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VertexNormals, EdgeLighting, and FaceLighting.

The figure Renderer must be set to 'zbuffer' or 'OpenGL' (or

the figure RendererMode must be set to 'auto') in order for

LIGHT objects to be effective - lighting calculations will not be

performed when Renderer is set to 'painters'.

Execute GET(H), where H is a LIGHT handle, to see a list of LIGHT

object properties and their current values. Execute SET(H) to see a

list of LIGHT object properties and legal property values.

See also lighting, material, camlight, lightangle, surf, patch.

Reference page in Help browser

doc light

<uibuttongroup> - Component to exclusively manage radiobuttons/togglebuttons.

UIBUTTONGROUP Component to exclusively manage radiobuttons/togglebuttons.

UIBUTTONGROUP('PropertyName1, Value1, 'PropertyName2', Value2, ...)

creates a visible group component in the current figure window. This

component is capable of managing exclusive selection behavior for

uicontrols of style 'Radiobutton' and 'Togglebutton'. Other styles of

uicontrols may be added to the UIBUTTONGROUP, but they will not be

managed by the component.


creates a group component and returns a handle to it in HANDLE.

Run GET(HANDLE) to see a list of properties and their current values.

Execute SET(HANDLE) to see a list of object properties and their legal

Values. See the reference guide for detailed property information.


h = uibuttongroup('visible','off','Position',[0 0 .2 1]);

u0 = uicontrol('Style','Radio','String','Option 1',...

'pos',[10 350 100 30],'parent',h,'HandleVisibility','off');

u1 = uicontrol('Style','Radio','String','Option 2',...

'pos',[10 250 100 30],'parent',h,'HandleVisibility','off');

u2 = uicontrol('Style','Radio','String','Option 3',...

'pos',[10 150 100 30],'parent',h,'HandleVisibility','off');

set(h,'SelectionChangeFcn', 'disp selectionChanged');

set(h,'SelectedObject',[]); % No selection


See also uicontrol, uipanel

Reference page in Help browser

doc uibuttongroup

<uicontextmenu> - Create user interface context menu.

UICONTEXTMENU Create user interface context menu.


creates a context menu and returns a handle to it. To attach a

context menu to an object, set the object's UICONTEXTMENU

property to the handle returned by the UICONTEXTMENU function.

Menu items can be added to the context menu using the UIMENU


Context menu properties can be set at object creation time using

PropertyName/PropertyValue pair arguments to UICONTEXTMENU, or

changed later using the SET command.

Execute GET(H) to see a list of UICONTEXTMENU object properties

and their current values. Execute SET(H) to see a list of

UICONTEXTMENU object properties and legal property values. See

the reference guide for more information.

See also set, get, uimenu.

Reference page in Help browser

doc uicontextmenu

<uicontrol> - Create user interface control.

UICONTROL Create user interface control.


creates a user interface control in the current figure

window and returns a handle to it.

UICONTROL(FIG,...) creates a user interface control in the

specified figure.

UICONTROL properties can be set at object creation time using

PropertyName/PropertyValue pair arguments to UICONTROL, or

changed later using the SET command.

Execute GET(H) to see a list of UICONTROL object properties and

their current values. Execute SET(H) to see a list of UICONTROL

object properties and legal property values. See a reference

guide for more information.


Example 1:

%creates uicontrol specified in a new figure


Example 2:

%creates three figures and only puts uicontrol in the second figure

fig1 = figure;

fig2 = figure;

fig3 = figure;

uicontrol('Parent', fig2, 'Style', 'edit','String','hello');

See also set, get, uimenu.

Reference page in Help browser

doc uicontrol

<uimenu> - Create user interface menu.

UIMENU Create user interface menu.

UIMENU('PropertyName1',value1,'PropertyName2',value2,...) creates

a menu on the menu bar at the top of the current figure window,

and returns a handle to it.

UIMENU(H,...) creates a new menu with H as a parent. H must be a

figure handle, menu handle, or context menu handle. If H is a

figure handle, UIMENU creates a menu on the menu bar at the top

of the window. If H is handle to a menu on the menu bar, the new

menu is a menu item beneath the parent item on the menu bar. If

H is a handle to a menu item, UIMENU creates a walking menu beneath

the menu item. If H is a handle to a context menu, the new menu is

a menu item on the context menu.

Menu properties can be set at object creation time using

PropertyName/PropertyValue pair arguments to UIMENU, or changed

later using the SET command.

Execute GET(H) to see a list of UIMENU object properties and

their current values. Execute SET(H) to see a list of UIMENU

object properties and legal property values. See a reference

guide for more information.

See also set, get, uicontrol, uicontextmenu.

Reference page in Help browser

doc uimenu

<uipushtool> - Create a pushbutton in the toolbar of a figure window.

UIPUSHTOOL Create a pushbutton in the toolbar of a figure window.

UIPUSHTOOL creates a pushbutton control in the last added toolbar

of the current figure window and returns a handle to it.

UIPUSHTOOL('PropertyName1', value1, 'PropertyName2', value2,...)

creates a pushbutton control with the specified properties in the

toolbar and returns a handle to it.

UIPUSHTOOL(TBAR, ...) creates a pushbutton control in the specified


H = UIPUSHTOOL(...) creates a pushbutton control and assigns a

handle to H.

UIPUSHTOOL properties can be set at object creation time using the

PropertyName/PropertyValue pair arguments to UIPUSHTOOL, or changed

later using the SET command.

Execute GET(H) to see a list of UIPUSHTOOL object properties and their

current values. Execute SET(H) to see a list of UIPUSHTOOL object

properties and legal property values. See the reference guide for more

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