is not yet full, requires little investment and hostel will be quickly paid off. To perform one night in Like-hostel cost 350 rubles, and for a room with a chipping sink in the cheapest accommodation in Izhevsk, then you can pay 2000 rubles. For the opening of the first hostel in 2013 Shabutdinov found investment. "Well, the investor – it sounds loudly – he laughs. – They say that you need to look for the money at three types of people: friends, family and fools. My parents are entrepreneurs and I have often heard that everything come so easily to me. It has grown to some complex and I wanted to prove that I could do something myself without involving either the money or the parents " [8*].

The strategy of forming the image of a business man in the media requires a certain combination of characteristics of components: personal, social, symbolic ones [10, c.24]. On the one hand, personal and social characteristics are increasingly a mobile part of the image corresponding to the requirements of modern life. They are invariably constructed on the basis of the newly created situation. These include the character, personality type, personal style of decision-making, social status, behavior, speech patterns, etc. On the other hand, symbolic characteristics can be attributed to a stable and unchanging component. They relate primarily to the ideology and culture. In other words, there is a certain set of qualities which characterizes an ideal type.

Let’s note the characteristic set of topics in the texts about business man which are based on:

-description of activity: to do business, to establish a company, to control, to lead, to rise steadily in the post, to work for a lifetime, choose the right strategy, to try one’s hand, to take the first steps, walking on the "arrows";

-profession, occupation: a successful manager, a big businessman, CEO, a constitutor, an owner, a founder, a business man, an honest manufacturer;

-personality traits, character: professional, responsible, adequate, intelligent, taciturn, listening to employees, has goodwill, like to be a winner, proud, careerist.

The gradually increasing level of general culture including relation to finance, democratic way of life of modern business elite disannuls a well-defined set of original indicators belonging to a "higher business circles." Until recently, the business elite have been the creation of an extraordinary demand, the presence of unique features in the image. One of these highlights is a hobby of a business man. For example, the hit of 2005 were steel submarines: they were acquired by Paul Allen and R.A. Abramovich. Today the media trend of positioning of a hobby is not only as a phenomenon, but more of the attributes of business, when


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