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Dishes: pork chops and eggs; pancakes and jam; beef ribs and rice; fried chicken and potatoes; macaroni salad; peach cobbler; chocolate cream pie; banana pudding; fish soup.

Ex. 3. Read and translate the conversation. Find adjectives and adverbs, give their comparative and superlative forms.

Making the Transition between Small Talk and Business

Waiter: Enjoy your meal, sirs.

Sergei: Bon appetite! This is an entirely Russian full course. What are the meals in your country, I wonder?

Paul: That depends on your way of life. Usually we have three meals a day like everywhere. As for me I have something substantial for breakfast. My midday meal is also quite heavy. And you?

Sergei: I just have a sandwich and a cup of tea in the morning. There is a coffee break at 11 o’clock, then I drink a cup of coffee. Lunch is my heaviest meal of the day.

(Some minutes later)

Paul: Oh, I like the chicken, it is a little spicy. I like spicy food. Sergei: So do I. Now it is probably good time to start our discussion.

Paul: O.K. Let’s talk about our proposals…

Ex. 4. Form the degrees of comparison of the following adjectives and adverbs.

Reasonable price, hungry client, tasty dish, heavy meal, nourishing soup, hot meat, sweet ice-cream, good wine.

Ex. 5. Read and translate the dialogue.

Closing the Business Lunch

Sergei: Frankly speaking, we are interested in our collaboration. And your proposals are sure to be prospective, especially in our region.

Paul: I agree with you. We could set up ecologically safe high-tech production. We’ll need labor force, additional material resources and management experience.

Sergei: So we’ll establish a joint enterprise and I offer to discuss its management system, personnel problem, organizational and legislative norms tomorrow at the office.

Paul: I look forward to implementing our plans. Sergei: I hope you have enjoyed the lunch.

Paul: Yes, thank you. Russian food is really tasty.


Ex.6. Find English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

Совместное предприятие, начать обсуждение, ждать с нетерпением исполнения планов, дополнительные материальные ресурсы, поговорить о предложениях, создавать экологически чистое производство, организационные и правовые нормы, сказать по правде, рабочая сила, высокотехнологичный, система управления, проблема кадров, опыт в управлении, быть заинтересованным в сотрудничестве.

Ex. 7. Use exercises 1, 3, 5 to make up your own dialogue “At the Business Lunch”.

Ex. 8. Open the brackets using the appropriate measure of comparison. Translate the sentences.

1. We need (much) labour force than management experience. 2. The (much) material resources we use the (little) we save for our offsprings. 3. This company has (much) (many) personnel problems than we have considered. 4. The chicken soup is as (sustainable) as the vegetable one. 5. We are planning to set up a joint venture as (quickly) as it’s (possible). 6. The (few) business contacts they have the (few) chances to get investments they have. 7. He enjoyed the lunch (much) (much) than the business conversation during it.

Ex. 9. Read and share your opinion on the idea of the text.

Today more and more people try to combine work and holiday. They travel both on business and for pleasure saving time, money and nerves. Others want the independence and prefer to relax away from their office routine.

Sometimes people just need a change of scene and go fishing or gardening at weekends. Those who enjoy fresh air and exercise play tennis, football or go swimming.

Watching TV or video is also popular pastime. But often it stops people from mixing or going out. Tastes differ.

A lot of people like visiting theatres, movies, concerts or circus very much. They can exchange impressions and see a live performance on the stage.

There are scores of hobbies people do to rest, spend spare time, exercise or develop their talents. They are reading, embroidering, playing computer games, drawing, dancing, collecting coins and other things.

Ex. 10. Translate the sentences using other / another and the phrases above.

1. Вкусы наших гостей разные. Один любит тренироваться на свежем воздухе, другой предпочитает смотреть видео. 2. Некоторые люди часто


ходят в кино, а другие посещают хоккейные матчи. 3. Давай пойдем на рыбалку! – У меня другое предложение. Ты не хотел бы посмотреть концерт? 4. Во время обмена впечатлениями нас поразил Олег. У него было совершенно другое мнение, отличное от нашего. 5. Одно дело увидеть концерт по телевизору, другое – посмотреть живое представление на сцене. 6. Он решил сменить обстановку и посетить Китай, Корею и другие страны Азиатско-Тихоокеанского региона. 7. Он хочет сэкономить и время, и деньги, и нервы других коллег. 8. У меня два увлечения. Я занимаюсь одним для удовольствия, а другим – для дела.

Ex. 11. Find the odd word in each line.

1)drama, comedy, competition, puppet-show

2)scriptwriter, producer, cameraman, librarian

3)documentary, journal, newsreel, cartoon

4)talk-show, opera, ballet, tragedy

5)play, acting, performance, exit

6)parking-lot, scenery, costume, make-up.

Ex. 12. Give the extended answers.

1)Do you often go to the theatres?

2)What theatres are there in Khabarovsk?

3)What performances can people see here?

4)What performances do your relatives like?

5)Do you like watching films?

6)Who is a cinema-goer in your family?

7)Do you enjoy the same films as your parents do?

8)Are you a TV-addict?

9)How much television does your family watch every day?

10)Which TV programs are favourite ones?

Ex. 13. Express your attitude to theatre, cinema and television using the words below.

1.Theatre performance: acting of actors and actresses; fascinating scenery; costumes; make-up; music; work of the producers; curious plot; voices.

2.Films: newsreel; feature; black and white; history; action; documentary; silent; musical; horror; thriller; fantasy; animated cartoon; science.

3.TV programme: plays; the News; sports; soap operas; game-shows; cartoons; music; wildlife; talk-shows; commercials.

Ex. 14. Insert was or were.


1.Yesterday my cousin and me … at the Lenin Stadium. 2. Their nephew

at the folk music concert last Friday. 3. … there leading actors in the Drama Theatre in 1939? 4. There … no new productions in the repertoire of the Musical Comedy Theatre a year ago. 5. Last evening our relatives … at the circus performance. 6. I … not at the café with our visiting engineer.

Ex. 15. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. This folk song-dance ensemble used to have a success in many cities abroad. 2. Five years ago this company would put on plays by modern Soviet and Western playwrights. 3. In 1990 my secretary didn’t use to book tickets for shows. Today we receive a lot of partners from abroad and show them both our enterprise and interesting places of the city. 4. Where did he see that musical? 5. I would have refreshments and a drink, then I would walk about the foyer during the interval. Now I prefer sitting and discussing the acting and programme. 6. Did it take the director a month to make the film?

Ex. 16. Translate the sentences using Past Continuous or Past Perfect.

1. Вчера в 8 часов вечера гости смотрели наш первый русский триллер. 2. В прошлую субботу господин Миллер встал к 7 часам и поехал на рыбалку. 3. Весь прошлый сезон эта актриса играла ведущую роль в классической пьесе. 4. Прежде он сыграл в восьми художественных фильмах. 5. Мы смотрели видео, пока гости обсуждали программу. 6. Неделю назад в это время делегация смотрела бейсбольный матч.

Ex. 17. Read and translate the conversation.

Discussing an Entertainment Program

-We have set up a programme for Mr. Santocs. We are planning a hockey match at the Platinum-Arena Complex, a visit to the Triad Pantomime Theatre and a folk song-dance show.

-That would be great. Mr. Santocs is not a great hockey lover, but there is a fantastic match at the stadium. And the Platinum-Arena is interesting to see.

-The programme may also include a circus performance.

-I am afraid we are to choose between the Theatre and Circus since we are short of time. And Mr. Santocs has recently asked to fit in a visit to the Theatre. It has also its advantages: the acting is quite original and expressive, the performance is a hit. It has had a long run. I am sure Paul will like it.

-Well, I’ll book tickets there. Shall I fit in a visit to our enterprise?


-Yes, certainly. That will combine business and pleasure. We should show him round the main shops. And then we could have a talk in the manager’s office. We could also have lunch at the café nearby.

-Good. I can include a two-day trip to the country. Mr. Santocs will enjoy fishing and rafting. Weekend in the countryside is the best way to rest.

-O.K. But you are to arrange everything in advance. I hope the weather will be fine.

-So do I. I think we did take care of everything.

Ex. 18. Find the English equivalents to the following.

Устроить все заранее, заказать билеты, включить посещение предприятия, учесть все, включить двухдневную поездку, иметь успех, иметь мало времени, совместить приятное с полезным, выбирать между цирком и театром, иметь свои преимущества, (не) быть любителем хоккея, показать основные цеха, побеседовать в кабинете управляющего, очень своеобразная и выразительная игра, идти давно (на сцене), концерт народной песни и пляски, составить программу.

Ex. 19. Read advertising and say how this information could help you receive your foreign partner.

1. Business Lunch

Restaurant “Suliko”, tel.: 222-3344, 222-5678

Business lunches for business meetings in the city center: tasty & inexpensive in no time. Buffet in the best traditions of Georgian cuisine - $ 30.

2. Business Service

Convention Business Center, tel.: 256-7890. 256-0987

Offers conference packages at special prices, including conference halls, catering, 5-star International Hotel accommodations.

3. Catering

Dana’s Café, tel.: 345-6789, 345-1234

Since 1993 Dana’s Café caters to all your needs for “Good Home-Made Food Delivered”. Lunches, meetings, late evenings, parties.

George Catering, tel.: 345-6789, 345-2345

Hosting of banquets, official receptions and private parties in George’s banquet halls; outdoor kitchen and barbeque; all types of cuisine, decorations & entertainment.

4. Courier Service

City Courier Express, tel.: 456-8765, 456-7654


Document and Parcel Express within the Far East, Russia and worldwide. Mail service, tracking of all Express shipments.

World Express Carrier, tel.: 102-3948, 102-4059

Your parcels and documents internationally and within the CIS. Express mail, tel.: 344-57689, 344-57688

Urgent door-to-door delivery of your documents, parcels & freight in Russia.

5. Hotel

Business Center, tel.: 102-2938, 102-2939

Flexible meeting rooms providing over 900 sq. meters, accommodating 400 people. Fully equipped with audio-visual, simultaneous translation & video conferencing.

Small Hotel, tel.: 333-1234, 333-1235

Cosy standard and de luxe rooms in downtown.

Ex. 20. Set up:

1.A sightseeing programme.

2.A programme for the partner’s entertainment.

3.A programme for receiving the guest.

Ex. 21. Read some tips from a travel guide to China. Match the sentences with the following paragraph headings:


1.Take some pills for stomach upsets.

2.It’s not a bad idea to take an empty bag for those extra items that you can’t resist.

3.Don’t drink the tap water in China unless you know it has been boiled. It’s safe to drink water in most of the big hotels’ potters. Elsewhere we recommend drinking bottled water.

4.A good insect spray will be useful if you travel in summer.

5.During the rainy weather you will need a raincoat and an umbrella.

6.The sun can be dangerous. Be careful and wear a hat and use a sun-cream.

7.Travel light.

8.Eat fruit and vegetables when they are washed or peeled.

9.Many hotels, restaurants and major shopping centres accept credit cards.

10.Imported medicines are not so expensive but it’s better to ask for advice of a specialist.

11.In the coastal regions of China, light tropical clothing is comfortable.

Don’t forget to pack a pair of sandals or trainings.

12.Make sure you have taken some woolen clothes. It’s cold early in the morning next to the sea.


13.Jewellery, brassware, ivory and woodcarvings make popular souvenirs.

14.You may pay less if you have cash.

15.Traveler’s cheques are the best way to carry money.

16.Never accept the first price a salesperson suggests. Bargaining can be fun!

17.Visit sales. You will save your money.

18.Basketware, leather goods and cotton shirts and trousers are a good buy.

Ex. 22. Write tips to people visiting our country (the USA, India, Sweden). Give advice on:

-What clothes they should bring,

-How they should pay bills,

-What medicines they ought to buy,

-What things they can buy,

-If they need to give tips to waiters.

Ex. 23. Speak about:

-your travel abroad

-the country you wish to visit

-your advice how to travel successfully

-how to combine travel for pleasure and on business.

Ex. 24. Say, to which situation the following proverbs and sayings could correspond.

1.Where there’s a will there’s a way. – Где хотенье, там и уменье. (Если сильно захочешь что-то сделать, сумеешь найти, как это достичь.)

2.To sell the bear’s skin before one has caught the bear. – Делить шкуру неубитого медведя.

3.Well begun is half done. – Хорошее начало полдела откачало.

4.To hit the nail on the head. – Попасть в точку.

5.To carry coals to Newcastle. – Везти уголь в Ньюкасл. (Ездить в Тулу со своим самоваром.)

6.The game is not worth the candle. – Игра не стоит свеч.

7.Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves. –

Копейка рубль бережет.

8.Strike while the iron’s hot. – Куй железо, пока горячо.

9.He is lifeless who is faultless. – Не ошибается тот, кто ничего не делает.

10.One always learns at his own expense. – На ошибках учатся. 11.Actions speak louder than words. – Дела убедительнее слов.

12.It’s never too late to learn. – Учиться никогда не поздно.

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