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Instead of the current axes of the current figure. If hsave is

empty, NEWPLOT behaves as if it were called without any inputs.

NEWPLOT is a standard preamble command that is put at

the beginning of graphics functions that draw graphs

using only low-level object creation commands. NEWPLOT

"does the right thing" in terms of determining which axes and/or

figure to draw the plot in, based upon the setting of the

NextPlot property of axes and figure objects, and returns a

handle to the appropriate axes.

The "right thing" is:

First, prepare a figure for graphics:

Clear and reset the current figure using CLF RESET if its NextPlot

is 'replace', or clear the current figure using CLF if its

NextPlot is 'replacechildren', or reuse the current figure as-is

if its NextPlot is 'add', or if no figures exist, create a figure.

When the figure is prepared, set its NextPlot to 'add', and then

prepare an axes in that figure:

Clear and reset the current axes using CLA RESET if its NextPlot

is 'replace', or clear the current axes using CLA if its NextPlot

is 'replacechildren', or reuse the current axes as-is if its

NextPlot is 'add', or if no axes exist, create an axes.

See also hold, ishold, figure, axes, cla, clf.

Reference page in Help browser

doc newplot

<ishandle> - True for graphics handles.

ISHANDLE True for graphics handles.

ISHANDLE(H) returns an array that contains 1's where the elements

of H are valid graphics or Java object handles and 0's where they are not.

Overloaded methods:


Reference page in Help browser

doc ishandle

<findall> - find all objects.

FINDALL find all objects.

ObjList=FINDALL(HandleList) returns the list of all objects

beneath the Handles passed in. FINDOBJ is used and all objects

including those with HandleVisibility set to 'off' are found.

FINDALL is called exactly as FINDOBJ is called. For instance,

ObjList=findall(HandleList,Param1,Val1,Param2,Val2, ...).



xlabel xlab



c=findall(b,'Type','text') % return the xlabel handle twice

d=findobj(b,'Type','text') % can't find the xlabel handle

See also allchild, findobj.

Reference page in Help browser

doc findall

ActiveX Client Functions (PC Only)

<actxcontrol> - Create an ActiveX control.

No help found for actxcontrol.p.

<actxserver> - Create an ActiveX server.

ACTXSERVER Creates a COM Automation server.

H = ACTXSERVER('PROGID') Creates a local or remote COM Automation server

where PROGID is the programmatic identifier of the COM server and H is

the handle of the server's default interface.

H = ACTXSERVER('PROGID', 'param1', value1,...) creates an ActiveX

server with optional parameter name/value pairs. Parameter names are:

machine: specifies the name of a remote machine on which to launch

the server.

Соседние файлы в папке Библиотеки Matlab