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h = figure('ToolBar','none')

ht = uitoolbar(h)

a = [.05:.05:0.95];

b(:,:,1) = repmat(a,19,1)';

b(:,:,2) = repmat(a,19,1);

b(:,:,3) = repmat(flipdim(a,2),19,1);

hpt = uipushtool(ht,'CData',b,'TooltipString','Hello')

See also get, set, uitoggletool, uitoolbar, uimenu, figure.

Reference page in Help browser

doc uipushtool

<uisetpref> - manages preferences used in UIGETPREF

UISETPREF manages preferences used in UIGETPREF


registers the preference with the uisetpref database


resets all registered preferences to 'ask' mode


uisetpref('addpref','mygraphics',... % Group

'savefigurebeforeclosing',... % Preference

{'always','never','Yes','No'}) % Values and button strings

See also addpref, getpref, rmpref, setpref, uigetpref

Reference page in Help browser

doc uisetpref

<uitable> - creates a two dimensional graphic table component

UITABLE creates a two dimensional graphic table component.

UITABLE creates a table component using default property values in

the current figure window. If no figure exists, one will be created.

UITABLE('PropertyName1',value1,'PropertyName2',value2,...) creates a

uitable object with specified property values. MATLAB uses default

property values for any property that is not specified.

UITABLE(PARENT, ...) creates a uitable object as child of the specified

parent handle PARENT. The parent can be a figure or uipanel handle.

H = UITABLE(...) creates a uitable object and returns its handle.

Execute GET(H), where H is a uitable handle, to see the list of uitable

object properties and their current values.

Execute SET(H) to see the list of uitable object properties that can be

set and their legal property values.

Example: create a table with data, column names, parent and position.

f = figure;

data = rand(3);

colnames = {'X-Data', 'Y-Data', 'Z-Data'};

t = uitable(f, 'Data', data, 'ColumnName', colnames, ...

'Position', [20 20 260 100]);

See also figure, inspect, format, sprintf, uicontrol, uimenu, uipanel

Reference page in Help browser

doc uitable

<uitoggletool> - Create a togglebutton in the toolbar of a figure window.

UITOGGLETOOL Create a togglebutton in the toolbar of a figure window.

UITOGGLETOOL creates a togglebutton control in the last added toolbar

of the current figure window and returns a handle to it.

UITOGGLETOOL('PropertyName1', value1, 'PropertyName2', value2,...)

creates a togglebutton control with the specified properties in the

toolbar and returns a handle to it.

UITOGGLETOOL(TBAR, ...) creates a togglebutton control in the specified


H = UITOGGLETOOL(...) creates a togglebutton control and assigns a

handle to H.

UITOGGLETOOL properties can be set at object creation time using the

PropertyName/PropertyValue pair arguments to UITOGGLETOOL, or changed

later using the SET command.

Execute GET(H) to see a list of UITOGGLETOOL object properties and their

current values. Execute SET(H) to see a list of UITOGGLETOOL object

properties and legal property values. See the reference guide for more

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