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между; беспорядок; бунтующий, бунтарский, непослушный; справляться, обращаться; быть в бегах.

2. Match the words or expressions with their definitions.


to live up to


having a strong effect on your feelings, especially in a way




that makes you feel sad, moving


to revere


the legal right or duty to take care of smb/smth




to link one situation, etc with another, combine with




a person who introduces a television or a radio show, and talks




to guests




to do as well or to be as good as other people expect you to


to extend


unreasonable dislike of or preference for a person, group, custom,


to couple with


etc. especially if it’s based on their race, religion, sex, etc.

10) turmoil


suddenly and often surprisingly

11) transition


to increase power of something

12) ambition


natural ability or skill at doing smth, talent

13) aptitude


a special liking for smth, fondness

14) host


feel great respect or admiration, idolize

15) prejudice


the process or a period of changing from one state or condition




to another




involving a lot of change and confusion and/or violence,





n)a state of great anxiety and confusion, confusion

o)a strong desire for success, achievement, etc.

3.Give synonyms. Make up your own sentences with these words.

to respect, adore


to combine

painful, pathetic


a liking for smth



unite, unify

to isolate, to insulate



ability, skill




at last


4. Make new words by adding suffices or prefixes to the italicized words.

Translate the sentences.

ent / ence / ly

1.What a marvelous meat, Jim! You’ve really excelled yourself!

2.The … of her cooking is widely known.

3.They are in … health.

4.Nobody doubted in her abilities to cook. Everything she did, she did … .

uous / ly

1.Take no notice of them – treat them with the contempt they deserve.

2.He was found in … of the order.

3.He didn’t show any fear. On the contrary … of danger , he rushed back into the burning building.

4.Not wanting to show her suffering and offence, she tossed her head … and left the room.

in / able / ity

1.Americans have the reputation of being very hospitable people.

2.He was not friendly and welcoming, he didn’t invite us into his house – he was absolutely … .

3.They are highly welcoming to their guests, always ready to give them food and a place to sleep. Their … is well-known.

ed / ation / in

1.Her encouragement determined me to carry out with the job.

2.She seemed to be a very … woman who always gets what she wants.

3.He was constantly hesitating how to act and what to do; he was unsure and … .

4.His lack of … bothered us a lot.

(i)or / ity

1.It’s a super place for a holiday.

2.Of the two books, I think this one is … to that one.

3.He smiled a … smile as he drove past in his expensive new car.

4.They were the leader in the competition. Their obvious … over other teams was easily seen.

5.Insert prepositions.

1.The heat was unbearable and we were desperate … water and rest.

2.Forbes ended … in French prison for drug dealing.

3.She showed great aptitude … learning languages.

4.His habit of playing loud music at night didn’t endear him … his neighbours.

5.The work was done … my supervision.

6.His contempt … most of his fellow politicians is clearly expressed in his book.

7.He is known for his penchant … ancient Greek music.

8.He was charged … taking care of the premise.

9.The country is … a state of political turmoil.

10.The robbers had been … the lam for several days before they were caught.

11.The government has been charged … reneging … the promises that it made to the voters during election.

12.The breathtaking beautiful scenery certainly lived … … expectations.

13.When he found out you were … the lam, he got real mad.

14.The conference was seen as an ideal vehicle … increased cooperation between the member states.

15.She remained … the care of her grandmother.

16.I’m accustomed … getting up so early.

17.He reneged … his contract.

6.Fill in the blanks with suitable words in a proper form from the list below. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1.She couldn’t think; her mind was in a complete _________.

2.The plane ____________ arrived at 6.30 – over three hours late.

3.My son has no ____________ for sport.

4.Corporate America has embraced the Web as a new _________ for advertising.

5.The photograph awakens __________ memories of happier days.

6.After the _______ events of 1990, Eastern Europe was completely transformed.

7.Students are not allowed to handle these chemicals unless they are under the

___________ of a teacher.

8.If you ________ on the deal now, I’ll fight you in the courts.

9.The concert was brilliant – it __________ all our expectations.

10.Plans to _________ the schools met with opposition.

11.Disagreements can __________ teenagers from their families.

12.They were ________ kind to me.

13.His kindness __________ him to everyone.

14.All runners were exhausted after the __________ race.

15.Take no notice of them – treat them with the __________ they deserve.

To desegregate, to alienate, to renege, turmoil, eventually, vehicle, poignant, to live up to, supervision, exceedingly, contempt, to endear, aptitude, tumultuous, grueling.

7.Paraphrase using your active vocabulary.

1.Nelson Mandela is greatly respected for his brave fight against apartheid.

2.He eventually won the match after five extremely tiring and difficult sets.

3.In Istanbul, East and West join together in a way that is fascinating to observe.

4.He was clever, handsome and extremely rich.

5.He looked embarrassed for a moment, then quickly regained his confidence.

6.The school system shouldn’t separate children with disabilities.

7.I had to take the job – I needed money.

8.He’s never been extremely good at math.

9.Was the film as good as you expected?

10.She ordered me to look after her son.

11.His assassination threw the country into disorder.

12.He was a careful old politician who never says too much.

13.Her teachers regard her as a disobedient, trouble-making girl.

8.Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1.Мэром города был устроен приём по случаю приезда голливудской знаменитости.

2.Ещё ребёнком он демонстрировал выдающиеся способности и склонность к музыке, поэтому никто не сомневался, что он станет выдающимся музыкантом.

3.Ему удалось добиться успеха несмотря ни на что.

4.Он предпринимал отчаянные попытки выбраться из бедности, но всё было напрасно.

5.Не слишком ли она молода, чтобы поручить ей присматривать за детьми?

6.Ему поручили найти новое место для встреч.

7.Во всех наших ресторанах залы для курящих посетителей отделены от залов для некурящих.

8.Он был в бегах несколько недель до того, как полиция его поймала.

9.Вероятно, именно изнурительный путь к славе и богатству сделал Опру любимой миллионами почитателей.

10.История жизни Опры Уинфри – трогательный пример воплощения американской мечты.

11.Она остро осознавала различия между ней и её богатыми белыми одноклассниками.

12.Учителя считают его непослушным ребёнком.

13.Высокий уровень инфляции и экономические трудности вызвали увеличение количества безработных людей.

14.Я не хочу иметь с тобой ничего общего, ты не выполняешь свои обещания.

15.Рекламные заявления не оправдали наших ожиданий.

16.После смерти родителей ребёнок жил под опекой дедушки, поборника строгой дисциплины.

17.Афро-американцы подвергались сегрегации и дискриминации во всех сферах жизни.

18.Пожилая дама отчаянно нуждалась в деньгах.

9. Make up the dialogues as instructed

1.Your friend wants a famous face. Try to assure her that it is not good, that she could lose her individualism.

2.You are a famous face giving an interview. A journalist is asking you about your childhood. Tell him how the childhood influenced your future.

4.You want to become a remarkable individual. Your stylist helps you to achieve your dream. Explain what you want to be.

10.Speak on the following:

«the American dream». How do Hollywood stars symbolize this?

Speak about people of color and gays. Where do they have more rights?



Part 1: Guggenheim Museum U.S.A.

Words to remember

dimension (n) – 1. aspect; a particular side of a problem

2. measurement of size in any of one direction (height, length, width) apparent (adj) – easily seen or understood; evident; obvious

controversial (adj) – causing much argument or disagreement

to assemble (v) – to gather or collect together into a group or into one place

definitive (adj) – authoritative; generally regarded as providing knowledge or information that can be trusted

to establish (v) – to set up; to begin; to create

to establish (as, in) – to cause to be firmly settled or accepted in a particular state or position

contemporary (adj) – modern; belonging to the present time devoted (to) (adj) – showing great loyalty

hint (n) – statement or action that gives a small or indirect suggestion: to make a hint / to drop a hint

to surface (v) – to come to the surface of / to the top of anguish (n) – great pain; suffering esp. of the mind dwelling (n) – a house or a flat where people live

to mark (v) – to be typical of; to characterize

renowned (adj) – well-known to the general public or to a limited group of people for a particular quality, skill, innovation, etc

integrity (n) – 1. strength or firmness of character or principle; honesty 2. (here) state of being whole and undivided; completeness

obstinacy (n) – determination, esp. to an unreasonable degree; stubbornness, i.e. unwillingness to change one’s opinion or behavior in spite of arguments or persuasion to commit oneself (to) (v) – to take some obligations / responsibilities on oneself to do smth to be committed to (v) – to make a firm promise or statement of intention to do something; be responsible to

to commission (v) – to appoint someone to do something; to place a special order for ultimately (adv) – in the end; after everything or everyone else has been taken into account

to display (v) – to show; to arrange something for public view

to draw up (plans) (v) – to prepare and usually put into written form; to draft rejection (n) – refusing to accept something

conventional (adj) – following accepted customs, standards, sometimes too closely and without originality

to insulate (from, against) (v) – to protect a person from ordinary experiences (heat, sound) to explore (v) – to examine; to study (esp. a subject or situation) carefully in order to find out more

to recall (v) – to bring back to the mind; to remember

bold (adj) – brave, confident, and adventurous; not afraid to take risks magnificent (adj) – wonderfully fine, grand, generous

ramp (n) – an artificial slope that connects two levels

stunning (adj) – very surprising or shocking; extremely attractive or beautiful merely (adv) – only; simply

dreary (adj) – gloomy; dull; uninteresting

to distract (from) (v) – to take a person or their attention off something, esp. for a short time fatigue (n) – great tiredness; exhaustion; weariness

to descend (v) – to come, fall or sink from a higher to a lower level; go down easel (n) – a wooden frame to hold a picture while it is being painted

to curve (v) – to bend

to define (v) – 1. to describe; to explain the exact qualities 2. to show the nature of; to characterize

compulsory (adj) – obligatory, which must be done by law or order

stark (adj) – hard, bare in appearance, without any pleasant or decorative additions in defiance of – contrary to; against

to smirk (v) – to smile in a silly self-satisfied way, esp. at someone else’s misfortune liking (for) (n) – a feeling of enjoying or liking smth


1. Give English equivalents of the words and word partnerships used in the text.

Очевидное качество; противоречивая натура; высказаться по этому случаю; экспонент (выставка); проектировать новые дома; утвердить его первым среди современных архитекторов; детство сформировалось; с намёком; произведения (сочинения); человеческие страдания; городская среда; потеря контакта с природой; не удивительно; характеризовать как истинного первооткрывателя и выдающегося художника; художественная целостность; упрямство; гениальность; разместить коллекцию; по иронии судьбы; обратиться к кому-то; поручить кому-то что-то; не нравиться; в конечном итоге; составлять планы (черновые проекты); общепринятые (традиционные) формы; быть в постоянном поиске; соответствующий; исследовать (изучать) возможности; изогнутая раковина; спираль; круг; прямоугольник; квадрат; конус; куб; цилиндр; пирамида; многоугольник; в защиту; чрезвычайно-оригинальный проект; отвлекать внимание от; шедевры; усталость; противодействовать; спускаться вниз; рассматривать под углом; мольберт; обязательная остановка; поразительный эффект заключается в; находиться в стадии строительства; вопреки гравитации; ухмыляться; разгадать загадку (музея).

2.Find words and expressions in the text that mean the following.

1.exhibition presenting modern architectural projects which have been created by well-known and respected architects (line 2)

2.together with (line 3)

3.a time when something happens (line 5)

4.to give an opinion about (line 5)

5.a person or firm that shows something in public (line 9)

6.new and different from (lines 10)

7.because of (line 19)

8.to be in a state of complete agreement (in feelings, ideas) with (line 21)

9.not to be interested in; not to like something very much (line 35)

10.to make someone be responsible for something (line 36)

11.lack of success (line 39

12.refusal to accept something (line 43)

13.correct or suitable for a particular situation or occasion (line 43)

14.to make someone completely certain about something; to persuade (line 51)

15.to declare or state, esp. in the face of opposition (line 63)

16.a piece of work, esp. art, done with extreme skill (line 67)

17.to reduce the effect of something by opposite action (line 69)

18.smth with the quality of demanding competitive action, interest, or thought (line 74)

19.to find something by reasoning or calculating (line 82)

3.Match the adjectives and adverbs on the left with their synonyms used in the text on the right.

1) evident

a) ultimately

2) authoritative

b) controversial

3) modern

c) revolutionary

4) loyal

d) magnificent

5) obligatory

e) concerned

6) well-known

f) definitive

7) surprising; shocking

g) merely

8) causing much argument or disagreement

h) devoted

9) following established customs or standards

i) dreary

10) brave and not afraid to take risks

j) apparent

11) gloomy

k) committed

12) wonderfully fine

l) stunning

13) responsible

m) contemporary

14) anxious; worried

n) renowned

15) in the end

o) compulsory

16) only; simply

p) conventional

17) completely new and different

q) bold

4. Make new words by adding suffixes or prefixes to the italicized words. Translate the sentences.

ant / ion

1.He decided to exhibit some of his works.

2.The … promised to be magnificent and definitive.

3.Many renowned … were ready to present their best paintings there.

ary / ize /

1.Wright’s houses caused the architecture revolution.

2.The … are attacking the palace.

3.He succeeded in creating dozens of quite … buildings.

4. The discovery of the new drug has … the treatment of many diseases.

ing / ly

1.It’s not a surprise that from his early childhood Wright, a devoted reader of

Walt Whitman and Henry David Thoreau, accepted the “natural philosophy” expressed in their writings.

2.His … artistic gift was shaped under their influence.

3.As a result, … innovative houses created by Wright, still strike the eye as new and unusual.

ment / ed

1.He has committed himself to taking care of her.

2.At the same time he didn’t want to get married because he didn’t want any marital … .

3.The government is fully … to improving living conditions of the population of the country.

ance / able / un

1.She accepted his apology very graciously.

2.It is generally … that smoking causes bad health.

3.Unfortunately, his standard of work is … .

4.First of all, he appealed to his friends and relatives to gain … for his invention.

al / ous / ity / ly

1.If sales continue at their present rate, we will make record profits this year.

2.She will … as spokeswoman for the organization.

3.They lived in … fear.

4.The process appeared to be a … long.

5.The brain needs a … supply of food.

6.There is no … between the three parts of the book.

5. Fill in the gaps with the proper prepositions.

1.Wright’s works along ….. the works of other renowned architects were presented in the museum.

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