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оригиналом. 7. Он вынужден ходить на курсы китайского языка. Он собирается в Китай на год. 8.Мне нужно приобрести опыт в разговорном французском. Ты можешь разговаривать со мной на французском языке все время?

Ex. 9. Make up questions to the following sentences.

1. My sister studies Korean in Seoul. 2. Nowadays many companies need specialists in foreign languages for translation and interpretation. 3. The students have not learnt idioms by heart because they found them unnecessary. 4. A year ago Robert could Japanese texts easily. 5. To translate is easier than to interpret. 6. That woman will be an interpreter.

Ex. 10. Read the passage and decide where these sentences (A – G) should go.

A.What a good dog you have!

B.offers a different route

C.Can I buy anyone a drink

D.why the English like dogs so much

E.because they are rather shy

F.Yes, it’s much too hot

G.no one agrees about the weather in England

How to Get to Know the English

It is often said that the English are cold and unfriendly, but in fact this is … .

If you are a foreigner, there are a number of ways to get to know the English. For example, imagine you are in a park where there are lots of people with their dogs. Now, you can’t say to someone, ‘What beautiful hair you have!’ even if it’s true. But you can say, ‘… .’ This is a very good way to start a conversation, even if the dog isn’t lovely at all. In fact, this is probably … . And who knows how the conversation will end?

Another way is to stand at the bus stop and say ‘What extraordinary weather we’re having.’ Remember that everyone thinks the weather in England is extraordinary. The other person will say ‘… ,’ if it’s sunny, or ‘Yes, it’s wonderful for the garden,’ if it’s pouring with rain. Then, anyone who is listening will disagree, because … . After five minutes you’ve made lots of friends (and a few enemies as well, but never mind).

Another good trick is to stand on a street corner with a map looking lost. After only two or three minutes, someone comes up to you and gives you directions. Sometimes, two or more people offer their help. Everyone … because no one knows how to get there or even where you are at the moment.

But that’s not the point. The point is to get to know the English, not to find the way. After all, you’ve got a map for that.


But the best way is to walk into a pub and ask in a loud voice, ‘… ?’ This is a universal way to get to know people. Of course, it’s quite expensive, but you can’t put a price on friends.

Ex. 11. Speak on the following topics.

1.Your mother-tongue.

2.English as a universal language.

3.English in Russia.

4.Languages of the Asian Pacific countries.

5.A process of learning foreign languages.

6.How to make friends with foreigners.

7.The Far East is a multicultural region.

Ex. 12. Read the information and comment on it.

Portland, Khabarovsk Sister City

Khabarovsk is a city with a prolonged history of international friendship. Such cities as Niigata, Victoria, Portland, Harbin are its sister cities. Many citizens from Khabarovsk have visited them to take part in festivals, competitions, conferences and etc. The information below was brought by one of them.

From the Official Travel Guide: This is not your run-of-the-mill urban megapolis. The citizens of this place once tore up a major downtown freeway to create an enormous riverfront park. A few years later, they turned a shopping center parking lot into an open-air plaza, which serves as the community living room. And instead of sprawling into neighboring forests and farmlands, as a rule, they can only build new developments on previously used municipal land. It's a kind of makes you wonder. Just how far can one city go with this recycling?

Must-See Sights: A visit to the International Rose Test Garden in Washington Park will show you why Portland is known as the “City of Roses”. But one could make a strong case for calling it the “City of Incredible Parks”. They are Forest Park, the nation’s largest urban forested park, Mill Ends Park, the nation’s smallest park (one visitor at a time), Mt. Tabor Park, one of the only volcanoes within a U.S. city’s limits, and Tom McCall Waterfront Park, a twomile greenbelt perfect for strolling, jogging or summer festivals.

Celebrations and events to Catch: the Portland Rose Festival, a giant food, arts and crafts fair open every weekend, a Saturday farmers’ market, Oregon

Brewers Festival, Mt. Hood Festival of Jazz, Zoolights Festival, Homowo Festival, Waterfront Blues Festival., Indian Art Northwest.


Traveling the region: Powell’s City of Books, America’s largest new-and- used bookstore, Pioneer Courthouse Square, the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area.

Mayor of Portland Vera Katz: “You are in a city that has a great deal to offer both citizens and visitors. It is a place of outstanding beauty and culture, and a center of strong commerce. While the city grows, we are working hard to maintain the things that make Portland so attractive and livable.

With more theaters and restaurants per capita than any other city in the nation, you’ll never be at a loss for entertainment here. There are many opportunities and attractions in the Portland area. I hope you’ll take the time to explore and experience as many as possible. Enjoy your stay!”

Ex. 13. Answer the questions.

1.How do people call Portland?

2.What State is Portland located in?

3.What can a visitor see in Portland?

4.Is Portland a center of culture only?

5.Where do you think is Zoolights Festival held?

6.Can guests of Oregon Brewers Festival taste beer or wine?

7.Does Homowo Festival or Waterfront Blues Festival feature music, dance, African and Caribbean food, arts and crafts, storytelling and activities for kids?

8.What music do major recording artists play at Mt. Hood Festival?

9.Events at Portland Rose Festival include parades, carnivals, concerts, boat and Indy-Car races, an air show and fireworks. When do you suppose is this event held?

10.How can visitors relax at its incredible parks? Which of them would you like to see?

11.Is Mayor of Portland proud of her city?

12.Would you like to go to Portland? Are you sure you could understand people there?

Ex. 14. Find information about Khabarovsk sister-cities - Portland, Niigata, Victoria and Harbin.

Ex. 15. Read, translate the text and develop the main ideas.

Business Language and Business Practice

We often say that English is an international language of business socializing. You do business and you have to speak English. But is it really necessary to know cultures and traditions of English-speaking countries? Will the knowledge of their people’s mentality and behaviors help do business?


Both, business language and business practice are quite different things. Business practice depends on the country you cooperate with. For example, business lunch in Russia will differ from the one in China. At the same time, business language varies: the computer vocabulary is not like the lawyer’s one, and the banking terminology is distinguished1 from the commercial terms. Therefore, you should understand both the language and the culture of people you are working with.

The language can be common, but partners can be from countries other than the language. For instance, a businessman from Japan can socialize in English with his partner from Russia. And it is ideally, when the two speak Japanese or Russian.

In the business world we follow certain rules.

1.When meet or greet people we engage in a small talk. This light conversation is designed to “break the ice”, but the real goal is to get to know someone and decide if you wish to continue talking and in what direction you can do this. Be careful about jokes, anything too serious, sad or personal.

2.Use basic business phone formula: your name and company + the person you are calling + the reason for your call.

3.Follow the traditional scheme in your business letters: an introduction, a \ body of the letter, a conclusion2. Letters of sales, recommendation, follow-up3, complaint4, rejection5 and prospecting6 can make an impression if they are written in polite, tactful and correct language.

4.Email your partner after you have established a stable relationship, as this form of correspondence is less formal.

5.In order to combine business and time to relax, you can have the business lunch. Prepare some questions you might ask, your name cards to exchange and phrases to start discussing more serious matters.

6.More formal and prolonged meetings demand your understanding foreign customs, attitudes and behaviors. You need to learn the so called functional

language as well. It deals with what you want to say: agreement / disagreement, doubt, suggestions, negation7, acknowledgement8, asking for help, approval9 / disapproval, certainty10 etc.

7.Organize your presentation so as to make it clear, easy to remember and not so long. As an introduction11, say what you are going to talk about. Devote the main part of your report to ideas and examples. Summarize with a new idea or a proposal (or opinion) as a conclusion.

8.You do business, so you make profits, usually in the form of money. Learn how to work with the financial reports, discuss and analyze them. Banking and financial terms are also useful in the world of money.

9.Use charts12 and graphs13 to illustrate your information or to prove your statements. A picture is worse a thousand words14.

10.English can be a survival language for the business trip. You could solve any problem you come across.


11.Respect the person’s privacy15. And it’s better to get to know some peculiarities16 in people’s life style. That will help you understand your associates and avoid any mistakes.

12.Be open to diversity17. It means to understand racial, ethnic, social, economic, sexual preferences18, religious differences of the country you collaborate with.

So, to do business and achieve success you need business language and knowledge of the cultural aspects of business practices. The first is rather easy. You need simply to reproduce sounds correctly, mind the intonation and grammatical structures, learn the vocabulary and idiomatic expressions. The second is harder, because you should understand other people, be open to them

and respect their way of life.

Take everything as a matter of course19, learn foreign languages, be a success!

______________ ________________________________________________________

be distinguished1 – различаться a conclusion2 – заключение follow-up3 – напоминание

complaint4 – рекламационное (письмо) rejection5 – отказ, отклонение

prospecting6 – направленное на поиск партнеров negation7 – отрицание

acknowledgement8 – признание approval9 – одобрение certainty10 – уверенность introduction11 – введение charts12 – диаграммы

graphs13 – графики

A picture is worse a thousand words14 – Лучше один раз увидеть, чем сто раз услышать

privacy15 – уединение, личное пространство peculiarities16 – особенности

diversity17 – разнообразие

sexual preferences18 – сексуальные предпочтения

Take everything as a matter of course19 – Принимайте все, как само собой разумеющееся

Ex. 16. Answer the questions.

1.What language is often used for business socializing?

2.Is English the only means to communicate with international partners?

3.Why is it necessary to get familiar with mentality and behaviors of people you cooperate with?

4.What is the difference between business language and business practice?


5.How does business language vary?

6.There are common rules in business practice of the world, aren’t there?

7.What are the appropriate topics for a small talk to your mind?

8.Can your business phone talk be long or short? Do you need to mention the reason of your call?

9.Should the language of your business letter differ from your personal one?

10.What kind of the letter ought you to send: a prospecting letter, an email or a fax?

11.Where do you have to make a report: during the business lunch, presentation or negotiations?

12.Which of the above demands your deeper knowledge of foreign traditions and attitudes?

13.Do charts and graphs illustrate or add your presentation?

14.Do you need financial and banking or lawyers’ terms when working with financial statements?

15.You need only business terminology during business trips, accommodation, eating out and sightseeing, don’t you?

16.What will you need, if you want to be a success in cooperation with your foreign partners?

Ex. 17. Find the sentences with modal verbs and their equivalents in the text above and explain their usage.

Ex. 18. Translate the sentences. Use modal verbs and their equivalents.

1. Вы должны тщательно изучить грамматический материал. 2. Мы можем говорить на английском языке при обсуждении деловых вопросов. 3. Ты не должен идти на этот деловой обед, ты можешь опоздать на самолет. 4. Вы можете запланировать командировку на май? 5. Наши партнеры вынуждены изучить финансовый отчет – у них появились дополнительные вопросы. 6. Я не могу интересоваться ее личной жизнью – этика ведения деловой беседы не позволяет делать это. 7. Любой предприниматель должен знать правила ведения финансовых документов.


Делегации должны встретиться после обеда в



Переводчик должен работать на конгрессе весь день.

10. Мне нужно

оплатить налог до двадцатого числа. 11. Как ты смеешь говорить с ним по-немецки? Ты знаешь, что он знает только французский язык. 12. Мои друзья не могли понять ни одного слова. Они были вынуждены попросить помощи переводчика. 13. Можно мне забронировать столик для делового обеда? 14. Мне кажется, ему следует выучить деловую лексику. 15. Конгресс должен стать событием в жизни региона. 16. Вы можете пригласить господина Никулина, он знает компьютерную терминологию.


Ex. 19. Read the dialogue and share your opinion of the main idea.

-Why do you insist on choosing Spanish? It isn’t required to learn a second language at our college.

-I know, you may choose between Spanish and Mathematics. And I even realize you need Maths very much. But Spanish can be more useful in the future, I suppose.

-I agree that it is helpful but not necessary for survival. I could call out for help in English during my trip of Barcelona and everyone understood me.

-You should be aware that in the U.S. over 30 % of the population is Spanish-speaking or of Hispanic origin. And your future job demands associating with different groups of people.

-Why can’t I communicate with them in English? It’s better to understand people’s cultures and mentalities. Then I have to choose culture studies and get to know cultures of the world.

-It’s a good way out, but you seem to collaborate with all countries of the planet.

-What do you mean?

-You are to work in the U.S., you aren’t going to do business in a global economy. The better you communicate with associates around, the greater success you will achieve.

Ex. 20. Read some ideas people shared about the importance of being understood.

Peter: Who is an American? An American is English, or French, or German, Spanish, Russian or Afghan. An American can also be Canadian, Chinese, Korean, Pakistani or Arab. An American may also be a Cherokee, Navaho, Seminole or one of other Native Americans. An American is Christian, or he could be Buddhist, or Muslim, or Jewish. They are free both to worship as each of them chooses and to believe in no religion. An American is independent and generous, but he doesn’t represent a particular people from a particular place.

Take this idea to associate with an American.

Quin Chung: I am of Chinese origin, but I have been living in the U.S. for all my lifetime. All my relatives are Chinese, and their native language is Chinese.

We don’t cut off our links with Harbin, my grandparents’ hometown. My family keeps the national traditions, Chinese cuisine and holidays. Our national feature is to have a commercial flair, so it isn’t a surprise I am a success in business. I don’t live in China, but I can be a Chinese living in another country.

Mary: Is it difficult to communicate with the British? I am not sure. They say about British restraint, cold character and indifference. Probably, it isn’t the description of all the nation, but, to tell the truth, it’s mine. I interact with the British only because I can’t stand people murdering English. That makes


problems for my business, as my enterprise is cooperating with foreign companies. I also try not to go abroad, some customs and orders are strange to me, and I hate when people make me do things I don’t want to. I dislike visiting museums, restaurants and parties. That also disturbs my work, and I’ve found a good way out – I have employed an assistant manager to deal with international sector.

Oleg: I am the head of a large international holding. I can speak three foreign languages and I am able to associate with partners from abroad. I also consider their customs and life style when work together. It is my manner to do business.

But it’s nice to see that my partners study Russian people’s behaviors and attitudes, as well as the Russian language. I am sure that will make our cooperation easier and more fruitful.


practice in actual speaking – практика в разговорной речи speech – речь

spelling – (зд.) правописание

tongue – язык, tongue-tied – язык отказывается говорить to perfection – до совершенства, perfectly – в совершенстве fluently – бегло

common – распространенный

mutual understanding – взаимопонимание

to be a success, to succeed, to achieve a success – добиться, достичь успеха to follow – следить, следовать

to interpret – переводить устно, интерпретировать to catch idea – уловить смысл, идею

to associate – общаться

to learn by heart – учить наизусть in the original – в оригинале

to be of Hispanic origin – быть испанского происхождения mentality – способность мышления, склад ума

behaviors (behaviours, Br.) – поведение



I. Choose the correct answers to the questions.

1. What have you been discussing for two hours? – We … some business




a) have discussed

b) have a discussion

c) have been discussed




2. When did the workers of the Sales Department go to Minsk on business? –

They … there a year ago.


a) were

b) had gone

c) will go

3. Where will your cook be preparing dinner tomorrow in the morning? – He …

it in Plaza tomorrow morning.




a) will prepare

b) will have prepared

c) will be preparing.

II. Finish the sentences.





My secretary is making coffee for us …




a) seldom

b) used to

c) now


Peter had read the instruction…




a) yesterday by 12

b) for two hours yesterday

c) yesterday at 12


The plant will have produced pumps …




a) by June,1

b) last June

c) next June

III. Translate the sentences using the correct variants of predicates.


Вчера в семь часов партнеры обедали в ресторане.


a) was having dinner

b) were having dinner

c) had dinner


Я еще не назначил встречу с заказчиком.



a) didn’t appoint

b) haven’t appointed

c) hadn’t appointed


Адвокат сказал, что его клиент проходит паспортный контроль.


a) would go through

b) had gone through

c) was going through

IV. Fill in the gaps.




What appliances do you prefer? – I prefer … ones.


a) the most good

b) the better

c) the best


Prices here are as … as there.



a) higher

b) high

c) more high


Today it is … to buy a vacuum-cleaner than a washing-machine.


a) the most important b) important

c) more important

V. Choose the correct answer to the question and translate both.


Why is this firm so successful? – Because it … by Mr. Bond.


a) is led

b) is being led

c) leads


Why was that problem so hard? – Because it … by nobody.


a) was solved

b) is solved

c) will be solved

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