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4. Describe American and Russian homes.


income – доход expenses – расходы debt – долг

loan – ссуда mortgage – закладная

savings allocation – сберегательные ассигнования property – собственность

real estate – недвижимость

assets – активы, liabilities – пассивы bonds – премии

annual – ежегодный, годовой

to supply – поставлять, снабжать

to appreciate – ценить, оценивать, понимать stay-at-home – домосед

appliance – прибор to mend – чинить

to adjoin – примыкать heating – отопление

power outrages – отключения энергии opportunity – возможность

intention – намерение to own – владеть

utilities – коммунальные услуги insurance – страхование


Ex. 1. Read the dialogue, mind the phrases underlined.

Making Hotel Reservations

Hotel Operator: Hello, Central Hotel. May I help you?

Sergei Volkov: Yes, please. I’m calling to make a reservation for next week. Hotel Operator: Wait a moment, please. I’ll ring reservations.

Reservations: Reservations, may I help you?

Sergei Volkov: Yes, please. I would like to make a reservation for a single room. Do you have anything available for next two weeks?

Reservations: Yes, we do. Would you like to reserve a standard or deluxe room?

Sergei Volkov: Well, book me a single standard room at your corporate rate.


What is its full price?

Reservations: That’s 15 days at $ 100 per night, beginning the 10th of this month. The rate includes breakfast and hotel taxes.

Sergei Volkov: Thank you. Our guest will be arriving before noon. Reservation: We offer a full breakfast every morning from 7:30 to 11:30.

Sergei Volkov: Thank you again. I appreciate your help.

Reservation: You’re quite welcome. Thank you for choosing Central Hotel. Good-bye.

Sergei Volkov: Good-bye.

Ex. 2. On the left there is a list of things Sergei Volkov has to do before Mr. Paul Santocs arrives. Match the columns.

1. send

a. a room

2. fix up

b. two tickets for theater

3. cancel

c. a tour to show places of interest

4. reserve

d. time of Mr. Santocs arrival

5. make

e. a car to the airport

6. book

f. a restaurant reservation

7. look through

g. an appointment with Boris Rogov

8. let the colleagues know

h. their proposals again

Ex. 3. Make up 8 short conversations between Mr. Santocs and Volkov’s executive. Use each phrase underneath in every short conversation.


It’s good to see you.



Let me help you with your bags.



Are you tired?



I have a car waiting outside.



I would like to change my room.



I wonder if I could get room services, please.



Is there a currency exchange nearby?


4. Волков не встретил Сантокса в аэропорту, он ожидал его в офисе.


После отдыха Сантокс едет в офис компании. 6. Волков собирается показать Полу отделы компании. 7. Компания New Millennium Systems работает в сфере торговли уже 14 лет. 8. Если Волков и Сантокс подпишут договор, они учредят совместное предприятие (to establish a joint venture).

Ex. 6. Read and translate the dialogue. Put your attention to the sentences underlined.

Paul Santocs: Hello. I am Paul Santocs from New Millennium Systems.


Sergei Volkov: Welcome to our company, Mr. Santocs. Nice to meet you. How was the flight?

Paul Santocs: Too long, and I am glad to be here. Sergei Volkov: Did you have a chance to rest?

Paul Santocs: Yes, I have taken a little nap. I could not sleep longer as I don’t want to loose my time.

Sergei Volkov: May I ask how long you will be staying in Khabarovsk?

Paul Santocs: I’ll be here for a couple of weeks.

Sergei Volkov: I hope you will enjoy staying here. If the weather is fine we’ll have a tour of the city on foot. And we’ll offer you an interesting program of entertainment if you don’t mind.

Paul Santocs: Sounds good. It will be great to see Khabarovsk sights if I have spare time.

Sergei Volkov: All right. After breakfast I would like to introduce you to our executives and then we’ll get started.

Ex. 7. Translate the sentences.

1.May I help you?

2.I’m calling to make a reservation for a single room.

3.Do you have available?

4.I would like to book a deluxe room at your corporate rate.

5.Its full price is $100 per night.

6.The rate includes a continental breakfast and hotel taxes.

7.We appreciate your choosing our hotel.

8.You should fix up a tour of Khabarovsk sights for Mr. Santocs.

9.I think I have to cancel our meeting.

10.Is there a currency exchange nearby?

Ex. 8. Put the following words into pairs of synonyms.

Sights, to book, to fix up, to cancel, to annul, to set up, places of interest, to make a reservation, to organize, The Local Lore Museum, to establish, a monument, wild life, to inhabit, to dismantle, a shore, to offer, to settle, the Museum for Regional Study, a memorial, nature, to destroy, a bank, to suggest.

Ex. 9. Give the appropriate forms of the verbs in the sentences of Real Conditions.

1. If we (to have) time we (to visit) our four museums. 2. We (to make) profits if we (to cooperate) with that company. 3. If our guests (to see) sights of Khabarovsk they (to understand) that the city can attract tourists from abroad. 4. Our city (to become) more interesting if we (to create) all conditions to receive

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