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Miss Mactaggart won`t Lie Down (110

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А.Б. Зотова, П.В. Живалов, А.Ю. Климова



Учебно-методическое пособие для вузов

Издательско-полиграфический центр Воронежского государственного университета


Утверждено научно-методическим советом факультета романо-германской филологии 18 января 2011 г., протокол № 1

Рецензент канд. филол. наук, доцент ВГУ С.А. Трухина

Учебно-методическое пособие подготовлено на кафедре английского языка гуманитарных факультетов факультета романо-германской филологии Воронежского государственного университета.

Рекомендуется для студентов 1–2-го курсов д/о.

Для специальности 030501 – Юриспруденция ГСЭ.Ф.01



1.Пояснительная записка……………………………………………………….4

2.Episode 3. Offences ……………………………………………………...........6 Pre-watching Tasks ………………………………………………………..……..6 Viewing Tasks ……………………………………………………………………8

After-viewing Tasks……………………………………………………………..10 Comprehension Tasks ……………………………………………………..……14

Follow-up Activities ……………………………………………………………16

3.Episode 4. In the Court ………………………………………………............21 Pre-watching Tasks ………………………………………………………..……21

Viewing Tasks …………………………………………………………………..24 After-viewing Tasks……………………………………………………………..25 Comprehension Tasks ……………………………………………………..……29

Follow-up Activities ……………………………………………………………31



1. Пояснительная записка

Данное учебно-методическое пособие “Miss Mactaggart won’t Lie Down” рекомендуется для студентов 1 курса дневного отделения юридического факультета.

Цельюпособияявляетсяразвитиеустудентовнеобходимогоуровня коммуникативнойкомпетенциидлярешениясоциально-коммуникативныхза- дачвразличныхобластяхкультурнойипрофессиональнойдеятельности.

Основнымизадачами, которыерешаютсявданномучебно-методическом пособииявляютсяформированиенавыковвосприятиянаслухипонимания просматриваемыхфрагментовфильмасполнымпониманиемиспониманием основногосодержания, атакжеразвитиелексико-грамматическихнавыков, развитиеумениймонологическоговысказыванияпопредложеннымвопросами уменийобсуждатьполученнуюинформациювразличныхформахвзаимодействиястудентоввпределахгруппы.

Пособиесостоитиздвухразделов(эпизодовфильма), включающих вводныезадания, затемсопутствующиепросмотруфрагментафильмазадания

– назаполнениепропущеннойинформацииилиизвлечениенеобходимойинформации, заданияпослепросмотрафильма: а) заданиянаправленныенатренировкулексическогоматериала, б) репродуктивныезадания(выражениемненияпопредложеннымтемам, изложениекраткойинформациипопроблемам, поднятымвтексте), в) задания, представляющиедополнительнуюинформацию потемераздела, атакжедискуссииназаданныетемы. Всеупражнениярассчитанынаформированиеуменийинавыков, необходимыхдляосуществления различныхвидовречевойдеятельности.

Накаждыйразделрекомендуетсяотводить4-6 аудиторныхчасови2,5 часадлясамостоятельнойработы, хотявзависимостиотуровняподготовленностистудентовпрограммаможетменяться.


Авторынадеются, чтоданноепособиебудетсоответствоватьпринципам коммуникативнойнаправленности, культурнойипедагогическойцелесообразности, атакжепозволитстудентамсоответствоватьуровнювыпускныхтребованийподисциплине«Иностранныйязык» сучетомспецификивузаи потребностейстудентов.


Miss Mactaggart won’t Lie Down

Episode 3. Offences

Pre-watching tasks

Task 1. Warming-up Activity

Discuss the following questions with your groupmates. Express your own point of view and be ready to react to your groupmate’s opinion.

1.What is an offence? What kinds of offences do you know? (Name as many as you can remember)

2.What is your understanding of the words listed below. Give your examples. misdeed, misconduct

crime, offence, wrongdoing

unlawful act, violation of the law, lawbreaking harm, sin

3.Why do people commit crimes?

4.What steps can society take to cope with crime?

The following expressions may be useful:

True… but…

This is my way of looking at it.

I think it goes further than that… a lot further.

Well, you see what I mean.

That’s one way of looking at it. But…

You may be right… All the same…

That’s what I thought…

And that’s another thing.

There’s much variety in…, etc.


Task 2. Match the following words and word combinations with their definitions:

1)nuisance (n)

2)confound (adj)

3)tiara (n)

4)common sense (n)

5)vicinity (n)

6)admit (v)

7)steal (v)

8)temporary (adj)

9)accompany (v)

10)fingerprint (n)


1)a piece of jewellery that looks like a small crown, worn on the head by women at formal dances, dinners, etc;

2)lasting only for a limited period of time;

3)to go with somebody;

4)the surroundings; area very near to or around the stated place; neighbourhood;

5)practical good sense and judgment gained from experience, rather than special knowledge from school or study;

6)used to express annoyance;

7)a person, thing, or situation that causes annoyance or inconvenience;

8)to take what belongs to someone else without any right to it;

9)to state or agree to the truth of (usually something bad);

10)a mark made by the pattern of lines on the bottom of the end of a finger, as used in the discovery of crime.


Viewing tasks

Task 3. Watch the third episode of the film and fill in the missing phrases in the following dialogues.


(Mr. Morrison, Miss MacTaggart, detective Freizer, McLaut Sergeant, policeman)

the sound of the bagpipes

MM: Who’s making this horrible noise? Madam, Jennie MacTaggart! For heaven’s sake.

MMct: You’ve recognized me at last, John Morrison. You can say my name without joking.

MM: I’ve recognized you for the ________ ________, with pretty sake would you go home?

MMct: Couldn’t you have arrested me for ________ the peace? Then put my name in the charge book that could be me again. Would it note I’m only walking up, that made him very angry.

She is reading a newspaper at home.

MMct: Princess Ingrid …stay…carefully visit…they would be holding a ball in her honor…a ball… there’ll be all the rubies, diamonds right a jewelry, that would be ________. She will be wearing a tiara. She should have a tiara. They’ll have to notice me. That shouldn’t be impossible just a little bit of ________

________, offence with the gloves for fingerprints, dark net and the dark clothes. Don’t worry this must be done.


She is coming toward the castle.

Policeman: Mr.Freizer, have a minute.

In her house.

MMct: Come in. What can I do for you sergeant?

MLS: Jennie, Miss McTaggart, we’ve found this up at the castle this morning. That’s yours?

MMct: Yes, of course, I left it for you.

DF: Madam, I have ________ ________ that you’ve been in the vicinity of the castle in the early hours of this morning.

MMct: Yes, of course, I was, I went up there to take the jewelries. DF: You’ve admitted you stole the tiara.

MMct: I stole; they told me it’s temporary rearrangement.

Oh, Sergeant Mc Clout if you just please arrest me (wouldn’t it certainly) no time at all.

DF: You’ll certainly be arrested. I should like to take the tiara with me right away.

MMct: I am afraid that is not just possible, not until the proper trial.

MLS: Miss. McTaggart, would you kindly ________ us to the police station, please?

MMct: Oh, sergeant, I am ready and wait.

In the cell

MLS: Come in. I am sorry about this Jennie, but something had to be done. MMct: Of course, is if what I have been telling all alone, sergeant. All right you needn’t to worry about it.


MLS: Could you do with a cup of tea?

MMct: Yes, I could, I’d like that thing.

Locking me up at last stuffy Morrison. Hey, hey …

After Viewing Tasks

Task 4. Match the word or the word combination to its synonym.

1) horrible (adj)

a) cautiously (adv)

2) vicinity (n)

b) go with (v)

3) disturb (v)

c) web (n)

4) entertainment (n)

d) amusement (n)

5) offence (n)

e) crime (n)

6) net (n)

f) correct (adj)

7) reasonable (adj)

g) confess (v)

8) accompany (v)

h) surroundings (n)

9) proper (adj)

i) frightful, horrific (adj)

10) carefully (adv)

j) fair, moderate, sensible (adj)

11) admit (v)

k) bother, distress (v)

Task 5. Fill in the gaps with the suitable verbs from the list below and put them in the correct form.

To recognize, to disturb, to arrest, to notice, to admit, to accompany, to lock up, to steal, to worry

1)The powers of a police officer in England and Wales to stop and search,

________ and place a person under detention are contained in the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984.

2)Residents of the Northern district complained to the judge that the tramps were littering the beaches and ________ the peace.

3)A former political agent was jailed for three years at Truro Crown Court for

________ $167,590 from a Falmouth firm where he was a financial controller.