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3.Make a natural response to the following remarks, remembering that you should both answer and develop the conversation:

1.You've been to London, haven't you?

2.Have you seen the paper today?

3.You're not English, are you?

4.You work a lot, don't you?

5.Television's done a lot of good, hasn't it?

6.You haven't got a minute to spare, have you?

4.Start and develop conversations in the following situations:

1. You are talking to your school friend whom you haven't seen for a long time. You want to know how your friend is getting on, whether he is married or not, whether he studies at the University or at a college, etc.

2.You are at your friend's / colleague's place. You are talking to one of his kids. You ask him the usual questions grown up people ask children.

3.You meet an American from San Francisco on a plane to Moscow. You start a conversation first.

4.You are registering for a conference at the secretary's desk.


1. Listen to Alan telling how his mother and father treated the children when they did something wrong.

a) What are the two things that are different about his mother and father? Complete the chart.











b) Listen again and tick the statements that are true.

1. When we shouted and cried:



a) sent us to bed

c) went for a long walk



b) sent us to our room to sit by

d) didn't pay attention









2. When we did something wrong:




a) got very angry

c) didn't say a word

b) talked to us about it firmly

d) shouted at us



2. Vocabulary Preview. These sentences contain expressions from the conversation. Use the context to match the underlined words and expressions with their definitions.





I will look into your problem as soon

a. __________ to see if someone is OK

as I have time.



If I don`t take off right this minute, I`m

b. __________ not modern

going to miss the bus.



My mother is very old-fashioned.

c. ___________ check; find information

That`s why I fight with her all the time.

about something


Time is running out for me to finish

d. ___________ ending

this paper. It`s due tomorrow.



My mother is sick. I want to check up

e. __________ leave

on her on my way home from work.


3.Listening for main ideas. Listen to the conversation. Answer the following questions.

1.What does Margie want from Jeff? Why?

2.What is Nancy thinking about?

3.Why is Anna surprised?

4.Listen a part of the conversation. Some of the words are missing. During each pause repeat the phrase; then fill in the missing words.

Anna: Hey, Jeff, I didn`t know you liked __________________.

Jeff: Well, Joey is ______________________. I take care of him from time to time when Margie`s ________________. And then ____________ does favors for

__________ in return. Like last week she lent me her __________, and sometimes she bakes _____________ for me.

Anna: What does her ____________ do?

Jeff: She`s not ___________________. I don`t think she ____________ was, actually. Anna: Never?

Jeff: _______________, ________________. I think she`s _____________ being a

____________ mother.


Anna: Is that very ________________ in the United States?

Jeff: Well, it`s becoming _________ and ___________ common. Even ____________

been talking about it.

Nancy: Yi,you two. Uh, ______________ have I been talking about? Jeff: Having a ________________.

Nancy: Oh yeah, I ____________ about it. I sometimes feel like _____________ is running out. What if I ___________________ get married?

Anna: Maybe I`m __________ – ___________, but I could ___________ bring up a baby by ______________. I think it would be so difficult....

Nancy: Yeah, but ______________ forget, I wouldn`t have to do it by myself. I have

“Uncle Jeff” here to help with ____________________. Right, Jeff?

Jeff: We`ll see. Speaking of babysitting, I`d _________________ check up on Joey.

5.Prepare good reading of the dialogue.

6.Listen to the lecture “The Changing Family” and answer the questions:

1.How has the American family changed?

2.What are businesses doing to meet the needs of modern families?

7.Here is a sample outline of the lecture. Listen to the lecture again and fill in the missing information:

Topic: Changes in the American family

I. “Typical” Am. fam.



1.1965: 35% of Am. women worked



II. _________________________________________________________________


B.Women have > opp. than 40 yrs. ago.

e.g. ________________________________________________________________

III. Most fams. don`t have __________ anymore » new probs.

e.g. _________________________________________________________________

IV. __________________________________________________________________




B.If co. transfers worker, they try to find job for husb./wife




V.Very few cos. Can afford these progs. Gov. should __________________________

8.Discussing the lecture. Discuss the following questions about the lecture and your own experience.

1.Why are more and more American women working these days? (2 reasons). How does this compare with Russia?

2.With both mothers and fathers working, what new problems do American families have?

3.Review the 5 ways in which American businesses are responding to the needs of working parents. Talk about the advantaged and disadvantages.

4.Of the 5 policies, which one would be the most useful for you and your family?

9.Listen to the dialogue and fill in the missing forms.

Continuity announcer It's eight o'clock and time for Breakfast Time.

Presenter Good morning, _________. Our guest this morning is the ___________

writer Norah Levy. Norah's here in Britain this week ____________ her new book 'We are ______', which is all about how our _________ in the family affects our

___________. Welcome Norah. Norah Thank you.

Presenter Now is this really ________, Norah? That our __________ in the family

_________ our personality?

Norah Sure. OK, other factors can _________ your personality ______, but your

___________ in the family is _________ one of the _________.

Presenter So tell us a ______ about the _________ children in a family – the _______


Norah Well, the oldest children get _________ attention from their ________ and the

________ is that they're usually quite ___________ people. They make good

_________. The famous Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, was a _________ child. They're often _____________ and they're more likely to go to ___________ than their


brothers or ______. They often get the _________ jobs too. Oldest children are also

___________ people, because they often have to _____ after their younger brothers or sisters. The ________ of this is that sometimes this ______ that when they're older they ______ a lot about things. They can also be quite ______, and even ________, especially when they don't get what they want.

Presenter What about the ___________ child?

Norah Well, middle children are usually __________ and ___________. Presenter Competitive?

Norah Yes, because they have to __________ with their brothers and sisters ________

their parents' _________. And they're usually ________, they like being with people,

___________ because they have always had other children to play _______. However, on the _________ side middle children are often __________ of their brothers and sisters and they can be _________.

Presenter And __________ children?

Norah If you're the youngest in a ________, you'll _____ be very _________, very

_______, and probably quite a _______ person. This is because parents are usually more relaxed when they have their last child. On the other hand, youngest children are often quite lazy. This is because they always have _____ older brothers and sisters to help them. And they can be quite _________ – they use their _________ to get what they _________.

Presenter OK, that's all very interesting. Now, I'm an __________ child. People often have the _________ that only _________ like me are _________. Is that _________? Norah Well, of course it's _______! Only children are the only ________ – they don't have to ________ with anyone – so they're often _______ by their parents and their

_________. As a result they can be quite _________. They think of ________ more than of other people.

Presenter OK. Well, that _____ like a good ________ of me! Is there any _________


Norah Yes, there is. On the _________ side, only children are usually very __________

and _________, and they can be very ________ too.

Presenter Well, thank you, Norah, and good ______ with the book. And now it's time for the news ________...

11. Prepare good reading of the dialogue.

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