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shared\instrument - (No table of contents file)

<icinterface> - Construct icinterface object.

ICINTERFACE Construct icinterface object.

ICINTERFACE constructs the parent class for interface objects.

Interface objects include: serial port, GPIB, VISA, TCPIP and

UDP objects.

Note, the GPIB, VISA, TCPIP and UDP objects are included with the

Instrument Control Toolbox.

An interface object is instantiated with the SERIAL, GPIB, VISA,

TCPIP and UDP constructors. This constructor should not be called

directly by users.

See also serial.

<instrument> - Construct instrument object.

Contents of instrument:

icinterface - Construct icinterface object.

instrument - Construct instrument object.

Instrument Control Toolbox

Version 2.11 (R2010b) 03-Aug-2010

Interface object construction.

instrument/gpib - Construct GPIB object.

instrument/tcpip - Construct TCPIP object.

instrument/udp - Construct UDP object.

instrument/visa - Construct VISA object.

instrument/serial - Construct serial port object.

Instrument device object construction.

instrument/icdevice - Construct ICDEVICE (device) object.

IVI configuration store object construction.

instrument/iviconfigurationstore - Construct IVICONFIGURATIONSTORE object.

Getting and setting parameters.

get - Get value of instrument object property.

set - Set value of instrument object property.

Interface object - state change.

fopen - Connect object to instrument.

fclose - Disconnect object from instrument.

record - Record data from instrument control session.

Device object - state change.

connect - Connect object to instrument.

disconnect - Disconnect object from instrument.

INTERFACE functions.

binblockread - Read binblock from instrument.

binblockwrite - Write binblock to instrument.

fprintf - Write text to instrument.

fgetl - Read one line of text from instrument, discard


fgets - Read one line of text from instrument, keep terminator.

flushinput - Remove data from input buffer.

flushoutput - Remove data from output buffer.

fread - Read binary data from instrument.

fscanf - Read data from instrument and format as text.

fwrite - Write binary data to instrument.

query - Write and read formatted data from instrument.

readasync - Read data asynchronously from instrument.

scanstr - Parse formatted data from instrument.

stopasync - Stop asynchronous read and write operation.

ICDEVICE functions.

devicereset - Reset the instrument.

geterror - Check and return error message from instrument.

selftest - Run the instrument self-test.

invoke - Execute function on device object.

GPIB functions.

clrdevice - Clear instrument buffer.

spoll - Perform serial poll.

trigger - Send trigger message to instrument.

TCPIP functions.

echotcpip - Create a TCP/IP echo server.

resolvehost - Return IP address or name of network address.

UDP functions.

echoudp - Create a UDP echo server.

resolvehost - Return IP address or name of network address.

VISA-GPIB functions.

clrdevice - Clear instrument buffer.

trigger - Send Group Execute Trigger message to instrument.

VISA-GPIB-VXI functions.

clrdevice - Clear instrument buffer.

memmap - Map memory for low-level memory read and write.

mempeek - Low-level memory read from VXI register.

mempoke - Low-level memory write to VXI register.

memread - High-level memory read from VXI register.

memunmap - Unmap memory for low-level memory read and write.

memwrite - High-level memory write to VXI register.

VISA-VXI functions.

clrdevice - Clear instrument buffer.

memmap - Map memory for low-level memory read and write.

mempeek - Low-level memory read from VXI register.

mempoke - Low-level memory write to VXI register.

memread - High-level memory read from VXI register.

memunmap - Unmap memory for low-level memory read and write.

memwrite - High-level memory write to VXI register.

trigger - Send a software or hardware trigger to VXI hardware.

VISA-USB functions.

clrdevice - Clear instrument buffer.

trigger - Send Group Execute Trigger message to instrument.

VISA-RSIB functions.

clrdevice - Clear instrument buffer.

trigger - Send Group Execute Trigger message to instrument.

Serial port functions.

serialbreak - Send break to device.

IVI Configuration store functions.

add - Add a new entry.

commit - Save changes to disk.

remove - Remove and entry.

update - Update an entry.


delete - Remove instrument object from memory.

inspect - Open inspector and inspect instrument object properties.

instrcallback - Display event information for the event.

instrfind - Find instrument objects with specified property values.

instrfindall - Find all instrument objects regardless of ObjectVisibility.

instrid - Define and retrieve commands used to identify instruments.

instrnotify - Define notification for instrument events.

instrreset - Disconnect and delete all instrument objects.

isvalid - True for instrument objects that can be connected to


obj2mfile - Convert instrument object to MATLAB code.

Information and Help.

propinfo - Return instrument object property information.

instrhelp - Display instrument object function and property help.

instrhwinfo - Return information on available hardware.

Instrument Control tools.

makemid - Make MATLAB instrument drivers for VXIplug&play

and IVI drivers.

midedit - Edit MATLAB instrument driver file.

midtest - Launch GUI for testing MATLAB instrument driver.

tmtool - Tool for browsing available instruments, configuring

instrument communication and communicating with


See also gpib, icdevice, serial, tcpip, udp, visa, instrhelp, instrument/propinfo.

instrument is both a directory and a function.

INSTRUMENT Construct instrument object.

INSTRUMENT is the base class from which interface and device objects

are derived from. Interface objects are serial port, TCPIP, UDP,

GPIB, VISA objects. Note, the GPIB, VISA, TCPIP, UDP and device objects

are included with the Instrument Control Toolbox.

See also serial.

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