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5. Choose the right answer.





When you want to introduce someone in an informal situation you say:


a) I'd like to introduce...

b) This is...

с) Nice to meet you.


When you are introduced to someone in a formal situation you say:


a) Hello. b) How do you do ? с )Pleased to meet you.


When someone says How do you do? you reply:




a) How do you do ? b)

Very well, thank you.

с )The same to you.


If you don't know whether it is necessary to introduce two people, it is best to ask

one of them:




a) Are you acquainted? b) Do you know Mr. Brent? с) Have you met Mr. Brent?

6.Identify the type of situation (formal, neutral, informal) and introduce:

a close friend / to your mother;

a groupmate / to the English teacher;

a senior colleague / to your friend;

your teacher / to your parents;

your bank manager / to your brother;

yourself / to a new groupmate (colleague);

one guest at your party / to another.


1.Practice saying the sentences. Listen and check.

1.She has light brown hair. It's short and straight.

2.He's medium height and slightly overweight.

3.He's in his eighties, but his eyesight's very good.

4.She likes wearing tight straight-leg jeans.

2. Look at the four men and listen. Which one is the bank robber?


3. Listen to the dialogue and insert the missing words.

Policeman OK, ladies, now can you … the man you … in the …?

Woman 1 Well, he was, er, sort of … … , you know, not … — but not tall either. And quite …, you know … .

Woman 2 Yes. And he had a … and a little … .

Woman 1 No, he didn't. He had a … but not a … . It's just that I think he hadn't … .

Woman 2 No, it was a beard, I'm ….

Woman 1 And anyway, Doris, you weren't wearing your … so you can't have seen him very well.

Woman 2 I could see … well.

Policeman Ladies, ladies, please. So, no … then. Woman 1 No, he … a moustache but he … have a beard.

Policeman And what about his …?

Woman 2

Woman 1 Yes, …, dark … .

Policeman … ?

Woman 1 No, … , I'd say. Wouldn't you say, … ? Woman 2 Yes, very … .

Policeman So, …, … , hair?

Woman 1 Yes. That's what we said. Are you … or something? Policeman And what … was it when...

4.Learn the dialogue by heart.

5.Listen to someone describing two famous people and answer the questions.

1.Where is the man from?

2.How old is he?

3.What does he look like?

4.What does he do?

5.Where is the woman from?

6.How old is she?

7.What does she look like?

8.What does she do?

6.Listen again to check your answers. Who do you think the two people are?


Part 2: Family

Words to remember

extended family (n.) расширенная семья (семья, включающая, помимо родителей и детей, других близких родственников)

to consist of smth. (v.) – состоять из generation (n.) – поколение

nuclear family (n.) – малая, нуклеарная семья (семья, включающая только родителей и детей)

according to (prep.) – согласно research (n.) – исследование shape (n.) – форма

prediction (n.) – предсказание common (adj.) – типичный, обычный

an only child (n.) – единственный ребёнок cousin (n.) – двоюродный брат или сестра to grow up (v.) – расти, выращивать

adult (n.) – взрослый человек selfish (adj.) – эгоистичный couple (n.) – пара

to divorce (v.) – разводиться stepmother (n.) – мачеха half-brother (n.) – сводный брат

single-parent family (n.) – неполная семья, семья с одним родителем to own (v.) – владеть

in-laws (n.) – родственники со стороны мужа или жены sibling (n.) единокровный брат, сестра

to get along/on with smb. (v.) – ладить с кем-то

to compete with smb. for smth. (v.) – конкурировать с кем-то за что-то to support (v.) – поддерживать

enemy (n.) – враг

relationship (n.) – отношение (между кем-то) talkative (adj.) – разговорчивый, болтливый frank (adj.) – искренний

twins (n.) – близнецы


to be alike – быть похожим

treatment (n.) – отношение (к кому-то)

Before you read

1.Discuss the following questions.

1.What types of families do you know?

2.What is the average family in your place?

3.Is it good or bad to have a big/small family?

4.Is it difficult to be an only child?

5.Is it possible to be lonely in a family?

6.What does the term “a happy family” mean?

7.Is it an advantage to have young parents?

2.Look at these pictures. Work in pairs and explain what these terms mean and what the difference between these families is.

1. An extended family

2. A nuclear family

3 . A family having many children 4. A single-parent family

3. Read the sentences below. Decide which sentence goes with each photo. More than one answer is possible.


a)All the members of my family have close relations. We live together.

b)The only child is the centre of attention.

c)We are many. We share our parent's attention.

d)In a big family you have much love and support.

e)We enjoy doing many things together.

f)We love to celebrate holidays together. We have a lot of great parties.

g)There are only two of us. We do everything together.

h)I have my own room. I have a lot of privacy.

i)When I have a problem I can always find a person to discuss it frankly.

j)Sometimes I feel lonely. I wish I had a brother/sister.

k)Sometimes I feel a lack of one parent badly.

l)The advantage of having a big family is that you always have a baby-sitter in the house.

m)I'm a twin. It's an advantage. We are very close.

n)The problem of being the eldest child in the family is that you should take care of the younger ones.

o)I have young parents. It's an advantage.

p)Mother/father is my best friend.

4.What do you think the advantages and disadvantages of each type of family are? Use the following: I think ..., It can be ..., I don't think ... .

5.Read the text quickly and tell your partner what it is about.


Twenty years ago, the typical extended family was “wide”. It usually consisted of two or three generations, with many children in each “nuclear family”. People had lots of aunts and uncles but often didn't know their grandparents. However, according to a new study by the British research group Mintel, the family is changing shape. The family groups of the future will be “long and thin”, with three or four small generations. Here are some of their predictions:

1. Most children will know their great-grandparents (and even great-great- grandparents) because people are living longer.


2. Very few children will have brothers or sisters, and it will be common to be an only child. As a result, future generations will not have many cousins either.

3.Many children will grow up isolated from other children and young adults. This will make them more selfish and introverted.

4.More couples will divorce and re-marry, some more than once. They may

have children with their new partners, so many children will have a stepmother or stepfather and half-brothers or sisters.

5.There will be many “boomerang children”. These are children who leave home to get married, but then divorce and return to live with their parents.

6.There will be more single-parent families.

7. Because houses are now so expensive, different generations may decide to live together, so parents, grandparents, and adult children may co-own their houses, and many couples will have to live with their in-laws.


"Why can't our kids just get along? Why must they always fight?" Parents get tired of the teasing, competing. They can't understand why their children can't leave each other alone, and just be friends. "Who needs it?" parents ask.

The answer is "the children do." Fighting is not a sign of children not getting along. It is how they get along using conflict to test their power, establish differences. Children compete for dominance, parental attention, parental support. When we are children, our brothers and sisters are our first friends and first enemies. Many experts say that the relationship among brothers and sisters explains a great deal about family life, especially when brothers and sisters often spend more time with one another than with their parents.

Studies have shown that sibling relationships between sister-sister pairs and brotherbrother are different. Sister pairs are the closest. Brothers are the most competitive. Sisters are more supportive of each other. They are more talkative, frank, and better at expressing themselves and sharing their feelings.

On the other hand, brothers are usually more competitive with each other. The major exception to this is identical twins for whom similarity creates an unusual intimacy. The more alike they are, the closer they feel.

Experts agree that the relationship among siblings is influenced by many factors. For example, studies have shown, that both brothers and sisters become more competitive and aggressive when their parents treat them even a little bit differently from one another.


But parental treatment is not the only factor. Genetics, gender, life events, people, and experiences outside the family all shape the lives of siblings.


Exercise 1. Read the text once again. Find three-five sentences showing what the author thinks about families.






Exercise 2. Tick the statements that are mentioned in the article.

1.Parents get tired of siblings argument.

2.Parents quite understand their children.

3.Parents want their children to leave them alone (оставить в покое).

4.Children fight for dominance and parent's attention.

5.Siblings are our oldest friends in life.

6.Some siblings have good relationships, but other siblings have bad relationships.

7.Sibling relationships are among the most important relationships in life.

8.Sisters get along better with their sisters than with their brothers.

9.Females and males generally have different sibling relationships.

10.Siblings spend a lot of time together because they have to.

11.There are many causes of good and bad sibling relationships.

12.Research has shown that siblings hate to fight.

13.When parents treat each child a little differently, the children get along better.

Exercise 3. Read the seven predictions again. In pairs or small groups, answer the questions for each prediction.

1.Do you think it will be a good thing or a bad thing?

2.Is this already happening in your country?

3.Do you think it will happen in the future?



1.Give English equivalents of the words and word partnerships used in the text.

Состоять из; знать своих бабушек и дедушек; однако; согласно; форма; тонкий; поколение; предсказание; очень мало; единственный ребёнок; в результате; взрослый; эгоистичный; пара; разводиться; больше, чем один раз; мачеха; неполная семья; жить вместе; ладить; драться; устать от; быть друзьями; внимание родителей; враги; отношения между; проводить время с; болтливый; искренний; с другой стороны; исключение; относиться к; генетика.

2.Identify the word by its meaning. Make your own sentences with these words.

1.Your grandparents' parents

2.A child who doesn't have any brothers or sisters

3.Families where the mother or father is bringing up the children on his / her own

4.Your uncle's or aunt's children

5.The family of your husband / wife

6.All your relatives including aunts, grandparents, etc.

7.Your grandparents' grandparents

8.Boys who have (for example) the same father as you but a different mother

9.The new wife of your father

10.To end your marriage to smb. legally

3. Insert prepositions where necessary.

1.The committee consists ... ten members.

2.You have been absent six times according ... our records.

3.She grew ... in Boston.

4.He has never got ... with his sister.

5.Several companies are competing ... each other ... the contract.

6.Do you own ... your house or do you rent it?

7.Do you know anything about the relationship … the members of his family?

8.… the other hand, brothers are usually more competitive … each other.

9.The relationship … the family is influenced … different factors.

4. Fill in the blanks with the suitable words in a proper form from the list below.

1. Her diet ... largely of vegetables.

2. ... to Mick, it`s a great movie.


3.Their children have all ... up and left home.

4.He`s ... along very well with his classmates.

5.We can`t ... with them on price.

6.I don`t … anything valuable.

7.Recent … on deaf children has produced some interesting findings about their speech.

8.Children must be accompanied by an … .

9.After just one day , she had already made an … of the manager.

10.Several … were on the dance floor.


To compete, couple, to get along, according, to consist, to grow up, to own, research,

adult, enemy.

5. Make new words by adding suffixes or prefixes to the italicized words. Translate into Russian.

tive / er

1.Stop talking and listen!

2.He`s more a ... than a doer.

3.He`s not very ..., except on the subject of his plans.

able / ment

1.My parents still treat me like a child.

2.This disease is ... .

3.There are various ... available for this condition.

ship / er

1.Most of the apartments are privately owned.

2.The painting has now been returned to its rightful ... .

3.... of the land is now being discussed.

tive / tion / or

1.Young children usually compete for their mother`s attention.

2.There`s no intense ... between schools to attract students.

3.We produce cheaper goods than our ... .

4.Graduates have to fight for jobs in a highly ... market.


er/ ive

1.Can I rely on your support?

2.She was very ... during my father`s illness.

3.I`m an Arsenal ... .

able/ tion/ ly/ or

1.It`s impossible to predict what will happen.

2.Cholesterol level is not a strong ... of heart disease in women.

3.Prices were ... high.

4.Not many people agree with the government’s ... that the economy will improve.

6. Translate the following sentences into English.

1.Я не знала, что у тебя есть сводный брат. Ты ладишь с ним?

2.Их брак закончился разводом в 2005 году.

3.Эта история передается в нашей семье из поколения в поколение.

4.Наша семья состоит из 5 человек: папа, мама, старший брат, младшая сестра и я.

5.Ты единственный ребёнок в семье? – Нет. У меня есть младший брат.

6.Это Мэри. Она моя двоюродная сестра из Америки.

7.У неё очень близкие отношения с сестрой.

8.Что ты знаешь о своём прадедушке и прабабушке? – К сожалению, я знаю о них очень мало.

9.Мы с сестрой очень похожи. Наши друзья нас часто путают.

10.Мама моего друга умерла в прошлом году. Вскоре его папа женился вновь. Сейчас у моего друга есть сводная младшая сестра.

11.Многие факторы влияют на отношения членов семьи.

12.Его родители не понимают его. Они относятся к нему как к ребёнку.

13.У тебя много родственников? – Да, у меня 2 тёти, 3 дяди и 4 двоюродных сестры.

14.Согласно этому исследованию форма семьи изменилась.

15.Число неполных семей увеличилось в двое.

7. Answer the questions. Choose at least five questions to discuss with your partner.

1.What type of family do you come from?

2.What's your family like?

3.What's something unusual or special about your family?


4.What are some rules that people have to follow in your family?

5.How does your family celebrate birthdays?

6.Is there a holiday your family always celebrate together?

7.Who do you talk to in your family when you have a problem?

8.What's the best thing about spending time with your family? What's the worst thing?

9.If you have any brothers or sisters, what things do you enjoy doing together?

10.Do you have a close relationship with the other members of your family?

11.What's an advantage of being close to one's family?

12.Who takes care of the children in your family?

8. Prepare a list of sentences (up to 10) for translation from the British National Corpus with the use of the following words from the above text: generation, prediction, to grow up, to divorce, relationships. Use the site www.natcorp.ox.ac.uk/ .

9. VOCABULARY EXTENSION: Choose several of the words from the text.

Use a dictionary or Google’s search field (or another search engine) to build up more associations / collocations of each word.

10. INTERNET: Search the Internet and find out about a family of a famous person (actor, film star, etc.). Share what you discovered with your partner(s) at the next lesson.

11. GENERATION TREE: Make a poster about as many generations of your family as you know. Show your work to your classmates and tell about it in the next lesson.

12. VIDEO: Watch the video “Talking about a family” and get ready to discuss it at the lesson.


A. Write a magazine article about your interviews with successful people. It can be a politician, sportsman, etc. Read what you wrote to your classmates in the next lesson. Write down any new words and expressions you hear from your partner(s).


B. Read the diary entry. Imagine you also share your thoughts with your diary. Write about your family.

Dear Diary,

I love my family – all of them, my parents and my four brothers and sisters. However, sometimes they drive me crazy. There are good and bad things about coming from a large family. One of the advantages of coming from a large family is that I always have someone to talk to. Unfortunately, one of the disadvantages is that I never have my privacy. And of course the biggest problem with not having any privacy is that I never have any space I can call my own...

Develop your writing skills

A. Where is it from?

Read the following sentences making suggestions and choose the type of composition

each one probably came from.











you, I'd ask them to turn








article b

informal letter










you've made alternative arrangements, just in case





report b









One thing we might consider is booking an







areport b discursive composition

4.I would like to suggest that in future your company offer a refund in the event of bad weather.

areport b formal letter


Have you thought

about getting flood insurance for the house?


informal letter

b formal letter

B. Make a suggestion

The verb “suggest” can be used in the following ways:

I suggest (the town`s) building a flood barrier. ( -ing form) I suggest that the town builds a flood barrier. ( that clause)

I suggest that the town should build a flood barrier. ( that clause with should) I suggest a flood barrier. ( noun)

I suggest that the town build a flood barrier. (is also possible, but very formal and not used very often)


A. Tick any sentences that are correct. Rewrite any that are incorrect.

1.I would like to suggest that we warning tourists about the dangers of sunbathing.


2.The pilot suggested we should wait until the clouds cleared.


3.I suggest that an examination of weather records for evidence of climate change.


4.Many local people suggested the council`s build an indoor shopping center.


5.The weatherman suggested that people planning a trip checking the forecast before they leave.


B. Write sentences making the following suggestions in an appropriate style.

1.Suggest to a friend that they visit you next summer.

2.Suggest to your manager that he starts selling umbrellas.

3.Suggest to fellow students that they take up a hobby for rainy days.

4.Suggest to your cousin that she starts a course in meteorology.

C. Make it informal

Read this writing question. The sentences below come from an answer that is too formal. Rewrite the suggestions in a more informal style.

Your penfriend is planning to visit you in the summer and has asked you for some suggestions about what clothes or other things they will need to bring with them.

Write them a letter, giving your suggestions.

1.One factor you might like to consider is the heat, which will require clothing made of light material.

2.I would like to suggest that you ensure that you have with you a pair of sunglasses.

3.A swimsuit would certainly be advantageous, given the opportunities for swimming in this area.


D. Read the information in the Apendixes about writing a letter (page 80 84).

E. VIDEO: Watch the video “Letter writing (how to open and close a letter)” and get ready to discuss it at the lesson.

F. Write a paragraph.

Study the example of an informal letter in Appendixes (page 84).

Read this incomplete answer to the question above. Write a paragraph of about 30 words to complete the letter, giving suggestions in an appropriate style.

Dear Jane,

Great to get your letter! Sorry to hear about your dog. My mum says that twelve is quite a good age for a dog. Maybe your mum will let you get another puppy soon.

So, only three month until you`re here. I can`t wait! You asked me about what clothes you should bring. Don`t bother bringing any heavy clothes. It`s too hot in the summer for sweaters or coats. If I were you, I`d make sure I had lots of T-shirts and pairs of shorts. And don`t forget your swimsuit! We`ll be going to the beach almost every day!

You asked if there was anything else I thought you should bring.







That`s all for now. I`d better go and help my mum with the washing up. Take care, and don`t forget to say hello to your mum and dad for me.

Lots of love, Nicky.

G. Read your partner’s writing.

Swap paragraphs and read what your partner has written. Using your partner’s paragraph, answer the following questions.

What things has my partner suggested? Has my partner used an appropriate style?


H. Discuss

Read your paragraph to the class, or listen to paragraphs other people have written.


1. Read this composition question and do the exercises that follow.

Your penfriend is planning to visit you in February and has written to you asking what weather to expect and what clothes or other things they should bring.

2. Write a letter to your penfriend, describing typical weather conditions where you live and suggesting what items they should bring with them.

A. Brainstorming

Answer the following questions, using your imagination where necessary. Discuss your answers with the class.

1.What style is appropriate?

2.How will you start your letter? Dear ______________________________________

3.What piece of news could you mention in your first paragraph?

4.What three things are you going to say about the weather in February?




5. What clothes are you going to suggest your friend brings?

6. What other items are you going to suggest your friend brings? 7. Why do you have to stop writing?

8. How are you going to close your letter?

B. Write your suggestions

Write two sentences in an appropriate style suggesting clothes for your friend to bring and two suggesting other items. Compare your sentences with your partner's.

C. Match the paragraphs to the content.

Decide what you might include in each paragraph by matching the paragraph contents on the right with each paragraph 14.







thank my penfriend for their last letter and refer to something




said in it



say why I have to stop and close the letter



suggest other items I think my penfriend might need



suggest clothes I think my penfriend might need

D. Plan your paragraphs

Complete the following paragraph plan, making notes on what you are going to include in each paragraph.

Informal letter plan

Dear ______________,

Paragraph 1

Paragraph 2

Paragraph 3

Paragraph 4

Closing expression(s)

First name

E. Homework

Now write your letter.

Read this checklist. When you have written your letter, tick the boxes. 1. I have started and ended the letter in an appropriate way. 2. I have written in an appropriate style.

3. I have made good suggestions.

4. I have checked for spelling mistakes.

5. I have checked for grammar mistakes.


Write an answer to the following question in 120 180 words in an appropriate style.

1. Your American penfriend is thinking of travelling around Russia next summer and has asked you for any advice and suggestions you might have, particularly about what weather to expect.

Write your letter, giving suitable advice and suggestions.

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